? Google and/or FaceBook + Cryptocurrency ?

Believe it or not, craps is not the only game in the casino. Savvy players have a back-up plan for when their craps game is off. If Heavy isn't winning at Craps you're likely to find him playing Baccarat, Blackjack, or even Roulette. If the table games aren't working out he may even take a cigar break in the high limit slot area for a little hit-and-run action. But just like craps - you have to plan your play and play your plan. If you have a question on slots, video poker, carnival games or any table games other than craps, this is the place to post. Let's hear about the games you play when you're not playing craps! What's your game? What's your strategy? How's that working out for you? Inquiring minds want to know!

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wild child
Posts: 1524
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? Google and/or FaceBook + Cryptocurrency ?

Post by wild child » Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:28 pm

Anyone know if Google & Facebook

are investigating

cryptocurrency ?

w c

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Re: ? Google and/or FaceBook + Cryptocurrency ?

Post by heavy » Mon Jun 03, 2019 4:35 pm

Haven't heard anything about Google but it wouldn't surprise me. Facebook's interest in "minting" a FB "coin" has been well publicized by folks like Bloomberg and J.P. Chase. It's believed that Facebook's base is large enough that it could succeed where previous "bit coin" companies have failed. Facebook reportedly views the advantage of cryptocurrency as being able to conduct international transactions in a uniform currency. The value of the FB "coin" would likely be tied to the value of some market economy, such as the dollar. According to reports from those who seem to be familiar with the matter, GlobalCoin is expected to arrive in Q1 2020.

Read more at http://globalcoinreport.com/facebook-la ... rency-why/
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

wild child
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Re: ? Google and/or FaceBook + Cryptocurrency ?

Post by wild child » Tue Jun 04, 2019 12:22 pm

Just for "giggles & grins"


" Hanyecz BitCoin offer bought the two pizzas? "

irrational exuberance Vs lemming mentality panic
has shown MEGA fluctuation(s)
perceived value of Bit Coin ..

With the BOOM / BUST history of cryptocurrency
( and future crypt coin /block-chain universe )

the concept may go all over the high / low extremes of future charts....

On a smaller scale , with casino gamblers

there are too frequently feeding frenzies
bitter buy in /bank roll destruction...

just me saying
w c

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Re: ? Google and/or FaceBook + Cryptocurrency ?

Post by Jeff40 » Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:38 am

What about day trading cypto? Any one know any good platforms for doing so like a etrade.

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