What should dictate when we leave a table?

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What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by Bankerdude80 » Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:13 am

Recent experiences of play have had me leaving tables as they fill up with more and more players. I like playing sparsely populated tables, but lately it has had me wondering if I might be leaving a table too prematurely. Once I get an uncomfortable crowded feeling I am looking for my exit regardless of whether I am in positive or negative territory chip-wise. Am I doing the right thing? I sometimes find that moving from table to table, casino to casino can be a lot of additional work. Should I stick it out (staying at a table) as long as I am adhering to my win goals and loss limits?

I have come to the realization that we need to accept things we have no control over at the table and work with it as best we can. This includes lurkers (those non-players hanging in your peripheral vision as you are shooting the dice), late buy-ins (fact of the game), chips in the LZ, cocktail server interruptions, dice off table, etc. I do not use these as excuses to leave a table.

My ideal is to leave the table with a locked up win, but it doesn't always work out that way.
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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by London Shooter » Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:44 am

I guess you could lock up the vast majority of your chips, put a few in your hand, or in the front rack, with the "do not touch" chips in the back rack and see how it goes?

However, in saying a certain crowding level makes you uncomfortable then I think you are answering your own question that really that is a good time for you to go.

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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by Bankerdude80 » Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:32 am

Thanks LS, I guess my question is a rehashing of your previous post "Should I stay or Should I go?". I wanted to see how others approach their decision making when it comes time to leave the table. I guess I wanted confirmation that I am doing the right thing by moving to another table. Lately playing conditions have had me moving more often than prior years. The tables fill up fast and the casinos don't always open enough of them.
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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by luxlogs » Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:38 am

Leave when your up 20%, and do it quickly so that none of the other factors matter.

Get in get up get out or something to that effect

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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by Dark Side » Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:51 am

Have you considered changing your playing time, if it's an option that is?

I find the tables less crowded in the early morning (when the tables open), or the late evening.

If it's not an option, you will have to do what makes you comfortable. If walking is the answer, be prepared to take an occasional loss when it happens. Keep in mind, being uncomfortable is not going to help you make money.


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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by heavy » Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:17 am

I agree that sometimes the crowd is too much. I left the table without ever getting to toss the dice one session last week. One shooter caught a hand, hit the Tall portion of the ATS, and the table got slammed. I was up around $200. On my left was a low end working girl type with a $20 buy in. On my right was a smelly guy who looked like a protestor at a Trump rally. The shooter finally sevened out and the next guy sevened out early. Color coming in.

I also agree with Luxlogs. Set a win goal of 20 to 40 percent. If you hit that and dont like the company move on. Ditto with a loss limit. Last of all, if you lose money on three consecutive shooter's it's time to find another table.
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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by mssthis1 » Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:22 am

First, ask yourself, Am I enjoying my time here? If you can't answer yes to that question it is time to move if that is an option.

Otherwise perhaps play until you lose money on 2, 3 at the most Randies in a row. If that happens, it's time to call the moving van.


Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by mssthis1 » Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:33 am

Bankerdude80 wrote:. Lately playing conditions have had me moving more often than prior years. The tables fill up fast and the casinos don't always open enough of them.

Tuesday morning the Rio and Gold Coast were both too many players, not enough tables open. The better half and I checked out and went down to Mandalay Bay. The table was empty and I got to play for over an hour with 3 players max. It would have been only two but my newfound groupie guy texted me and I didn't think he'd make a special trip when I told him I only had an hour to play. He did.

The table I played on was the first one you come to walking out of self parking and it is pretty similar to the tables at Cromwell and Paris. Hit the tall twice, was only on it the second time. Up $300.00 when I had to leave for the airport.

I plan on checking them out during a busier time the next trip. They have at least 8 tables and the pit critter said they're never that busy anymore.

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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by London Shooter » Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:01 pm

That's an interesting update MSS as it seems we rarely hear anything about the Mandalay Bay on here. I certainly have never played there in my short career.

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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by heavy » Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:32 pm

First, ask yourself, Am I enjoying my time here? If you can't answer yes to that question it is time to move if that is an option.
Yep. The old "if it ain't fun it's time to run" thing. I agree 100%.

Now, on Mandalay Bay - there is a reason why most of us don't play there. There are only two tables in the casino that I consider playable. One of those is out by the pool and is only open on weekends. The other tables are quite bouncy - or at least they were the last few times I was there. If something has changed I'd like to hear about it.
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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by London Shooter » Sun Jun 05, 2016 2:02 am

My interest was piqued by comparisons to Paris and Cromwell, but if realistically that means there is only one playable table most of the time, then it's a long way to go to that end of the strip.

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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by heavy » Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:55 am

Yeah, again. I'd like to have recent intel on the table conditions there. And by that I mean ALL of the tables. If any of you Vegas locals happen to have a chance to get in there let us know.
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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by pappyvanwinkle » Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:23 pm

Did we ever get confirmation on that table by the pool at Mandalay Bay, I never made it out to check that table out. Also, don't know about anyone else, but was never fond of the crowd at Mandalay Bay.

Regarding going at different times, that's probably your best choice, if it's feasible. I recall last year, going to Margaritaville, at like 10:30 AM, the table was not open. I asked the pit boss about it, and the deal was he didn't have a crew for it then and to come back later in the afternoon. Dealers had been leaving, and Caesars hadn't been filling their positions.

Word I heard from dealers working for Caesars Entertainment in Atlantic City, they've been cutting the hours for the dealers, so while we may want to play at other times, the casinos aren't as interested in providing round the clock table gaming.
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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by Bankerdude80 » Sun Jun 05, 2016 4:54 pm

Maybe mssthis1 can provide further details on his observations.

I'll be back to LV later this month, if I have time I'll do a visit to MB and report back. If I remember they had higher ($15 & $25) minimums last time I played there a year or so ago. Tables were similar to ARIA/Cromwell with slight bounce. IMO I'd say that the ARIA tables are slightly bouncier than Cromwells'. I had good sessions that time at MB. I haven't seen nor played the table by the pool casino. (see picture in link).

https://www.mandalaybay.com/en/amenitie ... e%20Casino

If there are ever live sessions at MB and this is the table played on, I have a request:
No speedos with top hats. :o
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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by mssthis1 » Sun Jun 05, 2016 5:24 pm

So far I've played craps there twice, both on weekday mornings. The first time it was up in the bowels of the casino somewhere in one of their side pits and the second time in what must be their main pit by the cage. Both tables I thought were excellent and they weren't busy at all. I had the dice myself well over 50% of the time I was at either table and that is a very important factor for me. I'm sure that during the busy times the tourist crowd can be a pain as they are everywhere in Vegas. Lately, as Pappy noted the TR casinos never seem to have enough tables open, especially in the early mornings. I have found that if you try to play before 6am at the center strip casinos or the Rio, the all night ghetto crowd is usually still there. That is why I'm searching for new places to play.

If that beachside table is felt it could be very exploitable during the monsoon season or anytime when the humidity is high. Looks like I need to wander around and check out the entire property.

The next time I go to Vegas I plan on staying there. I'll try to check out all the properties on that end of the strip during various times of the day and evening and I'll take notes. That trip is still in the air as it seems that many small factories haven't figured out that water and PLC's don't mix and nobody wants to upgrade. They're spending the money to repair or replace the older PLC platforms and that's right in the middle of my wheelhouse. The downside is it's hard to justify leaving the shop.

PS: There was no charge for parking on Tuesday morning May 31st. I don't know if that's only when there is something at the event center or if it will be a every weekend policy. I'll ask the next time there. If you do self park there they have a led light above every stall. Red means occupied, green means open space and you can see them from as far away as your vision will allow.

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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by London Shooter » Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:28 am

What are PLCs in this context?


Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by mssthis1 » Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:59 am

Hi London: Programmable Logic Controller.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programma ... controller

When factory's strip out a manufacturing line for model changes or a factory closes, I buy the systems and then part them out. Some of the old obsolete stuff that is hard to find I repair.

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Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by London Shooter » Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:39 pm

Ok thanks for the link and explaining.


Re: What should dictate when we leave a table?

Post by hotshooter » Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:05 pm

I have been playing at Mandalay Bay recently due to wife wanting to stay there $15 and $10 tables. Tables get crowed there.

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