Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Believe it or not, craps is not the only game in the casino. Savvy players have a back-up plan for when their craps game is off. If Heavy isn't winning at Craps you're likely to find him playing Baccarat, Blackjack, or even Roulette. If the table games aren't working out he may even take a cigar break in the high limit slot area for a little hit-and-run action. But just like craps - you have to plan your play and play your plan. If you have a question on slots, video poker, carnival games or any table games other than craps, this is the place to post. Let's hear about the games you play when you're not playing craps! What's your game? What's your strategy? How's that working out for you? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by heavy » Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:34 am

Since it's now legal to run a Sports Book in pretty much every casino in the US (pending approval in individual States) it occurs to me there may be an interest in learning more about sports betting - handicapping, teasers, hedges, parlays, spreads, over/under, etc. There's a ton of stuff you need to know to bet sports successfully.

I'll admit right off the bat that I'm not an expert at betting sport, but I know several people who are, including some folks who have published books on betting sports.

Is there any interest in a sports betting clinic in markets like Tunica, Biloxi, or (watch out, Howard) Florida? What do you think?
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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by r_ventura_23 » Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:41 am

I subscribed to John Patrick's service for many years. Learned a ton, especially in regards to hedging.

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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by heavy » Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:18 am

Yep. John is a pal of mine and my go-to source for info on sports betting. He and I did a seminar together in Atlantic City many years ago. John covered poker and sports. I covered craps and roulette. It was a great class. However, turn-out was disappointing. We had around twenty players sign on, but I was anticipating three to four times that number. Just didn't happen. One more reason why I'm kind of sour on doing seminars in AC.
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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by r_ventura_23 » Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:07 am

I think it would be cost prohibitive. For what John charges, you learn everything about sports betting, and get picks everyday for a year. I think the flight alone would cost more than that.

It is not like craps where you learn and then get to all play together.

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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by 220Inside » Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:09 pm

r_ventura_23 wrote:
Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:07 am
I think it would be cost prohibitive. For what John charges, you learn everything about sports betting, and get picks everyday for a year. I think the flight alone would cost more than that.

It is not like craps where you learn and then get to all play together.
I would imagine Heavy is thinking about making it an optional add on session to the existing classes. He already does optional betting strategy sessions on Sunday that go into Bacc and Roulette.

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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by Lkwd » Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:36 pm

22Inside wrote:
Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:09 pm
r_ventura_23 wrote:
Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:07 am
I think it would be cost prohibitive. For what John charges, you learn everything about sports betting, and get picks everyday for a year. I think the flight alone would cost more than that.

It is not like craps where you learn and then get to all play together.
I would imagine Heavy is thinking about making it an optional add on session to the existing classes. He already does optional betting strategy sessions on Sunday that go into Bacc and Roulette.


I would be very open to adding that portion on to a APC session. It might add a day on, but based on my last few Las Vegas trips, most of the guys come in Thursday or Friday and stay over Monday and Tuesday mostly for open tables and we are all grooved in. I would definately be in for that.


The more I think of it,if you did a Bacc or Roulette class, maybe having that class on Friday when most of us are fresh and not beat down by the Vegas 4 day marathon. Of course that means,a 6am session at Ballys/Paris, then a breakfast and coffee drive-thru and meet up a a classroom location. Interesting thought? But of course, I am not the guy getting it all put together.


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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by heavy » Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:57 pm

Oh God. I thought my 6AM session days were over, but 2 weeks ago in Bossier City I was there, bellied up to the table at the Horseshoe at 5:50AM. I even set an alarm so I could get down there early. The sad part was, I got down there and the table was full. I had to wait for someone to bust out so I could buy in at a crappy shooting position next to base. Go figure.

I can put just about anything together in Vegas. I can use the dealer school if I need to, so there's that. With sufficient interest I can even hire an off-duty dealer to sit and deal mini-bac or roulette for us while we run through the strategies, etc. Interesting idea.
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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by Lkwd » Tue Aug 14, 2018 4:39 pm


I am generally good for June, although next time if we could avoid Fathers Day that would be ok with me. I didn't care but the "Fam" was a bit testy. My answer to them was "so what".

Regarding the 6am table time, for You and me being on different time zones its either 8am or 9am. Heck, We are already up for hours at home and had breakfast and are ready for that mid-morning nap by 6am Vegas time, lol.

I do like the idea of a dealer school friday deal. It must be worth Your time and expenses, but we are learning an entirely new betting method.

Financially, 99% of us have already paid for the travel, gotten the comped casino rooms and Friday is our mess around day waiting for the 6pm "meet-n-greet". The fee of the course is what a lot of us would loose on 2 or 3 buyins during the Friday play sessions. Now we all would like to say we are up financially. Truth be told, I have always gotten my ass kicked Friday, and end up working to recover the losses on the rest of the trip,which is helped tremendously after getting our tosses tweaked at the Dealer session and our live table play tossing and betting getting tweaked too.

I am definately interested, and thinking out loud, the last several trips I've been flying in Thursday night, crashing at the the room as soon as I get checked in. Time zone differences and I'm ready for bed. Up at 6am Vegas ( 9am home ) I am rested, ready and anxious to hit the vegas road. A classroom/dealer session, learning Bacc and Roulette betting seems like a good fit that day.

So, keep me in the loop with your decision.


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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by Bankerdude80 » Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:47 pm

I've been toying with the idea of pursuing one of the other casino games as a backup, the issue I have is that I know how difficult it is to overcome the house edge. I don't have the passion for other games as I do for craps, therefore I know it's probably a losing bet for me. I have considered poker or sports betting, I just haven't had the time to research and master them. Thanks to this forum, I'm now the type of person who has to know what I'm doing before I put any money at risk.
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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by 220Inside » Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:12 pm

Bankerdude80 wrote:
Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:47 pm
I've been toying with the idea of pursuing one of the other casino games as a backup, the issue I have is that I know how difficult it is to overcome the house edge. I don't have the passion for other games as I do for craps, therefore I know it's probably a losing bet for me. I have considered poker or sports betting, I just haven't had the time to research and master them. Thanks to this forum, I'm now the type of person who has to know what I'm doing before I put any money at risk.
What he said... :lol:

I toyed with poker for a bit and that is one tough game. If you don't see the sucker at the's you. Now if you're talking about VP, that I might give a run at one of these days. Gotta read up on recommended plays and the different flavors of it though.

Baccarat seems intriguing, especially with SC's lengthy thread about it. I gotta sit down with it and digest it one of these days. Seems like a long slow grind type of game that can give a nice break from the craps tables.

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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by SHOOTITALL » Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:23 pm

Although I gave up betting FB, it is a fun way to gamble. I never bet anything else except the ponies in live action at the track, again many years since I've been there. I think I carried three or four on line accounts because of the spread differences and one had a fairly decent holdem site. Again, with the old noodle not working well anymore, gave up poker also. Nothing like playing poker tournaments in your house. I did play in LV for a while but that was more work than fun. But, if you are interested in on line poker, be aware of cheats and bots. You can tell bots because of instantaneous decisions. The cheats are two or more players using their cellphones and betting patterns. If you are wanting to play to make a bunch of bucks, beware, these guys and gals are crooked. Then, there was one time where a guy running the site was in cahoots with a player and told him what the next cards would be. Because it is a low ball game, say, $1 - $2 or limit does not mean the cheats are not working it.
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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by London Shooter » Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:44 am

Baccarat is so bloody boring though in my mind. Random coin tosses with a bit of vig thrown in. I know there are all sorts of progressions you can bet and patterns you can search for to join the dots, but I'd much rather play something where I have to make a skilled decision of sorts - e.g BJ or VP.

The expanse of sports betting in the States is of interest and not before time. Living in the country that is the world leader in terms of our sports betting markets, online options and constant innovation, it will be great to see what transpires in places like MS. I am sure William Hill are licking their lips back in London at all that fresh meat up for grabs :)


Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by Jonah » Fri Aug 24, 2018 12:37 pm

London Shooter wrote:
Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:44 am
The expanse of sports betting in the States is of interest and not before time. Living in the country that is the world leader in terms of our sports betting markets, online options and constant innovation, it will be great to see what transpires in places like MS. I am sure William Hill are licking their lips back in London at all that fresh meat up for grabs :)
Won and done? Sportsbooks banning the smart money

"Already a hot-button issue in the United Kingdom, a controversial bookmaking practice is starting to spread in the U.S.'s growing legal sports betting market, too. Bookmakers from London to Las Vegas are refusing to take bets from a growing number of customers whose only offense might be trying to win."

complete article at: ... an-bettors

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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by Moe Bettor » Fri Aug 24, 2018 3:03 pm

Yeah..the winning ruins everything for those guys.I liked the OTB and Sports Haven situations when I lived in Connecticut re: horse betting. Still..yr betting on a live entity and you know what they say about that.

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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by London Shooter » Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:13 pm

Yes, constantly playing cat and mouse of here. Show any signs of knowing what you are doing and they will cut you off. You don't even need to be winning - just making the right kind of selections at the right kind of prices. Lost count of how many friends, realtives and so on's accounts we have gone through over the years :)

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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by heavy » Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:19 pm

Baccarat is so bloody boring . . .
If it's boring then your not betting enough. LOL.

I had huge fun watching a full $25 mini-bac table while playing craps last week. The table was right behind me and was full of Asians. Not a caucasian, african american, hispanic or european in the mix. Mostly Chinese, Cambodian and Vietnamese. This one guy was playing $2500 bets for himself and a $25 dealer bet on EVERY hand. From time to time he'd leave his chips and drink for a few minutes, then come back with another $50K or so. Had I been playing I'd have just watched him and do the opposite.
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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by London Shooter » Fri Aug 24, 2018 4:49 pm

Yeah 2.5k per hand would stop me from getting bored very quickly :)


Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by Jonah » Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:56 pm

State-by-state sports betting bill tracker

'Sports betting is increasingly getting the attention of state lawmakers...

To measure the change in the landscape, ESPN Chalk ranked all 50 states and the District of Columbia in terms of how likely it is for each jurisdiction offer full scale legal sports betting. A brief synopsis for the active states is included, with updates to follow."

complete article at: ... -50-states

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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by heavy » Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:15 pm

Well, here's a fun thought. I dropped my old buddy John Patrick a line the other day and asked if he'd be interested in coming out of retirement and doing a few sports betting seminars. Son of a gun - he's more than ready. All we need are bodies and a location. More to discuss here, but it sure would be fun.
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Re: Sports Betting Seminars? Who's interested?

Post by 220Inside » Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:48 pm

Damn, I might have to get in on that action! Would love to meet JP!

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