Professor H's don't pass progression

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Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by $5Bill » Fri May 13, 2016 2:38 am

That is from Feb 2nd 2006. It 's been on my computer all that time.


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Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by flextimeLV » Fri May 13, 2016 12:08 pm

Thanks, Bill, I'll take it as the latest and greatest version. BTW, I didn't see a trip report on your nude cruise. How did you score?

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Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by $5Bill » Fri May 13, 2016 3:59 pm

Hi flextimeLV

Everything was going great in Jan, Feb and March. I was making money and playing with my winnings. Then in the first two weeks of April I had 4 losses in a row averaging -$206.75 each. Well that blew my bankroll. So when May 1st came, I went back to give it another try but unfortunately I had my 5th loss in a row of -$218. “Holy crap.” I couldn’t believe it.

That puts me away for I don’t know how long. Now that I have those new car payments and the increase in my car insurance there is nothing left after I pay all my bills for the month.

I had already paid $717 in taxes and port fees for the free Cruise Trip (not a nude cruise) that I won at the casino :lol: to the Bahamas with my son in January but I had to cancel that. If I didn’t cancel the trip, I would have had to still come up with another $1,500 for Airfare and hotels. I just couldn’t do that. The cruise people said they will give me a refund and credit my credit card. At 70 years old it looks like I’ll have to go back to work…”NOT.” Anyway that’s about it with me. My health is good and I still go exercise. That is the “MAIN” reason I have to keep paying those car payments so I can get there.

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Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by Golfer » Sun May 15, 2016 7:19 am

"Yep. I've said for years that the secret to winning is to quit when you're ahead. And if you never get ahead - stick by a firm (small) loss limit and get out of the casino before you empty your wallet."

The secret. No charge for it. Simple, easy to understand. Probably the other best known Darksider, after Prof H (in this world of players), is Dave, the Chicago local who was banned from one casino for winning too much, without ever touching the dice. His secret was also leaving. Yes he did dig in when getting whacked early at times. I played with him in the late afternoons sometimes and found he had been there all day. He is able to do so as his bankroll is sufficiently large. When he gets back to even he would leave or if he hit his loss limit, whatever that was.

The difficulty for most here, as occasional, recreational players, is to quit and take the small win, when a larger one seems so very close and doable.

Discipline is a rare commodity. Almost as rare as a Hillary thought about document security. Sorry, just couldn't help myself discipline I guess.

Good Luck


Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by Dylanfreake » Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:10 pm

The better house edge goes with the table minimum flat wager ($5 in the above example).

The reason for the increase in the flat wager when using 5X4X3X is due to the limiting of the amount of odds you can lay at most Las Vegas strip casinos.

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Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by $5Bill » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:56 pm

Don’t Pass / Don’t Come Bets
and Odds Progression

DP/DC 4 & 10 Odds/ 5 & 9 Odds/6 & 8 Odds
$10 No odds No odds No odds
$5 No odds No odds No odds
$5 $10 $9 $6
$5 $10 $9 $6
$10 No odds No odds No odds
$10 No odds No odds No odds
$10 $20 $15 $12
$10 $20 $15 $12
$10 $20 $15 $12
$10 $40 $30 $24
$15 No odds No odds No odds
$15 No odds No odds No odds
$15 $30 $21 $18
$15 $30 $21 $18
$15 $30 $21 $18
$15 $60 $45 $36
$25 No odds No odds No odds
$25 No odds No odds No odds
$25 $50 $36 No odds
$25 $50 $36 No odds
$25 $50 $36 No odds
$25 $100 $75 No odds
$50 No odds No odds No odds
$50 No odds No odds No odds
$50 $100 No odds No odds
$50 $100 No odds No odds
$50 $100 No odds No odds
$50 $200 No odds No odds


A survival kit should contain these items: (1) a way to play on a small bankroll, (2) a method that makes it more likely than not that we'll be there when a sequence of favorable decisions develops, (3) a system of bankroll control, and (4) rules that tell us when to end a session.

Given the generality of these items, different kits can contain different specific items.

A Don't Pass Survival Kit

1. At a $5 minimum table, buy in for $110 (20 red chips and 10 singles).
2. Put all the chips into the front (betting) rail.
3. Wait until the shooter sevens out.
4. Make a $5 don't pass line bet.
5. If the shooter tosses three straight come-out naturals (7's or 11's), stop betting and wait for the next shooter.
6. When a craps 2 or 3 is rolled on the come-out, put the winning $5 chip into the back (winnings) rail.
7. Laying odds:
(a) Do not lay odds initially.
(b) After any three wins in a row (any combination of come-out craps and 7-outs), lay single odds:
(i) A point of 6/8: lay $6 in odds to win $5.
(ii) A point of 5/9: lay $9 in odds to win $6.
(iii) A point of 4/10: lay $10 in odds to win $5.
(c) Continue to lay single odds until a point is made--then wait for three straight wins of any kind before laying single odds again.
8. If the shooter makes three points in a row, stop betting and wait for the next shooter.
9. Use only the chips in the front (betting) rail to make bets.
10. Put all winning chips into the back (winnings) rail.
11. When no betting chips (those in the front rail) remain, total the chips in the back rail:
(a) $50 or less: quit.
(b) Between $51 and $134: move all the chips to the front rail, and continue playing.
(c) $135 or more: quit.

This method can also be used by those who are just beginning to play the don't. Once you've mastered this method--and have gained control of your bankroll--you can learn how to increase the odds laid during a run of 7-outs, thereby improving your chances of winning a session.

The next step is to begin laying single odds only after three straight 7-outs--as opposed to three straight wins of any kind.


Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by Spike8850 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:07 pm

Boy is it good to "see" everybody again! I used to read this and other craps forums back in early 2000's. Heavy, DF, Golfer, and $Bill are old friends of mine! I was Goolgling Prof H's don't pass survival Kit and found you folks are still around!

Anyway, I'm getting back to craps but don't like to play the Do side. Nearest casinos all have $10 minimums and putting tons of money out is not my cup of tea. I read flextimeLV's post in another thread and adjusted as follows:

$340 buy in (gotta find some $5 tables somewhere) $34 bet stake
Wait for point
Make $10 DC. If knocked off by PSO or F'n Yo, reset, $24 to back rack
Lay $24 odds on any point. Ala DF's Equal odds. Trying to get to progression. Here's where I got to thinking. Prof H would start after three winning bets, but I remembered DF saying he didn't care about winning, he just wanted to play. Anyway, Since the odds part is only 1 times on 4 & 10, 1 1/2 times 5 & 9, if these are the points I win on I have to win 4 bets before I start the progression. I want to lock up a little more if that first progressed bet goes down. Also, my next bet, $10 DC, $36 odds must win twice before I move up.

Come out craps, parlayed ala Sam the Dice Doctor if in beginning mode. If in progression I rack them.
In the progression, a PSO will not reset, but I go back one stage. A second PSO, reset and bank

F'n Yo, I reset. Sam the Dice Doctor, when betting right would reset all bets with a come out craps. I do the same with the 11.

Rest of the play is the same as Flextime's, Count bank, 20% profit, 50% loss.

I've played this live once, after three trips around the table I left with $68 profit.

Sure wish I could do this at $5 DC, $12 odds. For now the BR is one of those " come back when you have more money" deals, but I'm saving every profit to build on. BR $1068!

Boy it's good to see you guys again!


Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by Dylanfreake » Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:30 pm

Good to see you again , Spike.

Waiting for four wins before moving up is fine . It sounds like you have a good plan and that is good. Every little win that can increase one`s bankroll is also good. Way to go.

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Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by heavy » Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:07 pm

Yep. Welcome back to the real world.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by Dylanfreake » Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:13 pm

I think Spike was on Heavy`s old Roulette board.


Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by Spike8850 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:41 pm

Yep, read that too. Started playing the Rapid Roulette version, $5 Mins, 50 cent chips Won't play the $15 min. tables, but like the atmosphere. PaiGow Poker table (also a relaxing time) is always full.

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Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by flextimeLV » Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:20 am

Hello Spike-- I'm a darkside player who will drive the extra 1-2 hundred miles for a $5 table. What part of the world are you? I can list properties within 500 miles of Nashville which offer a $5/min table.


Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by Spike8850 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 4:00 pm

Northwest Ohio.....Detroit 2 hrs., Toledo 1 Hr. I suppose the Indian casinos in Michigan have $5 tables but they're hours away. Maybe $10 minimum will help my discipline. I'd sometimes play Mrs. Dice Doctor flat betting but since I found this forum looking for Prof. H's play (but on the DC the way you do, thanks), and with the odds bet, I think I'll be okay.

You see everyone betting right throwing chips around and it's like, " I can't do that!" I must be a Backline Billy, lol


Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by Spike8850 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 4:41 pm

Back in the days we'd go to Vegas a couple of time a year, and when Detroit had $5 tables, I'd play Heavy's Heat Seeker. Even with $10 mins, probably still could, $12 six and eight, $10 Come. At this point in my life however I'd rather play $10 DC, $24 odds progression one loss per shooter. Guess I'm slowing down, LOL

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Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by heavy » Sat Dec 26, 2020 3:08 pm

I'm just bumping this post up as a nod to an old poster from days gone by - Professor H - and no, that's not me. Professor H was a mathematics professor in the public university system out in California who loved nothing more than playing marathon Don't sessions in Vegas. He'd go to the tables and play ten to twelve hour sessions with minimum bets and a particular progression that's outlined at the top of this thread. On occasions he'd see long streaks of seven outs and make significant wins, although most of the times he just grinded it out, had small wins or small losses and enjoyed eating as many shrimp cocktails as he could score comps for. Yeah, there's a story behind that. Anyway, head on up to the top of this thread and read it in its entirety if you're interested in positive progressions on the Don'ts. It's a great read with some seriously good information.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
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Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by Golfer » Sun Jan 03, 2021 7:20 am

I highly recommend Professor H’s play. Lots of table time for those learning the game. Low tuition. When the cold winds blow very profitable.

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Re: Professor H's don't pass progression

Post by Tgold » Tue Jan 05, 2021 12:46 pm

Interesting read. Thanks for bumping thread.

Continued Success,
All the best,

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