
Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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London Shooter
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Re: Regression

Post by London Shooter » Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:49 am

What if you walk into the good hand but were one hit and down? It's easy saying take what the table is giving you but it's not giving you a lot if your timing isn't right.

six shooter
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Re: Regression

Post by six shooter » Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:08 pm

It's a long term strategy. You can't look at one hand and determine your really missing out because you missed one long hand. How many monster rolls due you have during a session if any? Add up all of the profitable sessions that would have been a loss and you turned into a win. Guarantee you will be further ahead overall then waiting for the long roll. There are times when I'm ahead and I'll put out a couple more bets to see if I catch a long hand, due I catch a few..... yes and that is a bonus. However, do I miss some long doubt. I don't know many sessions people will say why did you win and everyone else lost. You just can't keep all of your money on the table when big red hits. On thing is for certain....every hand ends up the same way.

Sputnik said it correct fight the need to be in on the action. I need to win, I don't need to gamble.

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Re: Regression

Post by stratocasterman » Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:05 am

six shooter wrote:
Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:08 pm
It's a long term strategy. You can't look at one hand and determine your really missing out because you missed one long hand. How many monster rolls due you have during a session if any? Add up all of the profitable sessions that would have been a loss and you turned into a win. Guarantee you will be further ahead overall then waiting for the long roll. There are times when I'm ahead and I'll put out a couple more bets to see if I catch a long hand, due I catch a few..... yes and that is a bonus. However, do I miss some long doubt. I don't know many sessions people will say why did you win and everyone else lost. You just can't keep all of your money on the table when big red hits. On thing is for certain....every hand ends up the same way.

Sputnik said it correct fight the need to be in on the action. I need to win, I don't need to gamble.
Exactly! How many monster rolls? Maybe one, likely none, depending on how many hands you get to toss for that session. How many 6-12 roll hands do you have? Probably MANY.

Assume you bet inside numbers 5,6,8 and 9 for $44.
Win -- Profits with win -- Profit if 7 Occurs

1 ------- $14 ------- Loss $30
2 ------- $28 ------- Loss $16
3 ------- $42 ------- Loss $2
4 ------- $56 ------- Profit $12
5 ------- $70 ------- Profit $26

1st Hit and Down - 32% Profit
2nd Hit and Down - 64% Profit
3rd Hit and Down - 96% Profit

What is your win goal? Yes, I am there to WIN! Can't win much giving the casino back your winnings. In three hits, you can either show a nice % Profit or a LOSS.

IMO, regress and down within a reasonable amount of hits is a win every time except, for the PSO or very short hand.

Consistently doing what Heavy said..."Get in, get up, get gone", on every betting hand, leads to steady profits.
What Heavy said...
"Get in, get up, get gone"

wild child
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Re: Regression

Post by wild child » Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:14 am

You may find the Place Bet to Come Bet interspersing COME BET /PLACE BET
as a smooth methodology to reduce exposure..

You set the POINT and PLACE WAGER the Box Numbers of your choice..
Make two or three COME WAGERS at the Craps Table minimum ( $5 , $10 whatever )
Take NO ODDS .
You could pull down any PLACE WAGERS that have not shown in X number of rolls.
You may feel more comfortable with the Pass Line and TWO BOX numbers
Your choice ....

Should the hand continue ,you may return to PLACE WAGERS at YOUR COMFORT LEVEL...
choose to continue with making the Come Bets or return
The options continue as long as the HAND ROLLS on.......

just me saying
w c

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Re: Regression

Post by Bentonck » Thu May 16, 2019 1:59 pm

memo wrote:
Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:25 am

I never get any heat or snide comments..
Once I do my regression, I will always tip the dealer. Usually from the returned chips....buck on my line bet, buck for dealer bet, and minimal odds bet. ie. two dollars for a 5/9. I will add to that as the hand progresses.

Once you do this, especially the second time...The staff is eager to see you make a regression, and of course the point.
Negativity goes out the window...I have seen them very quietly defend my action to a curious TGS.

This, Memo, may be the best tip I've read on this board. I like it, it's simple, and it does take the edge off the dealers on the regress, great idea!


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Re: Regression

Post by DarthNater » Fri May 17, 2019 6:05 am

Bentonck wrote:
Thu May 16, 2019 1:59 pm

This, Memo, may be the best tip I've read on this board. I like it, it's simple, and it does take the edge off the dealers on the regress, great idea!

I agree! Memo, that is such an awesome tip! I'm going to incorporate it in my tactics ASAP.

It needs a name. I suggest from here on out - it's the Memo Toke

So a $60 6 & 8.... one hit go to $18 each, rack the $70 won; plus $120-$36 = $84..... rack the $80 & Memo Toke the $4 as a hand-in and dealer bets; net win $66.

I like it!! Well done 8-) D.N8r
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Re: Regression

Post by 220Inside » Fri May 17, 2019 7:50 am

Agreed. This is a great tip! Thanks Memo!!

Moe Bettor
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Re: Regression

Post by Moe Bettor » Fri May 17, 2019 8:46 am

The best move. I think you forgot the $10 PL bet in there, but what the heck. I think many shooters fear the regression initial bet because a 7 can deplete you fast. A $60 6 and 8 + yr. PL bet would put you back $130 fast. How long does it take to make up that $130? You want to go for less?
How about set for a $30 5 and 9 gives you $42 regressed to $12 6 and 8 + yr. line bet and you are ahead $8 and press up from there.

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Re: Regression

Post by Bentonck » Fri May 17, 2019 9:28 am

It's not for the feint of heart, but I have wargamed it and it works pretty well for my toss. I like DanF's regression with the inside numbers, hit once, regress to 66 inside, and then build from there....I get mad when I see a 4 & 10 as a 1st roll, but I like the "one-inside-number-to-profit" gig ... I had a couple of P7O's and still was able to come back and get up pretty quick...

I am unclear if he's laying 220 inside to start with or 160, as he states 5&9 @ $50 and a $60-8 .... but I assume he meant 6&8... in any case, you hit once and regress to 66-inside, then I full-press on first hit after the regress, and then start collecting. On first pressed-up hit I was going ahead and putting down a $10 4&10 ... then I'm working accross with money already in the rack.

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Re: Regression

Post by acpa » Fri May 17, 2019 2:38 pm

Does anyone use Mad Professor 204 Regression approach?


House of Orange
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Re: Regression

Post by House of Orange » Fri May 17, 2019 4:58 pm

acpa wrote:
Fri May 17, 2019 2:38 pm
Does anyone use Mad Professor 204 Regression approach?

Probably SuperRick!

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