multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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amish dude
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multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by amish dude » Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:25 pm

My friend mr XXX use your mp 204 across Strategy and has loses in the 15K range.

I have told him bet minimum so you have less loses when the hand is going good increase your bets or bet on

your self only !
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wild child
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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by wild child » Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:42 pm


With U S D of $15 K down the septic
your friend Mr xxx seems far less playing an Advantage Version of the M P $204 Across
more by far a form of Kamikaze K raps
Friends don't let friends play Kamikaze anything.
amish dude :
Has your friend sought help ?

As a friend ,perhaps it would be best to accompany your friend so he doesn't further hurt himself or others.......


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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by tonybugs » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:26 pm

How many sessions had Mr. Xxx played? I believe MP says to leave after 2 PSO's. So even with a couple of PPSO's a 1K loss per session should be max.

I don't think Mr. Xxx is playing correctly. Might need to re-read system.


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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by SHOOTITALL » Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:13 pm

I would lay odds he has never practiced at home. I tell you that when I tried it in practice, I got confused but BTT helped me. It worked but it is very stressful.
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.

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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by heavy » Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:28 am

" Mr.XXX " is a GOOD , focused shooter - PARR style - SO position -
If he is shooting from straight out he is not shooting PARR style.

Seriously, just giving you a hard time, SS. Better get used to it if you're moving to Vegas. It ain't Jersey, that's for sure.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

Mad Professor

Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by Mad Professor » Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:12 am

A $15,000 loss is equivalent to 74 uninterupted PSO's in a row with the MP-$204. Now that is some variance happening there.

Both Amish Dude and SnakeEyes seem to be saying that they've never seen Mr. XXX bet on anything else, Hardways, no Craps checks or C&E's, not even a single solitary bet on any random-rollers, ever...and that all of those losses (if they are true) are due to his betting the MP-$204 only on his own good well-validated shooting, and that of other skilled-shooters.

Hmmmm. I have serious doubts about that.


wild child
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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by wild child » Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:00 pm

$15,000 / 204 = 73.529411........
Still a way lot close to Kamikaze than any global advantage wager plan
A D brought the plight of hid friend Mr xxx by posting about the subject

My thoughts : Someone needs HELP

M P Please do not go into shock ...I am in solidarity with you on this one :!:

Even if it is only I so saying
Wild Child


Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by freak » Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:09 pm

I just ran the MP$204 against all of the rolls we recorded from July 2013 through July 2014. 12,497 rolls. 1,511 hands. Randies and our own shooting combined. Not a validated edge in this shooting by any means. Final result was a loss of -$12,306.

So if Mr x has faithfully followed this strategy despite having no validated edge for 1700 hands or so I could believe that loss report to be true.

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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by Maddog » Wed Nov 12, 2014 6:10 pm

Of course if someone used this strategy over 1700 hands of mixed randy and unproven DI, then they would NOT have faithfully followed the strategy. It is a strategy ONLY to be used on PROVEN DI's where you just don't know what the signature pattern of each DI is, only that there is a DI edge overall.

Once you toss in the results of random shooters and unproven DI's then you have just another strategy in a negative expectation game.

(just repeating what Freak posted, in another way)

Mad Professor

Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by Mad Professor » Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:27 pm

Maddog wrote:Of course if someone used this strategy over 1700 hands of mixed randy and unproven DI, then they would NOT have faithfully followed the strategy. It is a strategy ONLY to be used on PROVEN DI's where you just don't know what the signature pattern of each DI is, only that there is a DI edge overall.

Once you toss in the results of random shooters and unproven DI's then you have just another strategy in a negative expectation game.
Yep, that's exactly what I was trying to say, but in a much less refined and much more inelegant way. Thanks MD!


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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by heavy » Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:45 am

And it could just be that he considers $15,000 as "chump change." Plenty of folks out there have sufficient bankroll that they feel that way.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

Mad Professor

Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by Mad Professor » Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:00 am

Heavy wrote:And it could just be that he considers $15,000 as "chump change." Plenty of folks out there have sufficient bankroll that they feel that way.

Isn't that the truth! :lol:

~If I lose an entire $2000 buy-in at the craps table, I won't lie, it DOES bother me. Maybe not as much as it used to, but it still does bother me to some extent.

On the other hand...

~When I am trading 3x-ETF's, my OTE (open trade equity) can move as much as $50,000 one way or the other on a tick-by-tick basis; yet it doesn't bother me in the least.

I guess it's all relative.

Thanks also to Snakeeyes for bringing clarity to Mr. XXX's problem.


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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by slowdriver » Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:49 pm

freak wrote:I just ran the MP$204 against all of the rolls we recorded from July 2013 through July 2014. 12,497 rolls. 1,511 hands. Randies and our own shooting combined. Not a validated edge in this shooting by any means. Final result was a loss of -$12,306.

So if Mr x has faithfully followed this strategy despite having no validated edge for 1700 hands or so I could believe that loss report to be true.

Hey freak I am kind of curious how a darkside strategy would have worked with those recorded rolls how about betting the don’t pass with single odds after the shooter made his first point for instance?

I like Biloxi in the spring and Vegas in the summer.

amish dude
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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by amish dude » Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:44 pm

TG the snakeye$ will no longer be in A/C as he has left the state and did not turn off the lights on our casino!

Last sunday Snake$eye$ is up het set and makes a point then he PSO'd, next shooter his other half same thing she also PSO'd\

I am up 13 toss's later i go out next round Snakeeye$ PSO, his other half does the same,
I am up 39 toss's later 7out And he has the nerve to fire me from the team that we started,

closing out that week end Mr XX is now up 3k plus paying off his marker
This week end sent mr XX with some one from my team with MrXx he is having a blast

Craps @ 12 has left the building have a nice life

when it is no longer fun it is time to RUN Welcome friends of AD
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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by tonybugs » Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:40 pm

Craps @12 rules-

1- no talking to shooter or anyone near shooter, or anyone near someone who's near the shooter.
2- no clapping, cheering, or any other kind of positive emotion after point is made.
3- all hard ways, hops, horn bets must be placed BEFORE point is established so the shooter gets dice back in his hands within 14 seconds of previous throw, because if shooter doesn't shoot within that time frame his mojo is broken.
4- bets are off if hard ten, three, twelve, 3 eights in a row, eleven, hard four, 4 nines, any six after a five, nine(6,3) after after 2 box numbers that were both even were thrown.
5- lose half of buyin first time around table, than grind to stay alive before losing everything else in 2 more trips around table.
6- make sure your available to lose every Sunday

Application can be picked up at front desk for those who qualify



Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by 8x8x8 » Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:25 pm

There are no such rules

Especially bets off after 3 8's in a row......... Lmfao
When that happens this means there are 5 more coming very soon


amish dude
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Re: multiple loss secions using MP's 204 across

Post by amish dude » Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:43 am

tonybugs wrote:Craps @12 rules-

1- no talking to shooter or anyone near shooter, or anyone near someone who's near the shooter.
2- no clapping, cheering, or any other kind of positive emotion after point is made.
3- all hard ways, hops, horn bets must be placed BEFORE point is established so the shooter gets dice back in his hands within 14 seconds of previous throw, because if shooter doesn't shoot within that time frame his mojo is broken.
4- bets are off if hard ten, three, twelve, 3 eights in a row, eleven, hard four, 4 nines, any six after a five, nine(6,3) after after 2 box numbers that were both even were thrown.
5- lose half of buyin first time around table, than grind to stay alive before losing everything else in 2 more trips around table.
6- make sure your available to lose every Sunday

Application can be picked up at front desk for those who qualify

craps@12 took a turn for the garbage can

Tonybugs check your email about

MY Group

where we are in it for FUN/ yes you can clap yell and scream when apropreiate

even talk

and profit is secondary the cost of having fun ops I forgot to invite Kraptoluv
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