Mini-Bankroll Betting

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by heavy » Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:43 am

Here's a simple premise for you. You are an experienced player but due to the current economic state you can only muster about $120 for your buy-in. You have NO reserves. You can re-charge your bankroll once every 2 weeks - a total of $240 a month. If you run through the entire $120 you're on your way home and won't be able to play again for another 2 weeks. Let's hear what your play strategy is. Casino selection. Table selection. When do you get in the game. How do you play? Betting strategy? Win goal? Loss limit? The whole deal. Who wants to weigh in?
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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by heavy » Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:49 pm

Okay, okay. Table minimum is $5. Make it a 3-4-5X odds game. Triple on the 12 on the Field. Standard 30-1 and 15-1 prop payouts. Not that you should be betting any of them.
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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by realtime » Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:20 pm

I would play a doey/don't bet laying double odds after the point when I shoot preferably at an empty table. I would call it a session after winning $50, but I would play multiple sessions hoping to win $150 for the day. If I lost 3 consecutive bets by making the point I would call it a session, regroup and give it another try later on.

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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by KCLady » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:19 pm

I bought in on a $10 table for $120 at the casino on Sunday (this particular casino only as $10 tables). Tried a pass line and it lost, so I watched for quite some time before risking any more $ - table was all random rollers and I didn't shoot since I"m fairly new to DI and couldn't get to my SL1 position. After watching a while I noticed field bets were showing regularly so I placed a few field bets after non-field numbers showed and managed to win back what I'd previously lost plus $60. Since I had the bet covered and not out of my bankroll, after watching again for a little while tried the Steve3 al_falcons is working with on the testing, testing, testing thread. I managed to hit twice so I reached the $12 regression point but didn't make it any further. Cashed out with $115 profit. I find it's VERY hard for me to watch the numbers going by without placing money on the table but I've also found that by hoarding and not putting the money out until I see some promise of inside numbers that I'm managing to either hold steady or win a little when the rest of the table is loosing.

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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by wild child » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Go with the 16.666666% to toss a SEVEN

Were a shooter a Dice Influencer to some degree,on the COME/OUT ,a set of three( 3 ) sevens back to back to back could be just another day at the office ecenomic downturn or NO.........

My choice would be to crank up THE SHORT BUS ,truck over to a casino with a 16 foot long ultra bouncy nappy Micro Fiber and GO FOR IT in SEVERAL SERIES of THREE SETS OF BACK TO BACK PARLAYS..........

On the hypothetical $5 Minumum craps table our guy could :

A) $5 on P/L and $15 BIG RED First SEVEN TOSSED = Winnings of $5 P/L + $60 won on BIG RED =$65

ROUND THREE : PARLAY P/L $20 BIG RED $300 AFTER THIRD SEVEN our guy is bankrolled with an additional $40 + $1,500 = $1,540 minus $5 P/L and $15 BIB RED for a adjusted $1520 in WINNINGS

B) Out guy could Place Bet $5 and work the series as above.
....In this example our D I chooses to HOP THE SEVENS FOR $15

The CASINO states the win as 15 X the WINNING COMBINATION of 6/1 3/4 or 5/2 as only the actual winning combo wins and the other two combos loose.

A way some STREET SMARTZ GUYS count the WIN is actually FIVE TIMES THE TOTAL BET at risk
Either way the calculation yields $15 x 5 = $75 less $10 for the looser two combos NET $65


Thr greedy may go for a FIVE PARLAY SERIES and at times pull it off

Let us recall our guy started out being in need

Let's wish & hope our guy figures out THE GREEDY BECOME THE NEEDY :shock:


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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by heavy » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:55 pm

Oh gee. I've created a monster.
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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by Golfer » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:27 pm

Damn WC...........are we related? Like the thinking..........Love the parlay moves.


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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by heavy » Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:15 pm

Okay, I'm going to toss out a couple of suggestions.

Suggestion 1. $10 DP followed by a $5 DC. Wait for a decision on both.

Suggestion 2. $6 DP. Establish the point then place $6 each on the six and eight. This is SIA's one-hit-can't-miss play.

Suggestion 3. Dust off the old "Heat Seeker and play it at the $5 level - never more than 3 units at risk. I don't recall if I ever posted the Heat Seeker since cranking up this new forum. If not - I'll have to find it on the home computer hard drive and re-post it later.

Any other thoughts?
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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by SHOOTITALL » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:07 pm

I'll put an oar in the water here. First, skip the first $120 and wait until you had the $240. Now, since you will be playing with scared money, this is the best I can offer. The statistics come from our good friend MP.
Clock the table. O.K. chart the table.
What you are looking for is the frequency of three hopefully four non field numbers in a row. That will happen 9.62% of the time
Three will happen 17.14% of the time.
On the fifth roll, start a grand martingale: $5.
If you lose, wait again for either three or four non field numbers in a row. Then on the fourth or fifth roll: $15
If you lose, $35
If you lose, $75
You are done. Anyone that unlucky should not play craps anyways.
You of course could run the martingale on one try. After four non field numbers, crank it up. To lose, seven or eight
non field number must run in a row. My best was throwing 17 field numbers in a row. I have never counted the non field numbers in a row.
Now, this falls within the $120 bank roll within $5 bucks, hence, waiting until you have the$240.
Oh, yea, bring a book to read. You will not be making many bets, and you are going to be there a very long time.
You will see a variation of the on the "Best Craps Game" thread when I finish with tweaking it. sia
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.

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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by wild child » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:14 pm


There is the Democrat Party..............

There is the Republican Party..........

There is the Taxed Enough Already ( T E A ) Party............

Golfer , Brother Man If we say going to the casino = GOING TO THE OFFICE..........



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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by Kelph » Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:10 pm

Agree with sia, pass first two weeks and get the next $120 to have a decent beginning BR. However since I do bet randies (selectively) I’d be visiting during those two weeks to pick the best time for my style and to zero in on any regulars that may have some consistency of results regardless of which side it may be.

When I do begin it will be when I’ve decided it’s right by the number of players and any info I may have gathered on them. I’ll watch and chart the table/players. I’ll skip Pass & Come because I need to be able to pick up everything when I want….nothing lingers beyond my ability to recall it to my rack . A $240 BR means a two unit Place bet on two numbers at best or single units if less than best or a single DP depending on what side I’ve decided to play with this shooter.

If it’s the best scenario and get a hit I’ll regress to single units for one more hit…..well maybe unless I don’t like what I’m seeing and then everything comes down. Single unit bets will come down after a hit. If a DP is lost I’ll replace it once but will not lay odds at this stage. Depending on what I’ve decided regarding the table and shooter I will allot a specific number of rolls to get my hit or pull them down and just wait it out.

Whole decision process will begin again with the next shooter. I’ll avoid taking uncalled for chances. This BR needs to be protected, nurtured so it grows. As it grows my options will increase. What I don’t want is to blow the wad and be out for up to two weeks until I can reload and start the crawl from scratch again. I would hate to see a golden opportunity come and go because I didn’t have the cash to play. Accordingly, three losing initial bets (25% of my BR) wraps up my session for the day. Obviously I’m not reading the table or shooters correctly and my decisions are off. Lick my slight wounds, rest, eat, relax and return the next day or so when everything is fresh and possible.

A few weeks of success even at this level, will add up plus another $120 will be coming in. The ongoing approach will remain the same with another number being added to the initial bet and initial betting amounts increasing. My intention would not be to play longer but rather the same amount of time at a higher betting level getting my money faster, increasing my BR faster, and getting out of the casino faster unless good fortune has me locked into a really hot hand.

Not terribly specific I know but I’m not sure how anyone could be until they know what they’re up against.


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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by eastcoast » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:06 pm

Keep it simple. Passline with 2X odds. No RRs. If the 7s are rolling on the come out, alot 10 to 15% for a seven hop, or a World Bet. After a few wins, ramp up the odds. With the limited buy-in this type of play limits the volitility to the minimum.

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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by Dylanfreake » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:09 pm

I`d play the Dylanacci/Cowtippin` Combo Negression. Naked Dont Pass 5 6/ 5/ 6 8 11 14 19 25 Loss limit $99. Lock up the $21 excess to add to bankroll for next casino trip. Just play as long as you want to or until you lose $99. Just keep in mind that the goal is to leave the table a winner.

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Re: Mini-Bankroll Betting

Post by heavy » Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:15 am

I love the term "negression." Sort of what the economy has been doing the last four or five years.
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