Do any of you hedge the ATS bet if you are the shooter?

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Do any of you hedge the ATS bet if you are the shooter?

Post by mssthis1 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:15 pm

Wednesday night I tossed everything for the ATS except for the 10. I didn't have any money on it but a guy next to me had 5/5/5. I was going to tell him to make a lay bet hedge because I was getting tired and my feet were starting to ache, but kept my mouth shut instead. Afterwords the dealer also told him he could have hedged it with a lay bet.

If YOU were the shooter and had one box number left to make the all on the ATS would you lay against it? Would you change sets to try to make it? The only time I change my set to try and make a number is if it's a comeout roll.

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Re: Do any of you hedge the ATS bet if you are the shooter?

Post by coaster » Fri Dec 08, 2017 9:42 pm

Would you lay against the 1 box number needed for the full ATS?
When I get down to only needing 1 box number for the ALL it depends on how much I have on the ATS. If I have S 3 – A 4 – T 3 or more I will lay to make $100 if I don’t make it. At least I feel a little better about not making the box since I do get a small bump to my rack. When I do make it after laying, it really doesn’t bother me since I’m getting a nice payout anyway.

Would you change sets?
I use sets that will give me the same srr exactly only with different signature numbers. Example: I could be using a group I call the 1123 group. Within each group there are 24 different sets that all result in a seven with the same toss but give very different signature numbers. To compare them I use BoneTracker. Once I have my tosses recorded in BT I go to the transpose tab and enter the first 6 sets of the 24 then cut and paste it to a blank sheet, I do this 4 times (2 per page) to cover all the 24 sets. Then I view them side by side to look for which set gives me the best chance for a 6,8 or inside, outside, across, top 3, etc. I also look to see which set will give me the best shot at making a 2,3,4,5 etc. when needed. It’s a beautiful thing to take a quick look at a small paper, change to a different set and within a few tosses to actually hit it. If I do toss a 7 after changing sets, I know that it would have been a 7 with my original set anyway since I always stay within the group I am using. I never get stressed about changing sets as long as I stay within the group.

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Re: Do any of you hedge the ATS bet if you are the shooter?

Post by Sputnick » Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:39 pm

I always hedge the one box number left on the all small or all tall and certainly on the all bet. Taking advantage of a guaranteed win in a casino makes sense to me. When I am shooting and playing the bonus bets, I always start my hand with inline sixes to hopefully hit the craps numbers early. I have saved many trips with the bonus bets.


Re: Do any of you hedge the ATS bet if you are the shooter?

Post by luxlogs » Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:10 pm

Lousy ATS doesn't pay enough to bother hedging, Just slows the game down to a crawl. Now Hedging the 5th and 6th number on the Fire, different story. Only way to play the fire in my opinion. Keep your dollars and save them up for the Lay. If you want to Lay the last number on the ATS be my guest, but making 1 more number is a lot easier than making one more point.

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Re: Do any of you hedge the ATS bet if you are the shooter?

Post by London Shooter » Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:38 pm

Yes, would often lay a box number on the ATS depending on how much I had on and how bad/good a session I was having.

Have never been in the position to lay a fire bet. You can go all week and not see that sucker get close :)

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Re: Do any of you hedge the ATS bet if you are the shooter?

Post by heavy » Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:00 pm

I tend to agree with LuxLogs if you're talking about the usual dollar bets or 2-1-2 or something like that. Laying to guarantee a win on a $1 All that will pay you $175 seems like a negative to me. I'd rather just go for it. On the other hand, if I have 10-5-10 on it you can bet I'd hedge that sucker.

I always hedged the sixth number on the Fire bet, and cheerfully won the lay bet all but one time. On that occasion I lost a $600 Lay against the six - but picked up $3K on the win when the six repeated. That, plus the $2K I won off the hand itself, was more than enough to satisfy me.

Which gets me to my final thoughts on laying the ATS. If you're betting your hand correctly and the shooter tosses every number on the layout then you should have nothing to complain about. The majority of the time you'll have gotten enough hits on your action getting TO the ATS win/loss that it's really not that important - particularly for lower limit bettors.
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Re: Do any of you hedge the ATS bet if you are the shooter?

Post by Bankerdude80 » Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:11 am

Anectdotally, in my experience, the ATS rarely is left with a box number remaining. Always seems to be a Horn number left, 2-3-11-or 12. I think it would depend on what bet I had on the sucker. To Heavy's point, if all I have is just 2-1-2, then it's not worth it. I've always been leary of hedging too much. The net return is not always worth it.
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Re: Do any of you hedge the ATS bet if you are the shooter?

Post by DarthNater » Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:44 pm

I have never hedged the ATS either when I'm shooting or a DI is shooting. My thinking is if they've already made 8 (or 9) of the required 10 numbers - then they are literally one roll away. 8 or 9 numbers is already bettering the 1 in 6 theoretical for the seven, so why lay the missing number. Yeah, I get it - if you have a $10 - $5 - $10 ATS spread, but if you're betting that type of spread then sure you can rationalize some kinda hedge. Though if you're laying the 10th number that means you've already hit the small or the tall for $10 x 30 plus whatever else you had bets on. Besides you can only lay 6 of the 10 ATS numbers, if I'm shooting from the right side, I'm not going to lay numbers.

As to the Fire, I've seen guys lay after the third point. Yeah I get it - let's make money. And it usually works. Plus the house loves that as they'd rather pay the lay than a bunch of guys on the Fire. I've seen that lay get in the brains of a lot of shooters, it really rankles some players.

I'd rather help the shooter by betting the number they need-had that happen at Paris once when a virgin shooter only needed to complete their pass with a ten. We started betting the hard ten on every toss and a lot of guys started hopping tens as well. There was so many hard 10 bets that there was no green felt left. It took nine tosses to get that hard ten and took as long to pay it as the fire bet.

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Re: Do any of you hedge the ATS bet if you are the shooter?

Post by slowdriver » Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:23 pm

I like to lay on the last ATS box number I usually have $3 Or $5 on all or nothing so i feel its worth it to Guarantee a win and if it is a hard way number i bet that too for good measure both fire and ATS. I don't always bet the way i should on a long roll and the bonus bets have bailed me out several times.
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