Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

The forum name says it all. You're new to the game of craps and don't have a clue where to begin. Pass Line. Don't Pass. Come. Don't Come. Hardways. Big Six. Big Eight. The Horn. Good Grief! Sounds like back when you were trying to make a decision about what to do in the back seat on that first car date. Well never fear! There are a few folks around here who have spent enough time at the tables to be able to answer just about any question you may have. So step right up and get a clue!

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Cap-n_Lou » Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:09 pm

Funny (in both the ha ha sense and the ironic/apropos sense) story on Bankerdude's point. I was at the health club the other day, and I happen to know they give free or reduced cost memberships to people with disabilities. I'm all for that and happy to subsidize it with my full price membership. So I'm in the locker room with one other guy, and i see his white cane and I notice he is wearing dark glasses. A blind guy who works out ... Great, good for him, I thought. Then a cell phone rang. This caught my attention because cell phones are banned from use in the locker room at my club like they are at many clubs. All of a sudden, I see my "blind" fellow club member reach into his locker, take out the phone, look to see who's calling (still wearing the Ray Charles glasses), and hit 'don't answer' on his phone's screen. Part of me wanted to giggle but most of me wanted to slap him.

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Moe Bettor » Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:34 am

And by the way, do not use casino chips you find on the floor or left over credits on a slot, or any type of money you may find in the casino proper. I was just sent a news clip of Ameristar taking people to court for theft and winning. One guy played a left over $2.00 credit and was fined $250. Any chip or credit that doesn't belong to you belongs to the casino. I guess this goes in some section of the forum..this looked the most likely one.

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by wild child » Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:22 pm

thnick wrote:
Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:34 am
And by the way, do not use casino chips you find on the floor or left over credits on a slot, or any type of money you may find in the casino proper. I was just sent a news clip of Ameristar taking people to court for theft and winning. One guy played a left over $2.00 credit and was fined $250. Any chip or credit that doesn't belong to you belongs to the casino. I guess this goes in some section of the forum..this looked the most likely one.
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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Cap-n_Lou » Sun Nov 19, 2017 1:00 pm

thnick wrote:
Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:34 am
And by the way, do not use casino chips you find on the floor or left over credits on a slot, or any type of money you may find in the casino proper. I was just sent a news clip of Ameristar taking people to court for theft and winning. One guy played a left over $2.00 credit and was fined $250. Any chip or credit that doesn't belong to you belongs to the casino. I guess this goes in some section of the forum..this looked the most likely one.
Maybe there's a middle ground: use any found chips as a dealer toke?


Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Irukanji » Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:51 pm

I once found a dollar bill on the floor next to the craps table at Sugarhouse in PA. PA's casino rules state that anything found on the floor, table or machine has to be turned in, otherwise it is a crime if you keep it (if you get caught of course). I noticed it earlier and 10 minutes later it was still there. People were looking at it but not doing anything. I picked it up and placed it on the layout telling the box person that I found it on the floor. He then took it and immediately inserted it into the slot where all the buy ins go. House money now!

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Bankerdude80 » Sun Dec 08, 2019 2:37 am

My last trip at Paris LV, I picked up a penny (Lincoln side up) right in front of a Security guard. Lucky for me, he was busy oogling the twentysomething ladies that were walking past us. I have a habit of picking up money I see discarded on the ground. I guess I need to be more aware in the casino.
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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Knick111 » Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:51 am

Greetings bankerdude,

One day while i was at a casino in SAN JUAN i found a silver guatter on the floor and i turned it in to the FLOOR MANGER, He said keep it AND gave me a COMP for dinner for me and the old lady.

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by heavy » Mon Apr 06, 2020 3:21 pm

For the benefit of those of you new to the game - and those of you who have been around for awhile but may have forgotten - in this thread you'll find craps etiquette well defined. I see experienced players walk up and buy in mid-hand every session I play and just shake my head and wonder WTF. Late bets? WFT? Hands in the way when the dice are out? Come on, guys. Get with the program. Scroll on up to the top of the thread and read it in its entirety - even if you don't think you need it. Odds are you do.
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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by DarthNater » Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:38 pm

It's bump time :)
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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Big O » Sat Mar 26, 2022 4:53 pm

I saw something last night at Choctaw that you dont always see. I was watching an 80% full table. SR1 was open so i was standing by it thinking abut buying in. The shooter only needed one number for the ATS so i was standing a couple feet from the table This guy squeeze's in between me and the stick and his buddy squeezes in on the other side of the guy at SR2 and they drop their money and cards on the table. The stick pulled the dice back and immediately announced in a loud and somewhat disgusted tone. NEW MONEY ON THE TABLE...IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROLL! NEW MONEY, ON THE TABLE, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROLE! Lots of times crews seem indifferent and sometimes even seem to support the guys bad behavior when players chastise people for buying in during the hand.
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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by 220Inside » Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:18 pm

Big O wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 4:53 pm
I saw something last night at Choctaw that you dont always see. I was watching an 80% full table. SR1 was open so i was standing by it thinking abut buying in. The shooter only needed one number for the ATS so i was standing a couple feet from the table This guy squeeze's in between me and the stick and his buddy squeezes in on the other side of the guy at SR2 and they drop their money and cards on the table. The stick pulled the dice back and immediately announced in a loud and somewhat disgusted tone. NEW MONEY ON THE TABLE...IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROLL! NEW MONEY, ON THE TABLE, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROLE! Lots of times crews seem indifferent and sometimes even seem to support the guys bad behavior when players chastise people for buying in during the hand.
Dealers were probably up on the ATS. But good on the stick to call out those selfish players.

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Buy The Four » Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:00 pm

Good stuff on this thread.

At Big O

Etiquette and rules don’t always coincide unfortunately. What the players did is allowed but not etiquette. No mid-shoe entry is my favorite line for new players. Pretty sure I stole that from Heavy; along with many more one-liners he uses.

Another rule to add: This game should be enjoyable. No POUTING. If you’re losing I don’t need to know how much you lost over the weekend or the last hour etc. keep your misery to yourself at the table lol.

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by DarthNater » Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:57 pm

220Inside wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:18 pm

Dealers were probably up on the ATS. But good on the stick to call out those selfish players.
Yeah, the crew had to be on the line for behavior like that; good for them, DN8R
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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by BigJohnOhio » Mon Mar 28, 2022 7:40 am

Big O wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 4:53 pm
The shooter only needed one number for the ATS so i was standing a couple feet from the table This guy squeeze's in between me and the stick and his buddy squeezes in on the other side of the guy at SR2 and they drop their money and cards on the table. The stick pulled the dice back and immediately announced in a loud and somewhat disgusted tone. NEW MONEY ON THE TABLE...IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROLL! NEW MONEY, ON THE TABLE, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROLE! Lots of times crews seem indifferent and sometimes even seem to support the guys bad behavior when players chastise people for buying in during the hand.
I have had this happen a few times to myself. I, like you, stand back and wait for the puck to go off then I will step up and buy in like proper etiquette states. After losing spots to pushy self centered players I now put my players card and cash in the rack before stepping back and waiting. The self centered people get pissy when they walk up and ask me why I am not playing and taking up a spot they could be playing on, I tell them the puck is on and once it is off I will buy in and if they knew anything about craps etiquette they would not be trying to buy in during a roll. Most dealers will smile or nod to me after I say that but the self centered humans just roll their eyes and look for another spot to invade. LOL.

Good for stick on calling them out, unfortunately they were probably oblivious to the fact he was being a dick. Most unfortunately have no clue...

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Merlin » Mon Mar 28, 2022 9:10 am

Big O wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 4:53 pm
I saw something last night at Choctaw that you dont always see. I was watching an 80% full table. SR1 was open so i was standing by it thinking abut buying in. The shooter only needed one number for the ATS so i was standing a couple feet from the table This guy squeeze's in between me and the stick and his buddy squeezes in on the other side of the guy at SR2 and they drop their money and cards on the table. The stick pulled the dice back and immediately announced in a loud and somewhat disgusted tone. NEW MONEY ON THE TABLE...IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROLL! NEW MONEY, ON THE TABLE, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROLE! Lots of times crews seem indifferent and sometimes even seem to support the guys bad behavior when players chastise people for buying in during the hand.
If I have the dealers up on a hot streak, I have seen them tell newbies to wait for the puck to be off.

What was the outcome of the toss?

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Big O » Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:01 am

unfortunately they were probably oblivious to the fact he was being a dick. Most unfortunately have no clue.

sad but true in this case as well
What was the outcome of the toss

Actually, while they were counting the money SL1 opened at the next table and i made a dash for it so i didnt see the next toss. Lack of cheers or excitement from that table leads me to believe he didnt hit the ATS.
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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by grinder2017 » Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:33 pm

This is a subject that has me hot under the collar. The casinos seem to have lost control or they don't care about keeping players in line. Last week in Biloxi I couldn't get on a table because two females ( can't call them ladies because they were slobs) had SR 1-4 covered by setting up a picnick of wings and fries on stools between the two they were sitting on. Then you have the slobs that sit on stools that lay across the chip rail taking 3 spots. Then I saw this last week players leaving a few chips in the rail with a paper cocktail napkin over them the player next to the chips says my buddy will be right back he just went the restroom 45 minutes later still no player there. Shit can we get back to when there was a certain amount of class in the casino?
Just venting a little.

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by chuckindice » Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:15 am

grinder2017 wrote:
Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:33 pm
This is a subject that has me hot under the collar. The casinos seem to have lost control or they don't care about keeping players in line. Last week in Biloxi I couldn't get on a table because two females ( can't call them ladies because they were slobs) had SR 1-4 covered by setting up a picnick of wings and fries on stools between the two they were sitting on. Then you have the slobs that sit on stools that lay across the chip rail taking 3 spots. Then I saw this last week players leaving a few chips in the rail with a paper cocktail napkin over them the player next to the chips says my buddy will be right back he just went the restroom 45 minutes later still no player there. Shit can we get back to when there was a certain amount of class in the casino?
Just venting a little.
Agreed. This is so frustrating. I feel like the crew should notice what's happening and politely ask them to fix themselves. I will definitely make myself comfortable at a table with few players. But as soon as the table gets busy, I "skinny up" and try to do my part to allow players to squeeze in.

I haven't been around craps that long. But long enough to remember when people weren't oblivious to common-sense etiquette. Can we please act just a little civilized?!?

- Chris

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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by rhythm roller » Tue Apr 05, 2022 12:49 pm

Seems rudeness and the "Me" mentality has taken over the USA if not the whole world. Although when I lived out of country I saw a lot less of the above. OK, me venting as well. 😀
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Re: Craps Etiquette for New (and oblivious) Players

Post by Bankerdude80 » Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:49 pm

This is a subject that has me hot under the collar. The casinos seem to have lost control or they don't care about keeping players in line. Last week in Biloxi I couldn't get on a table because two females ( can't call them ladies because they were slobs) had SR 1-4 covered by setting up a picnick of wings and fries on stools between the two they were sitting on. Then you have the slobs that sit on stools that lay across the chip rail taking 3 spots. Then I saw this last week players leaving a few chips in the rail with a paper cocktail napkin over them the player next to the chips says my buddy will be right back he just went the restroom 45 minutes later still no player there. Shit can we get back to when there was a certain amount of class in the casino?
Just venting a little. Cheers Grinder
chuckindice wrote:
Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:15 am
Agreed. This is so frustrating. I feel like the crew should notice what's happening and politely ask them to fix themselves. I will definitely make myself comfortable at a table with few players. But as soon as the table gets busy, I "skinny up" and try to do my part to allow players to squeeze in.
- Chris
Seems rudeness and the "Me" mentality has taken over the USA if not the whole world. Although when I lived out of country I saw a lot less of the above. OK, me venting as well. 😀 rhythm roller
Society has embraced the culture of entitlement. It's very narcissistic. Casino management seems apathetic or they do not want to cause a scene and offend the latest "victim". This is an inevitable sign of a decaying civil society. We can only rise above it. I can't make people act a certain way when they do not want to.

I'll make room for players to play as well, but I'm still territorial about my shooting position if I am there first. You want my spot? Then you wait until I color up. What gets me is when you have three in a group and they walk up to an almost full table and they expect to be able to play all next to each other. It's the frat boy triumvirate. Same with couples. No. Each of you grab whatever spots are available and as the table turns over players, take over spots next to each other as they become available. Or, find another table.
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