Another Don't System

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Re: Another Don't System

Post by WOLFBYTE » Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:22 am


Americraps, are you still motoring in your 2010 Prius ? I ordered a over-the-engine strut bar out of the PRIUS CHAT.COM site and

had the local Toyota dealer install it for +$100.00. It was a deal because they had to take the firewall apart and it took them 3 hours.

I had bought my Navy blue Prius 10 months ago to use as a...go-to-Neveda gaming ride.....easy on gas..... +57MPG .....sweet !

As I was coming back from Vegas, I was sweeping left down from the Mohave Desert on Highway 58 into Bakerfield, Ca. and the nose-heavy

Prius shifted left with body roll and oversteering. I thought I was going to flip the gd car and die !

So.... when I got home, I parked it for 10 days until the over-the-engine strut bar arrived and was installed.

Wow ! ..... I drove it 6 feet from under the Toyota service carport and I instantly knew......

This car is now a BMW as far as handling goes ! ....get one & you will see what I mean.


I have found NO difference in the naked outcome numbers ( +,-,+,+,+,-,- ) between craps, roulette or baccarat. I can lay out the numbers

and I can not tell what set of numbers belongs to which game ?

In 1987 I began fooling around with a 5-step double-up ( DP ) neg. progression on my computer and it worked 90+ % of the I took

$1,200.00 to Vegas on a 12 hour turnaround bus gaming trip.

Our first stop was a dump-your-cash-at-the-border stop at Whiskey Pete's Casino in Primm, Nv. I was shaking like a leaf as I bought in at the roulette

wheel and I waited for 4 same-way back-to-back outcomes to manifest before I started a 5-step $25.00 game the other way.

It went : -25,-50, +100...end of play. The kid roulette dealer yelled to the pit boss.... " Hey, this guy just bet $175.00 to win $25.00. "

So it went for several plays....then it dawned on me..... " The roulette table limit is only $250.00 ....I could get caught like a dead-duck at the table limit ! "

So.... I was up $150.00 and I quit the game and the Casino.

We were going to be at Whiskey Pete's for 4 more hours.......... I was stuck in a sawdust sweat-the-$$$$ Casino for 4 hours.

I nosed around and found I could take the employee bus, to Vegas, for $5.00. I made arrangements with the tour bus guide to meet up at the NYNY

Casino at 8:00PM. I ran like hell to catch the employee bus that was boarding behind the Casino next to the massive propane tank.

Next post.... Hooking up with two ( BJ broke ) kids from Mesa, Arizona at the NYNY Casino and using my home computer-tested progression...taking the NYNY

Casino for $1,000's.


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Re: Another Don't System

Post by heavy » Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:04 am

For those of you who miss old Wolfbyte's (WWWWWWW) occasional treks to the gambling fringe - I give you "Another Don't System." Americraps started this thread but Wolfbyte wrapped it up. Enjoy. I'd say ask questions but Wolfbyte will have to answer from an astral plane as he no longer walks among us.
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Re: Another Don't System

Post by London Shooter » Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:14 am

Well maybe Wolfbyte is now teaching Bowie and Lemmy about craps.

Again, it's a few years on now,so would be interesting to hear if Americraps still goes with the hopping 7s progression, or if not how long it lasted for in his gameplan?


Re: Another Don't System

Post by Dylanfreake » Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:07 am

We are all just flat-toothed, 60 watt generators.

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Re: Another Don't System

Post by Americraps » Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:28 pm

Woflbyte was a cool dude- He had some very intense systems. I never saw that post until today, and no, I've never driven a Prius.

Hi LS- As Heavy breathes life into these old threads, I am continually amazed by just how many systems I have tried, loved, hated, then given up and forgotten about, Lol!

Over the years, I have messed around with a lot of different systems, but there is something intriguing with these martingale types. They seem nearly foolproof in that they all go down for the big one now and then, but you win so much in between those times, that they feel profitable.
The problem is, my record keeping gets a little sloppy with playing one system on me, and then a different one on everyone else, then co-mingling the funds. I have no idea if that one was long term profitable, but I think not.

I do remember when I quit playing it. It was actually in Tunica during a seminar weekend, and with a table full of DI's, some randy went on a tear, and tore me a new one at Sams Town. Al Falcons was watching with a morbid curiosity, thinking what a Dumbs$$t I was, lol. I quit because it was way too stressful. THose negative progression systems tend to make the old blood pressure rise.

To date, the only system thats worked for me long term (in practice) is Rapping Captains Exponential Odds. I've not tried it in the casino. I haven't shown a whole lot of influence over the dice to this point, so if a system works for me, I wonder if it might work on the randies, too...

Dylan Freake has found a way to be profitable without touchig the dice, and has proven his success over the long term. He's the only one I know of that has done it.
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Re: Another Don't System

Post by realtime » Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:05 pm

Americraps wrote: I never saw that post until today, and no, I've never driven a Prius.
So what vehicle did you and Bill ride in on the trip to Tunica where y'all videotaped everyone?

I seem to remember it being described as a...Prius.

Hopefully W7's spirit hasn't invaded my brain and left that same memory he had!

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Re: Another Don't System

Post by Americraps » Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:12 pm

Might have been my Honda Accord-the best car I've ever owned, it might have been my Ford F150, the best truck I've ever owned, honestly can't remember which. WildBill- Do you remember which?
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Re: Another Don't System

Post by realtime » Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:41 pm

That is weird. Don't know where I got the Prius idea in my head. Probably from W7.

I have been lately hankering to go buy the Zumma book, a Big Chief tablet, and a box of number 2 pencils though.

Visions of double reverse capping ciphering dance in my head.

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Re: Another Don't System

Post by Americraps » Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:47 pm

Looks like Heavy has been hacked
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Re: Another Don't System

Post by $5Bill » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:33 pm

Hi Americraps

I have a couple of photos that I took on our tip to Tunica.
The first one has the name of your truck on the windshield, F150
The second photo is a picture of your dashboard.

Last edited by $5Bill on Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Another Don't System

Post by heavy » Sat Sep 15, 2018 12:27 am

This has to be one of the weirder threads on the forum in recent years. Good for a read (for a strategy) and a laugh (thanks to wwwww).
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Re: Another Don't System

Post by SHOOTITALL » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:13 pm

When I read this the other day, I went to DuckDuckgo and looked for the 77 don't system just to understand it. I found what I was looking for and all I can say is it is not a system for the faint hearted nor light of wallet. Good luck with that. Basically, a due number system. Secondly, it sets in after two sevens in a row. Good luck with TUUA waiting for that to happen. So, the gist is a lot of waiting around with no action and then getting lucky. This is no offense toward WWW as he must have tried a hundred systems, it just really doesn't meet the criteria of craps playing as a hobby. This is my opinion only. sia
Screw up. This post is in the wrong thread, I thought it was about the 77 Don't System. God, this getting old sucks.
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Re: Another Don't System

Post by Knick111 » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:26 pm

Greetings S.I.ALL,

What is better GETTING OLD or getting buried 6 feet under .?

I am only 75, how old are you S.I. ALL.?

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Re: Another Don't System

Post by DarthNater » Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:06 pm

This thread needs a bump......

Yeah, Heavy calls this a weird read, but then we also have some of our hard core & long time posters at the best, albeit some are gone now, RIP

Anyway, its not too late to jump in and rock it, DN8R
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