Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by heavy » Mon May 28, 2012 9:59 pm

Well, it looks like we'll miss a couple of players on this next roll - Memorial Day traffic and all, I suppose. Well, no different from taking a bathroom break in the casino, I suppose. Dice are out. Shootress has 'em. She rolls . . . . SEVEN OUT - Line Away - Pay the Don'ts. Let's hear those totals, guys. Once we're done I'd like a side by side comparison of all results if someone would like to volunteer. Then let's get a recap by the "winner" of how he played and why.
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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by realtime » Mon May 28, 2012 10:05 pm

Through 11-7-9P-6-6-8-8-9W-4P-9-6-10H-9-6-2-8-9-6-2-8-8-9-9-7 End Shooter 1 (24 rolls)
Through 10P-3-2-6-11-9-8H-9-12-11-7

Win $10 DP bet
Lose $10 PL bet
Win $30 Lay odds on 10 ($15)

1. Current bets: 0
2. Total left in rack: $614
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: $614
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: $114
5. Brief explanation

Come out roll $10 doey/don't bet. ($10 on PL and $10 on DP)

Second roll after point is established $105 Iron Cross ($25 5, $30 6, $30 8, $20 field)

Collect on three individual rolls

Take down Iron Cross bets

If point is 6 or 8, take single odds.

If point is 5,9,4, or 10 lay single odds

Play until a decision is made.

Run "system" only once per shoot


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by Roller123 » Tue May 29, 2012 5:58 am

1. Current bet $0
2. Total left in rack $900
3. Total bankroll $900
4. Net win/loss $400


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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by wudged » Tue May 29, 2012 7:39 am

seven out

1. Current bets - 0
2. Total left in rack - $666
3. Total bankroll - $666
4. Net win/loss - $166
5. Explanation of strategy - $66 inside for one hit, regress to $44 inside for 1 hit, then place 6/8 for $12 each. use MP's passive aggressive from there forward

seven out
1. Current Bets - 0
2. Total left in rack - $688
3. Total bankroll - $688
4. Net win/loss - $188
5. Explanation of strategy - placing 6 and 8 for $12 each. will press the number that hits $6 each time

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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by realtime » Tue May 29, 2012 8:19 am

Final Results

Winner, winner chicken dinner is Roller123 with a profit of $400. Press conference coming soon!

I took the liberty of ciphering the results of a couple of guys based on their last bets even though they have not posted yet. Let me know if I got your final result wrong and I will put in an edit.

Results for the remaining players are:

deadcat $340
taboo $325
al_falcons $188
wudged $166
acpa $130
realtime $114
Little Joe $(5)

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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by heavy » Tue May 29, 2012 11:22 am

It would appear that a couple of things jelled for Roller123. First off, his Umbrella (Anything but Seven, 83%, Field Harvest, etc.) strategy worked out well with a couple of shooters who tossed lots of sixes, eights, and nines. Secondly, his bets were off at the right time, so he was able to lock up an additional profit then the ugly number showed. Well played.

Roller123 - any comments or brags? Let's hear 'em.
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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by acpa » Tue May 29, 2012 1:35 pm

you ot me right.


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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by heavy » Tue May 29, 2012 8:53 pm

That's reat, Noah.

Man, I'm going to miss this thread when it's done.
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- Heavy


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by Roller123 » Wed May 30, 2012 7:52 am

I played two styles of my conservative play. On the first shooter I played a $60 6, $60 8, and a $30 Field for 3 rolls after the point was established and then came down for the rest of the roll. It was a looong roll and I would have made more money staying up but, it has been my experience that most rolls are not that looong! It has also been my experience that on a warm table almost all of the players, DI or not, can roll the dice three times without a seven out.

On the second player I used a variation where I bet more initially with a $120 6, $120 8, and $60 Field. After two hits (one hit was a two so it doubled my Field bet) I cut my bets in half (now they are payed for) and and played for a couple more rolls before coming down and waiting for the seven. If you are at a hot able you can leave your bets up longer. However I hate losing my money on the table even when it's been paid for already so I tend to be more conservative.

Would I make more money leaving my bets up longer? Maybe, although I have never tracked it. My conservative play has been successful for me. I would prefer to take advantage of many small rolls than a couple of big rolls.


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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by Mad Professor » Wed May 30, 2012 8:35 am

Heavy wrote:It would appear that a couple of things jelled for Roller123. First off, his Umbrella (Anything but Seven, 83%, Field Harvest, etc.) strategy worked out well with a couple of shooters who tossed lots of sixes, eights, and nines.

I received PM's from a couple of board-members here, asking that I clear up an apparent misunderstanding/misinterpretation of what my Field-Harvest is or isn’t.

As always, I’m happy to oblige.

First I will say that it most definitely ISN’T another name for, or an adaptation of, the Anything-but-7/Iron-Cross/Umbrella/83% play.

In fact all it is, is an advantage-focused Field-bet wherein the skilled-shooter leverages his in-casino-validated edge over the Field-bet in a way so as to use his Field-number plus-count (more paying-hits than non-paying hits) to his profit-gaining advantage.

Now granted, there’s quite a bit more to it than that, especially in the methodology with which your overall F-bet edge is gauged, and the various ways you can leverage and force-multiply your verified-edge over this wager; but that’s about it in a nutshell.

If you are interested in every aspect of this from its background and genesis…to the dice-sets and bet-values used…and from the various ways to keep an in-rack plus/minus (+/-) F-hit ‘count’…to the many bet-making iterations and permutations that a validated-edge Field-bet can offer; you’ll no doubt find these links helpful:

Mad Professor’s Table-Adaptive Field-Harvest

Using the Field-Harvest as an Above-the-Radar Win-License

How the Field-Harvest’s Every-Roll-is-a-Decision Aspect Can Accelerate Your Earnings

Field-Harvest Comments


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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by Golfer » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:49 pm

Congrats Roller.

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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by al_falcons » Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:54 am

I totally forgot about this thread, looks like a lot of fun! I would like to do a hit and run with my $188 profit and go buy Wudged dinner and/or a beer for his keeping track of my bets for me. I will take that kind of profit on 2 shooters ANY DAY! I guess that is all the rolls we have for this thread?

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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by heavy » Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:59 pm

Hey, here's an idea. MP - what do you say you take this 2 shooter book of rolls and run your $204 Across strategy against it and see how that compares to what Roller managed to kick out with his action.

And as long as we're at it - what about a simple $10 PL with 5X odds strategy on the same book of rolls.
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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by al_falcons » Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:16 pm

That was too easy Heavy, results:
MP204 across = win $480 ( up $409 first roll, up $71 second roll)
Pass 10-50 = loss $15 ( up $45 first roll, down $60 second roll)
steve3 no pass line = win $388
steve3 pass 25 100 odds = win $363
Steve6 = win $240

10 hits on the 6&8 on the first hand, 2 hits on the second. Good shooting there if you are betting 6&8.

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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by al_falcons » Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:34 pm

$30 6&8 after the come out = win $300.
Steve3, Press = win $548

Explanation of the Steve3 Press method is here, ... 8/#post356
The others are on the first page of that thread, I believe.

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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by heavy » Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:01 pm

Well, it's easy if you have time to do this kind of stuff. Personally, I've been engaged watching a cute little bow-legged redhead in bright yellow shorts and a white t-top most of the afternoon. She sure is proud of those tatas.
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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by al_falcons » Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:26 pm

DAMN Heavy, where are the pictures? Don't just tease us like that!

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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by heavy » Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:12 pm

Actually, I have a GREAT digital SLR with a telephoto lens in my desk drawer at the office. I just can't be too obvious with it.

By the way - I have decided that craps is a lot like fishing (and picking up women). A friend of mine once said "you gotta have a big bait if you want to catch a big fish." In craps parlance - most of the time you have to bet big to win big. I won't get into the picking up women thing.
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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by Bones » Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:25 pm

1. Current bets - $484 across working on comeout
$16 horn
2. Total left in rack - $0
3. Total bankroll - $500
4. Net win/loss - unknown factor at this point in time
5.Looking for three rolls then reduce
Last edited by Bones on Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Post by Michael » Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:15 pm

How is your $480 across broken down?
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