What's the deal with "our guys" and low limit games?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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What's the deal with "our guys" and low limit games?

Post by heavy » Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:11 pm

You see it in trip reports all the time - "I went to the casino and all of the games were $10 so I left." We're always looking for a $5 game or - if the dice gods smile on us - a $2 or $3 game with half-dollars on the table so we get a correct pay off on our place bets. I'm assuming that most of you are playing with some sort of positive EV. So why aren't we capitalizing on it.

MP mentioned something along these lines over on Clark's Pay the Line thread. There was a time, years ago, where I said similar things. If you can play $44 inside and win $100 a day then why not play $440 a day and win $1000 a day? What is it about playing at higher limits that keeps so many of us out of the game? I know most of you have the bankroll to play a $10 - $25 game. So what's up?
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Re: What's the deal with "our guys" and low limit games?

Post by 6dollar6 » Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:41 pm

Easy answer for me.

For me to get an instant PSO.......bet $220 inside.

To get repeaters......min. passline no odds, and two min. come bets no odds.

Absolutely certain to bring a hot hand.

The dice know when I'm risking 22% of my buy-in,
and when I'm only risking 1.5% of my buy-in.


Mad Professor

Re: What's the deal with "our guys" and low limit games?

Post by Mad Professor » Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:20 pm

6dollar6 wrote:
The dice know when I'm risking 22% of my buy-in,
and when I'm only risking 1.5% of my buy-in.

Well, the dice don't know...but the skilled-shooter certainly does :ugeek: ...and therein lies the problem.

While low-buck tables offer maximum bet-sizing flexibility; it also usually means much higher table-populations...even if it's completely empty when you first walk up to it.


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Re: What's the deal with "our guys" and low limit games?

Post by heavy » Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:54 pm

Well, I thoght I knew the answer to this question when I posed it - I think it's all about the "craps" between our ears. I just wanted to hear someone else say it.
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Re: What's the deal with "our guys" and low limit games?

Post by $5Bill » Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:25 pm

6dollar6, I had to laugh when I read that. It seems that way with me too. That's why I stood there the other day with my thumb up my ass while this guy rolled a 58 roll hand.

Well getting back to Heavy's question...Now that I have a bankroll to play with, I'm not afraid to play at a higher minimum table as long as it is empty or near empty. When I go to the casino, I look for the most empty table I can find and not what the table minimum is. Of course I am talking about here in Illinois where the highest table minimum is usually $15 - $25, although at my local casino it's usually $10-$15. I want the dice as often as I can get them. 2 people at a table is perfect for me. That gives me a chance to take break in between hands so I don't get worn out to fast.

I remember the first time I went to Vegas with my son. We went into the MGM and I saw this table that what I thought was a $3 minimum one. I dug into my pockets to get out a few $20 bills, that's when my son said to me, "Dad, That's a $300 minimum table." I was so embarrassed, I was glad that he stopped me before I tossed the dealer my three $20 bills. I have a bankroll now but it's know where near that large, at least not yet. (I gotta think positive.)


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