Is this a decent way to stay and play?

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Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by dave716aceduece » Sun Mar 20, 2016 7:04 pm

Any advice you guys give is always greatly appreciated, I haven't posted in a while but it feels really good to be back... Anyways,... I live 10 mins away from my local casino (Seneca buffalo creek) and enjoy playing once or twice a week with hopes of winning $50 with a loss limit of $200 on a $10 table... Lately I've been playing this dark side strategy of getting an initial win on the DP for $10 then parlaying that to the next DC roll (avoiding the CO with my $20 at risk) in hopes to win $40... Simple enough. Sometimes if I'm up I'll let that $40 ride one more time looking for that $80 sweet come up.
Sometimes it's easier risking that $40 when it started as a one $10 unit, but that's a different discussion all in it self... But back to what I came here to ask in the first place... Sometimes playing the Donts it gets for lack of a better word "boring" or sometimes I feel as if my money could be better/smarter risked if a known DI is shooting. This is where I like to play the DP followed with a DC right after (once their established I place the 6&8 for $24 each for one hit on either then down to $12 each). At this point I locked up a profit on the place bets with $24 still in action and have 2 don't bets in action... If one of my Donts was a 6 or 8 I still place them for $24 but instead of regressing down to $12 I take it down completely (with the sister) and wait for my other Dont bet decision. I'm asking for some critique and advice, I really value your expert opinions

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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by Moe Bettor » Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:50 pm

Ok..if a known DI is shooting, you are still on the don't? Well..DI's can have a bad day too. You could simply lay against the shooter's come out number(thereby avoiding any problems with a 7), drop a dollar or two on the yo while placing a DC (you are now protected against a 7 and 11), and keep both don't bets up when the shooter throws a new number. But the don't side does get boring and you can't make as much money. I assume you chart the table before all this..seeing that it is cold? What I do is lay against the shooter's number, then wait for at least three rolls to make a DC bet, use the yo and take down the original shooters number (if it's a 6 or 8) which I have laid against. As the roll moves forward on a cold table I will go no 10, no 4 also. Especially if he/she has hit those numbers. If you are playing the don't because the table is cold and you place 6 and 8, I'd go for one hit and down.

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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by dave716aceduece » Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:34 pm

Yea one hit and down is probably the best way to go... The reason I usually play the Donts is because the tables I go to downtown here in Buffalo basically have a monopoly and the 2 tables are packed at 10 and 15 limits... So I'm betting on randies a good percentage of time. That's why I particularly like a $15dp followed by a $10dc. Once both are established I place the 6&8 for $24 each for one hit, and then regress to $12 each or down completely

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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by heavy » Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:18 pm

I normally like the $15 DP followed by the $10 DC. It's a strong way to approach the don'ts IMHO. Once I have $25 established like that I just wait for the seven to show and collect my $25 win. However, if I get knocked off either bet then I'll lay single odds on the remaining bet in an effort to recoup that loss.

Otherwise, if you want to place the six and eight then consider taking a look at Shootitall's "one hit can't miss" play. On a $15 game instead of playing $15 on the DP play $18. Then place the six and eight for $18 each. After you get one hit on the six or eight you're guaranteed a profit for the play. No need to take any bets down. As long as they throw sixes and eights lock up the cash. Of course, if you decide to take them down you certainly can.

In a $10 game play a $12 DP, then place the six and eight for $12 each. Same rules apply.
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- Heavy


Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by Dylanfreake » Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:33 am

Sounds as good a way to play as any , dave716.

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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by SHOOTITALL » Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:08 am

Let me add to Heavy's most excellent explanation. EVEN if the six or eight is the point, you Still Place it. This confuses some folks as because they really do not understand the benefit of a wash. But, you are pretty close to this way of playing anyways, just some minor adjustments. Then to, you can play this any any amounts, remains the same: $30-30-30. $90-90-90. Doesn't matter, you just have to dodge the sheriff and his deputy on the CO.
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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by dave716aceduece » Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:50 am

I really do like SIAs one hit can't miss, it conserves bankroll but still gives you that opportunity to cash in on a long hand. Something I may want to conjure up and toy with is a Cowtippin approach (maybe just parlay my first win, but don't go up $1 on a loss?) mixed with an SIAs one hit can't miss play... This could prove to be very strong especially on choppy tables. Has anyone tried anything similar?

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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by London Shooter » Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:07 pm

Dave your parlay play of 10-20-40-80 May conflict with your win goal at times. Eg if you are level and then win 10 on dont's then 20 then 40 you are now just 10 away from your goal. If you want to reach your goal and quit then I woulnt parlay to try and win 80 but would just regress back to the min 10 on DP or DC. Win that - goal reached. Also winning two parlays then dropping back to min bet will reduce your volatility and extend the time you can play on your bankroll, though of course in doing this you will also limit the size of your big win from a series.
But realistically you cannot parlay for ever :)

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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by LeftyAJ » Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:14 pm

heavy wrote:I normally like the $15 DP followed by the $10 DC. It's a strong way to approach the don'ts IMHO. Once I have $25 established like that I just wait for the seven to show and collect my $25 win. However, if I get knocked off either bet then I'll lay single odds on the remaining bet in an effort to recoup that loss.
This is exactly how I play........I won't lay odds unless the table is iceberg cold. I'm just waiting for the dice to circle back.
If the table is super cold and does not look like it will "turn" I continue to play the don'ts and pass the dice when it's my turn to shoot.
Keep betting the trend! When I make money playing the don'ts it's not boring whatsoever.
heavy wrote:Otherwise, if you want to place the six and eight then consider taking a look at Shootitall's "one hit can't miss" play. On a $15 game instead of playing $15 on the DP play $18. Then place the six and eight for $18 each. After you get one hit on the six or eight you're guaranteed a profit for the play. No need to take any bets down. As long as they throw sixes and eights lock up the cash. Of course, if you decide to take them down you certainly can.

If I have a $15 DP/DC bet that travels behind the 6 or 8 I ALWAYS place the 6 and 8 for $18 ea. One hit and I'm down. If the shooter is tossing inside numbers I might stay up for a couple of more hits. Again, I'm just biding my time betting on random rollers waiting for the dice to get into the hands of a known DI.

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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by dave716aceduece » Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:11 pm

LS that makes a lot of sense in not letting the parlay over stay it's welcome... With my win goal at $50 it does make more sense to stop at $40 and reset on the DC (avoiding the CO) Thanks for all your guys advice and tips, I really appreciate everyone's responses and positive attitudes. That's a big reflection on Heavy who runs a great forum for newbies and experts alike. Thanks again.

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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by flextimeLV » Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:52 pm

Hey Dylanfreake, how's our favorite dark side grinder doing so far this year?


Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by Dylanfreake » Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:43 am

Well I lost one of my notebooks with close to six months of sessions in it. So I do not know about individual sessions.

I do know that at the beginning of the year my Total Gambling Bankroll was $12,750 and today it is $11,995, so I am behind $755 so far this year.

I do not feel that I have been playing stupidly. Some would argue that I may be playing stubbornly.

Usually during a year my Bankroll fluctuates between a thousand up or a thousand down.

I hope everyone is doing better than me so far this year.

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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by flextimeLV » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:24 pm

DF- let's recap your dark side grind: 4% of BR, divide by 10, that result less table minimum DP goes to lay on the DP. Stop play when 10 'bullets' are gone.

Question: Let's say you have a $40 'bullet' for each shooter in the group of 10. $10 goes to DP, $30 goes to DP lay. Shooter throws a come-out 7. One loss per shooter, so you back-off and wait for the next shooter. You still have $30 which never got applied to the lay. Do you bank that $30 or recycle it back into play on another shooter? Say, $10 DP with $20 lay?


Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by Dylanfreake » Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:08 am

Well for the last quarter of last year and most of this year so far ,I have banked the $30 of unused odds.

On my last casino trip last week, I did not bank the unused odds. I just played until all the front row chips were gone.

By the way, my Bankroll increased by $195 last weekend.

I mainly played $5 DP laying odds of $24(20) $30(20). $40(20) or $10DP $18(15). $21(14) $30(15).

The reason that I decided to play with these lower amount of odds was to use $500 a day as a loss limit. My thoughts were on $5 tables to start off with four times odds.

If the first session was a winning session bet the same the next session. However on a loss drop down to three times odds .
I guess that I do not have the killer instinct to be a real craps player, but I am not much of a gambler anyway.

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Re: Is this a decent way to stay and play?

Post by flextimeLV » Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:31 pm

You define a session as playing until the front chips are gone? Thanks, DF!

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