How Much To Press?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: How Much To Press?

Post by Americraps » Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:44 pm

Hi AlB- OK, I get it. My earlier comment about the $44 going to $66 protecting a CO7 was wrong, because you are not WOTCO.
Assuming on your first toss, you came out on a 6, and had a 10 PL bet, for your next toss would you then put $10 in odds on the 6, and have $10 on the 5/9 and $12 on the 8?
Lets say your next toss was a 5- would you press your 3 box numbers 1 unit?
See it in your mind FIRST...Then do it!

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Re: How Much To Press?

Post by AlBTossin » Wed Mar 25, 2015 5:28 pm

Hi Americraps - Yes that is correct. Drop $2 or $3 bucks and get the 3 box #'s pressed one unit each. Fortunately I play at casinos during the weekday where most tables are $5 so $5 PL and $10 in odds. I actually went to the casinos yesterday with the intent to play this strategy on each of my tosses no mater what - no initial warm ups on new tables. Well the first hand was my best of the day, probably high 20's and the strategy worked great! Second hand was fair and colored up $375 up. Well the rest of the day went somewhat down hill and PSO'd my last 2 tosses before calling it a day. I gave back $225 of the winnings but the one good roll made more money than the losses on several hands.

I do believe though I need to use some common sense when moving to a new table and maybe at least hit a box # before going all in. Also I was just disappointed on my discipline yesterday. I was not feeling well with allergy problems. But the big cardinal sin was I went back to the tables for one last shot after eating a late lunch. And that is where the 2 PSO's came from. I had a long discussion with myself on the drive home.

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Re: How Much To Press?

Post by Americraps » Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:55 am

I've never done well after eating.
See it in your mind FIRST...Then do it!

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Re: How Much To Press?

Post by mssthis1 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:24 am

Americraps wrote:I've never done well after eating.

Last night as an experiment I tossed the dice 108 times at home even though I had just ate a huge dinner and I was dog poo tired. The axis results were totally random and my SSR was 5.7.

It's hard to do but I plan on taking a nap or switching to Blackjack the next time I get fatigued on an out of town trip instead of coffee like I do now.


Re: How Much To Press?

Post by sam_grafstein » Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:16 pm

I use to say if I don't press shoot me ... but then I've mellowed as I try and keep my bankroll alive and well. I believe in same betting early to get my stake back and not take too big a hit on PSO rolls, so I go with $240.00 and bet on the 6/8 ... for each win - I same bet 2x - to get my stake back - then press 12$ to 18 to 30 to 42 to 60 .... here I'll same bet again to take a 70$ profit ...and then press aggressively to 90 - 120 - 180 - 300 - 420 - 600 - 900 etc.

I think regardless of how I press - in the end if I gamble 100,000$ with one bet - my Vig is 1.51% and if I gamble $100,000 but over 25 years, and hundreds of rolls - guess what my Vig is ... 1.51%...

So ... I want to keep my bankroll alive and take some early wins ... suffering at the hands of those 1 in 100 Monster be it.

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Re: How Much To Press?

Post by The Claremont Kid » Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:59 pm

I have been using MP's spread with regressing after two or three hits (three if the dice are looking good) in practices session and am really pleased with the outcome. I have been doing a pull and press on the inside numbers and placing the 4 and or the 10 after I have seen them hit. I'm into going after the numbers that are hitting and not being consumed by the statistics. Periodically (when I get the gambling bug)I will full press a number that is hitting until it is in the $90 range then collecting a few hits and then go to a pull and full press and let it rip. Those $105 payouts can add up pretty quickly. Looking to run this in Laughlin next week. May get up to Vegas for an early morning as well.

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