Rack Tracker

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Rack Tracker

Post by 1eleven » Sat Mar 19, 2016 7:54 pm

So, I've been playing a lot less live games lately so I'm mixing in some online RNG play. I'm wondering if anyone has a simple tracker for front and back chip rack bank management. I'm considering building something but for right now I'm using a simple sheet (paper and/or excel) to track stuff like Grafstein's Pensioners Play... looks something like this.

Front Rack
3 3 3 3 3 3 18

Lock Up Rack
0 0 0 0 0 0 0


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Re: Rack Tracker

Post by heavy » Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:27 am

I see a lot of guys use dollar chips as spacers between certain amounts of chips in the front rail b efore. I don't know that I've seen anyone (that I was aware of) track profit by shooter in the back rack. Most of the guys I've seen simply feed the back rack with lock-up chips and then count up once every trip around the table. In other words, let's assume I shoot first. I feed all of my winning chips into the back rack on my hand and every other shooter's hand until the dice get back to me. Then I compare to see if the dollar value of the chips in both the front and back racks totals more than I started out with. If so, I'm ahead and will continue to play. If not . . . well, maybe not.

I'm much more likely to use the back rail for tracking the number of rolls instead of wins. One white chip for every number tossed. When you get to the fifth roll substitute a red chip for five white, etc.

Sometimes I'll also use chips in the back rack to track which numbers rolled. Laying chips on their sides you have room for around six stacks of chips. From left to right the stacks represent the 4-5-6-8-9-10. One chip per stack each time that number rolls. Again, switch from white to red when you get to five of an individual number tossed. I find this very helpful in deciding which numbers to bet on - or lay against.
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Re: Rack Tracker

Post by 1eleven » Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:22 pm

Thanks. I was referring to online play so something in either excel or paper. Or, maybe I could use chips at the dining room table and follow along.

Thankfully I only need to count to 3. It just gets a bit tricky without physical chips in front of me.

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Re: Rack Tracker

Post by heavy » Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:13 am

Well, there's an abundance of charts out there you can buy (I think Gambler's General Store has some) or you can simply whip something up in Excel. I've designed dozens of them through the years. Each one somewhat different as I was charting for different stuff on different occasions. Hard to find a one-size fits-all. Howard uses large square graph paper, which seems to work well for him.
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Re: Rack Tracker

Post by 1eleven » Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:33 am

Cool, thanks. I'll whip something up. I use a grid/graph paper for roulette so I could play around with that here, too.

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