New shot---

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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New shot---

Post by Knick111 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:24 pm

Greetings Americraps and Heavy and members,

Today i have develop a new shot for you and all members, is called the[[ THE CIRCLE SHOT ]].

This shot it's so good, it will be banned in every casino in america.

This shot will be thrown from stick-right if you are right handed AND stick-left if you are left handed.

To be CONTI---on monday 1/16/2017

Jaime Garcia-------not the baseball player.

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Re: New shot---

Post by Knick111 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:20 am

Goodmorning guys/gals,

Jan---16 2017, PART 2.

Step 1: From stick right- STAND facing the dealer across
from you, face to face.
when the stick man gives you the dice, SET them on the
table on the left side of you.

Step 2: Now pick up the dice from the table AND bring
them to CHEST LEVEL, now WITH THE DICE FACING UP TO THE CLING, swing your arm backwards and MAKE A CIRCLE
over and over FOR about 20 times, till you get used to making that circle with the dice in your hand.

If you have any questions please post them today.
To be conti----1/17/2017.

Jaime 1943.

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Re: New shot---

Post by Knick111 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:54 pm

I see there is no interest on the part of any member , to learn this new shot,

so i won't be posting the last part tomorrow.

Jaime 1943.

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Re: New shot---

Post by wiremonkey » Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:43 pm

Why drag it out, just post the whole thing and let people comment on it and try it out, dont get the whole keep you in suspense thing

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Re: New shot---

Post by Knick111 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:38 am

Greetings wire monkey,

you are right, so i will post the last part today.
I thought i was writing the next JAMES BOND movie.
Tell me wiremonkey, have you tried making the circle with the dice facing up, and have you figure out when to throw the dice.?

For the inside numbers use the hardway set.
Is working great for me.

Thank you. Jaime.

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Re: New shot---

Post by SHOOTITALL » Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:29 am

I was at a table when the fellow next to me circled his head three times before he threw the dice. Didn't help, short roll of maybe two numbers and out. FYI: In the craps universe, there is nothing new in a 5000 year old game, only rediscovered. What is interesting is that Chinese, Egyptians, Aztecs, South Sea Islanders, Native Americans all had dice.
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.

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Re: New shot---

Post by stratocasterman » Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:21 am

I saw a guy yesterday...after his CO roll of 6, he got so pissed off when he couldn't hit a box number out of his next 8 tosses of his hand. Next thing you know he went to the "intentional downing" NFL football throw!!!

After bouncing them off the table twice in a row, he then hit the point!!! Go figure?

Nobody said a word to him and you could have heard a pin drop. The tension was so thick, I picked up my chips and left.
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Re: New shot---

Post by Knick111 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:23 am

Happy Birthday Snakeyes,

May you and your wife have a great day today at your local casino.

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Re: New shot---

Post by Knick111 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:38 am

Goodmorning guys/gals,

1/17/2017, this is the last part of The Shot.

I asume you have already with the dice in your hand facing up towards the celing done the circle routine 20 times.

Today we are going to work on the final step on The Shot.

Pick up the dice from the table, facing up looking at the celing and start making the circle, as soon as you reach the top point of
the circle and start going down to contiue it-- you have reached the point that you are going to throw the dice. THROW THE DICE TWENTY TIMES AT THIS POINT.

Practice this throw untill you fill comfortable with it, then work on throwing it with different
dice sets.
I use the hardway set. you can get alot of inside numbers with it.

Please practice alot and then make comment on it. THANK YOU. Jaime 1943.

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Re: New shot---

Post by 220Inside » Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:54 am

April 1st is not for another 2.5 months I thought :)

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Re: New shot---

Post by Knick111 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:43 pm

Greetings 22 Inside,

22 Inside Does not like the shot, after trying the shot Zero times.

22 Inside One---------------The shot Zero,

22Inside is Winning [[ one ]] TO [[ zero ]].

Take care my friend, give it one go around Then get back to us. jAIME.

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Re: New shot---

Post by gargoil » Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:25 pm

Jaime, it's good that you are trying new things / new shots. However several of us have gone down this road before. It's called chasing the holy grail. My personal experience is that ANY shot other than on axis (Parr) shot is just random. You might as well shake the dice and roll.

Now some will try and brain wash you with tall tales of "Not all tables are alike so you need a special shot for a special table" delusions. Although I agree that not all tables are alike (different bounce, etc.) as a DI you should be able to adjust your on axis shot (angle, trajectory, force, landing zone, etc.) to give you a successful result.

Having said that, please don't let me stop you from your chase and good luck with the shot and at the tables.
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Re: New shot---

Post by heavy » Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:32 pm

I missed this thread until just now. I'm almost sorry I found it. Jaime. I think you have a weird sense of humor and are just pulling our leg. Snakeeyes, I think you named the toss well. I was heading down the same trail. on.
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Re: New shot---

Post by flextimeLV » Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:21 pm

Dear Jaime--

I wanted to thank you for inventing and publishing a book on the "The Circle Shot." I use this technique exactly as prescribed, but added a finger snap and shout after the toss for good measure. Many thanks!


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Re: New shot---

Post by Knick111 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:56 pm

Greetings guys,

thank you for your input.
I;ve DECIDED to throw ... THE SHOT 20 TIMES the next 20 days., and post the results , be them good or bad.

Todays results are the following, with a hardway set--- 4's facing up AND 2's facing you.

4-2--4-1--5-3---6-4 ---4-2---6-3---3-1---[[[ 4-3 ]]] seven out.

4-4 --- 6-4 --- 3-3 --- [[[ 5-2 ]]] seven out.

5-3-[[[ 6-1 ]]] seven out.

[[[ 6-1 ]]] pay the line.

3-3 ---5-5 ---3-2 ---6-2 ---3-3 Had to stop shooting at 20 shots. till tomorrow.

Jaime 1943.

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Re: New shot---

Post by flextimeLV » Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:05 pm

Jaime- add the finger snap and shout "Point!" after every toss.

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Re: New shot---

Post by Knick111 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:02 pm

Greetings flextimeLV,

flextimeLV --- one.

Puerto Rican --- zero.

Jaime 1943.

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Re: New shot---

Post by Knick111 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:12 am

Goodmorning members,

Jan 18 2017 at 11am is 75 degrees.

here is today's results of my 20 toss. Day 2.

6-2 3-2 5-5 [[ 4-3 ]] seven out. 4 throws.

6-2 5-1 4-4 5-3 6-2-6-4- [[ 5-2 ]] seven out. 7 throws.

5-4 5-3 4-1 6-6 5-4 6-3 3-1 6-2 6-4- at this point i had to stop, reached my 20 throws for today. 9 throws.

I threw with the hardway set. 4-4 facing up and 2-2 facing me.

After toosing 40 times i have thrown 23 inside numbers., with the hardway set.

Till we meet again. Jaime 1943.

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Re: New shot---

Post by 220Inside » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:37 pm

That's an awful lot of off axis tosses in your results though. Looks to be about 50%.

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Re: New shot---

Post by heavy » Wed Jan 18, 2017 5:20 pm

50% off axis means 50% on axis - Random is 44% so 50% on axis is not bad.
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- Heavy

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