Hop Bets

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Hop Bets

Post by heavy » Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:36 am

Okay, before we go into a discussion of whether or not to play hop bets - let's take a look at what they are. Hop bets are one-roll bets that the dice will roll a specific way. In that regard, they are pretty much the same as a prop bet on the aces, ace-deuce, yo, or midnight. The payoff on the hopper depends on whether the number is "easy" or "hard." A hard six hop, for example, will pay the same as aces or midnight on the center of the table. Typically that's 30 - 1. An easy six will pay half that - 15 - 1. House edge on that is 11.11% if the math guys are getting it right. Pretty ugly. But hop bets do add a certain element of entertainment to the game, and I've seen DI's use them very effectively when they were in the zone and hitting a lot of repeaters.

I recall one player I witnessed in Tunica once who played nothing but hoppers. He'd put $5 on the DP so he could toss the dice, then he'd throw ouf $10 nines on the hop bets and start bouncing nines all over the place. I was definitely impressed. On the flip side, I've wasted a LOT of hop dollars through the years.

Of our forum members, Golfer probably uses this bet more than anyone. When does he play it? Hopefully he will chime in. Personally, I use hoppers on the come out (in the form of the World bet), whenever that little "voice" in my head tells me that I'm about to roll a specific number (usually nines on the hop), and occasionally to help myself - or some other shooter - refocus on the point at hand after an interruption. "Two-way nines on the jump for the shooter." And yes, I'll even use a hopper as a toke bet for the boys from time to time. I remember hitting a hard six hop for the boys one night and the table when wild.

So let's hear it. Opinions on hop bets. Do you use them? If so, when and why. If not - why not? Inquiring minds and all that.
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Re: Hop Bets

Post by heavy » Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:39 am

It occurs to me that I left off the "hop bet" that I use most frequently - the "Sevens on the hop." Thoughts there too?
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Re: Hop Bets

Post by kenb » Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:59 pm

There've been a time or two that I've bet Sevens turning on the come out roll. There would be a streak of them--four, five, maybe six consecutive sevens. Starting at the $6 level, that's a $26 payout. Press it up at $3 intervals, and during that streak, profit can increase nicely. Not a bad bet, if it wasn't for the 16.67% charge.

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Re: Hop Bets

Post by Golfer » Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:54 pm

Alright H, you suckered me in. Hop bets are the crack cocaine of craps. That said, they are a great way to turbocharge a session results, if you are shooting really well. I do make hop bets (on the 7) when not shooting, but that is mostly when playing the don't and I have identified a trend of a 7 showing within a certain number of rolls.

When shooting well I most frequently hop the 7's, along with the horn numbers for my comeout game within a game play. I do admit my most frequent play is Heavy's original.........A $5 world with a $2 Hi-Low. 1st hit pays $55 and still up.

I will return to write more later. But will leave you with this tidbit.........my biggest winning be on a one roll hop bet was $28 on Midnight (12). That ain't the biggest but I did smile when getting paid.


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Re: Hop Bets

Post by Americraps » Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:06 pm

See it in your mind FIRST...Then do it!


Re: Hop Bets

Post by traveler » Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:12 am

Well, I mentioned it once before. $3 on the hop sevens. I am tossing.
I threw 5 sevens in a row parlaying the first couple of hits and took around $1,000 off the table
before setting a number.

Unfortunately the 8th toss was another seven. Two BM were at the table. North of me in Washington.
Nice. The House seemed happy about it.


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Re: Hop Bets

Post by Michael » Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:08 am

I have never played a hop bet in my life.I was playing Sunday and the player next to me was betting $10 5 and 9 hop.It started by the player next to him taking down his 9.He said watch this he hopped the 9 for $10,next roll 9.He said that works most of the time.He started hopping the 5 and 9 and hit several.Made a beliver out of me.He was up about a $1000 and left.I still didn't bet a hop (stupid ?).Saw him later(2 Hours)He said he had given it all back.Maybe not so stupid.
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Re: Hop Bets

Post by rollinbones » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:52 pm

I hop, but only when I'm winning. Just cuz it's fun.
It's aways for the point for $5 and it's always only one way (i.e. 5-4). It's just a gut thing, it usually loses but when it hits it feels soooo good!

As noted in my AC Superbowl trip report, for the first time ever I hopped the point, 5-4, for $25 and it hit. $375!!!! the most excited I've ever been at a table. It wll likely be a VERY long time before I do that agian.

I will add, I almost never play the hardways. Seems I'm always late to that party. So the ocassional $5 hop is my one sucker indulgence to the middle of the table.

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Re: Hop Bets

Post by heavy » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:08 pm

I've had some dandy hard way hop bets hit - particularly on the come-out when I had a parlayed hardway up there that I don't want to expose to the sevens. But at the end of the day I use hoppers primarily as hedges. Okay, occasionally I use them as an entertainment bet. And occasionally I use them to help myself (or others) focus on what the point is. It's all fun when you win.
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Re: Hop Bets

Post by Golfer » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:55 pm

Traveler my best was 5 in a row and hit at $50. Of course I pressed and set a point. The hardway hoppers and the 2 & 12 are the rush of rushes. Yet, you can't do it all the time.......only when feeling it.........or you know thew shooter. If Irish tosses a yo or 1-2 then you better hop them on the next roll. If H is shooting well it is 5's and 9's........well it used to be. For me it is 7's, 2's and 12's.

At times when I used to use the flying v I would set the yo's and 1-2 all the way around and bet them plus the hopping hard 6 and 8. I did have a pit critter watch me for awhile after I had hit a couple of those.

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Re: Hop Bets

Post by Americraps » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:28 pm

I made and hit a hop bet today. I am using a cross 6 variant that throws off a lot of 2's and 12's, so I made a $2 Hi Low on the CO and nailed the aces. That was cool.
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Re: Hop Bets

Post by Golfer » Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:04 am

Welcome to the club Americraps. Use in moderation.


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Re: Hop Bets

Post by heavy » Wed Nov 13, 2019 5:11 pm

I think it was my buddy Golfer who coined the phrase "Hop Bets are the crack cocaine of craps." I love that line and use it all the time in classes. The question is - do YOU use hop bets? If so - when, why, and for how much? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Re: Hop Bets

Post by Big O » Wed Nov 13, 2019 9:43 pm

occasionally when a shooter 7outs on a long hand just needing one number for the ATS i will hop that number on the next roll. When i have my hardways pressed up from several hits and turn them off on the comeout i will hop that hardway (wonder where i learned that one)
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Re: Hop Bets

Post by 220Inside » Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:28 pm

If I ever move a place bet off a number for not paying its rent, I'll frequently hop the number on the next toss.

If I have a HW bet pressed up, I'll hop the HW on a comeout roll rather than work the HWs.

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Re: Hop Bets

Post by r_ventura_23 » Thu Nov 14, 2019 8:08 am

22Inside wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:28 pm

If I have a HW bet pressed up, I'll hop the HW on a comeout roll rather than work the HWs.
I like this move.

At this point the only time I have done a hop is for a shooter. I do plan, one day, when someone buys in during my roll, to remove all my bets and hop the 7's.

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