First hand first session empty table

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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First hand first session empty table

Post by hotshooter » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:11 am

Would love to hear how some of you bet on your on hand when you shoot for the first time at the first session of a trip, day, first hand.
Do you shoot from the do?
Do you shoot from the don'ts

Do you place single units?

How many rounds do you give yourself before you call it quits for the session?

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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by rhythm roller » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:42 am

I used to tip toe in on first sessions but I have gotten over that. Now, I bet consistently to start each and every one of my tossing sessions. I have proven to myself that this is the best way for me to bet on myself. For me, if it is a table that I don't feel confident in my normal betting pattern then I shouldn't be playing at that table at all.

I always bet "do" on myself. This is just personal preference and I probably would be smarter if I did bet dark at times. Instead of betting dark I will just leave the table if my toss is not on. Usually three hands will tell me what I want to know. If my shot is really off I will leave earlier or later if I am having a very good day. Also, will depend on table population as my signal to leave.
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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by heavy » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:45 am

$10 Pass Line.
Anywhere from single to five times odds.
Place the Six and Eight for $18 each.
Sometimes I'll add the hardways for a buck each with the change from the $36 action on the Six and Eight.
Total - around $90 on the table.
If I toss a Four or Ten in the first couple of tosses I'll Buy the Four and Ten for $25 each, making my total action $140 or so.
That essentially gives me three shots at catching a hand on a $500 Buy In.
No place for the feint of heart when you have a third of your session buy-in on the table, but it is what it is.
If you're not going to bet on yourself who are you going to bet on?
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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by Moe Bettor » Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:19 am

Since I don't count myself as a proven DI (Only got to possible influence on BT) and I usually shoot around 8-12 before a seven out (although I have
gotten to 40 rolls without a seven.) I tip toe in. Also, if you are a DI you can be having a bad day. It happens. So why throw yourself down a big
hole you have to climb out of? Think about how much effort it will take just to get even. So $10 PL, get pt. Roll again no action. If the roll looks like
a set roll and you feel good, now I go $18 6 and 8 and odds on my number. Follow Heavy from this pt on to the end as far as pulling and pressing.
If my numbers go to sleep for three rolls, I pull everything down. If I start throwing crap, I will probably go no 10 for $60.

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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by 220Inside » Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:39 pm

Count me in on the tip toe camp. $10 PL. If the toss feels good and I set a 6 or 8, I'll go $18 on its sister, otherwise $12 6 & 8. Single to double odds.

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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by Bankerdude80 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 9:29 am

I shoot from the light side (do's). If playing a ComeOut game, PL bet at table minimum with a $5 World and $1 Ace-Deuce. Once point is established, 2x PL odds. Wait one roll and then place bet $44 even numbers. I am more aggressive pressing the outside numbers including power pressing. With inside numbers (6&8) I will press as follows: $12-$24-$30-$42-$60-$90-same bet-$180-$240-$360-$420-$600-$900-same bet-$1800-$2400-$3600-$4800.
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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by luxlogs » Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:58 am

$nakeeye$ wrote:Some if NOT MOST of my best hands were the initial opportunity that I had to throw -

Other times it took a few laps around the table until I found my ideal landing spot -

If my initial toss and second toss look good - then I jump right in ! -

Otherwise , I am cautious about putting money and risk !

I am NOT at the table / casino to " GAMBLE " -

I leave THAT to the 95+ % of idiots who have NO clue how to play ANY casino game with an advantage / edge !


Gambling is trying to make a big win out of a high risk little bet. Gaming is making a small win from a Low Risk Big Bet. Get your money up and down early and then go home.

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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by mssthis1 » Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:39 am

I agree with Lux. If my first toss looks good and I feel comfortable, I bet as normal, especially if it is a table I have a history on.

The empty table part of the question is the key for me. Most people don't want to be that first person at the table. I'm the opposite. An empty table is an opportunity to make some money in my mind. Nothing sucks more than to tip toe in on an empty table, toss a hand that you made little money on because you were betting too conservatively, and now there is 6 people at the table so you have no idea how long it will be before you get the dice back.

Rhythm is an important part of my game and I like a fast pace to get into that rhythm.

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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by Cap-n_Lou » Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:13 am

I like it also as an opportunity to practice while playing for small stakes (usually when I walk up to an empty table I only bet pass line minimum + single odds until I make consecutive points). When you are the only one at a table and thus the dealers are not standing there getting paid for nothing, my experience is that they don't give you any heat for setting, not hitting the wall enough, etc. The casino is just happy you are there at all. So I like having a few solo rolls before others show up at the table even apart from the luxury of being able to keep the dice. I also frequently will play the don't on myself if I seven out twice in a row. It's more comfortable for me to roll from the dark side when no one is betting right.

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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by Bankerdude80 » Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:02 am

DaveGCT wrote:Bankerdude
What Dice set do you favor for your play?
Hey DaveGct, just saw your query in the thread. I use a set that Irish assisted in determining after careful analysis using Bonetracker. While at GAC this past July, Irish looked at data I compiled over 2000 toss results. The dice set 5/6 ; 6/4 is what I've just started using over the past two months. The results have been very promising. I am surprised at the numbers consistency and length of rolls in live sessions. My Bonetracker data was compiled using a 4/6; 2/4 set.
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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by 220Inside » Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:46 am

Would love to hear more about how one goes about digging deeper into BT results to reassess optimal dice set.

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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by heavy » Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:36 am

Sounds like a great idea for a new thread. How about starting one and let's see where it goes?
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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by tioga » Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:10 am

I have started to play the don't pass no odds for my first hand. It takes me time to warm up and get used to the table. Has worked well so far.


Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by mastercrapsman » Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:09 am

On an empty table, I will practice my throw for free or for $1 first. I will put equal money on the PL and DP. Perhaps throw a buck on the Box Cars to hedge for the 12.
If I feel good after a few practice throws or rounds then I will bet my usual or till a new player buys in.

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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by DanF » Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:34 pm

Often start by betting a 10$dp and a 12$ 8
Throw 4 times and look if my toss looks good for do bet switch and or see if I can throw Quick 7s.

You have no idea how quick you can get 200$ up by throwing PSO.

If my throw streak box numbers I switch to come bets.

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Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by mrmidi » Mon Oct 17, 2016 9:27 am

I ALWAYS just play a PL minimum with no odds. You gotta check the bounce and table characteristics.
See how your set and toss performs. Make adjustments, zone in, find the sweet spot. Isn't that what DI
is all about. If i'm not shooting I'll chart other players. If I see a qualified shooter, I'll tip-toe in.
Only if the table is ice cold, I'll wait till till a randie sets a point, then I'll lay on a 4 or 10. Maybe a DC.
No odds if it travels unless its a 4 or 10.


Re: First hand first session empty table

Post by Simplyme » Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:03 pm

I always play a PL Minimum with odds, an a five dollar Fire Bet. Once I have rolled min five numbers I place all the numbers and start taking them down as I shoot these numbers. In Vegas I look for empty tables witch most times are easy to find. everywhere else I get up a 3 in the morning and shoot tell the tables get full

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