Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Post by LeftyAJ » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:29 am

A little background first……. I’m very new to the game of Craps. This was only the third time I’ve played. But, over the last month I’ve joined this board, read JP’s Advanced Craps, built a practice rig and throw daily for an hour. I’m a southpaw and after experimenting with different dice sets have had the most success (at home) with the 2V 1-4-2-4 mutant set. I prefer shooting from the Stick-left side, for I tried SR-1 last month during “live” play and felt very cramped by the stickman. After entering almost 700 tosses in Bone tracker my SRR is 8.10 with the 2V, I’ve also experimented with the 3V and my numbers are bit lower at 7.08 SRR. My comeout set is strait six's.

Yesterday I went to Parx Casino just outside of Philly to battle test my 2V throw. I bought in for $300 (I know it's small) at a $10 dollar table at position SL-2. During my LONG wait to shoot and minimum betting on random rollers I was down $60 -$70 bucks before the dice came to me. My first point was a 9 and the rest of the roll was a complete blur. I must of made 7,8 or 9 points and held the dice for over 20 - 25 minutes. I was placing all the inside numbers for the entire roll and would adjust them as per the point that was set. The 6 and 8 I would press up to $42 then regress back to $12 (a couple of times) and the 5 and 9 I pressed up to $30 and regress back to $10. I even made two hard eight tipping bets for me and the crew. Honestly, I was so zoned in on the process of tossing the dice my betting was secondary on my mind. I’m certain I missed a great opportunity of a very large payday due to the fact I didn’t press my bets high enough. When I finally went 7 out I colored for $821.

I would love to hear from the more experienced players when do you really ramp up your bets and go for a big big score, or do you continue to do regressions and up and pull. Were my $42 and $30 high end bets too low? How do you all handle a “hot roll” My biggest fear yesterday was to really bump up my bets and leave a ton of money on the table when the 7 showed. BTW, just before I rolled my 7 out yesterday I just regressed my 6 and 8 from $42 back down to $12.


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Re: Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Post by amish dude » Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:23 pm

bullies wrote:A little background first……. I’m very new to the game of Craps. This was only the third time I’ve played. But, over the last month I’ve joined this board, read JP’s Advanced Craps, built a practice rig and throw daily for an hour. I’m a southpaw and after experimenting with different dice sets have had the most success (at home) with the 2V 1-4-2-4 mutant set. I prefer shooting from the Stick-left side, for I tried SR-1 last month during “live” play and felt very cramped by the stickman. After entering almost 700 tosses in Bone tracker my SRR is 8.10 with the 2V, I’ve also experimented with the 3V and my numbers are bit lower at 7.08 SRR. My comeout set is strait six's.

Yesterday I went to Parx Casino just outside of Philly to battle test my 2V throw. I bought in for $300 (I know it's small) at a $10 dollar table at position SL-2. During my LONG wait to shoot and minimum betting on random rollers I was down $60 -$70 bucks before the dice came to me. My first point was a 9 and the rest of the roll was a complete blur. I must of made 7,8 or 9 points and held the dice for over 20 - 25 minutes. I was placing all the inside numbers for the entire roll and would adjust them as per the point that was set. The 6 and 8 I would press up to $42 then regress back to $12 (a couple of times) and the 5 and 9 I pressed up to $30 and regress back to $10. I even made two hard eight tipping bets for me and the crew. Honestly, I was so zoned in on the process of tossing the dice my betting was secondary on my mind. I’m certain I missed a great opportunity of a very large payday due to the fact I didn’t press my bets high enough. When I finally went 7 out I colored for $821.

I would love to hear from the more experienced players when do you really ramp up your bets and go for a big big score, or do you continue to do regressions and up and pull. Were my $42 and $30 high end bets too low? How do you all handle a “hot roll” My biggest fear yesterday was to really bump up my bets and leave a ton of money on the table when the 7 showed. BTW, just before I rolled my 7 out yesterday I just regressed my 6 and 8 from $42 back down to $12.


I could not care less about the betting portion of the game! Only about the TOSS!
Amish wife bets for me so I do not concern my self with money after tossing 3 7's in a row at Revel
she is hooked on betting for me over to Golden Nugget for 3 more 7's in a row, now where did my bank roll of $100 GO! she said i want back to Revel that night and got stupid.
goes to show early to bed and early to rise will make A DI healthy, Wealthy and Wise!
shhot before 10 o'clock no one is there and the dealer loves when you bet for them even if it's only a buck!
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Re: Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Post by heavy » Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:10 pm

Well, getting money off the table is the key. It appears from your post that you are starting out with a lower denomination bet, pressing up, then regressing and starting over. I used to do something similar, but I started out with a higher bet for one or two hits, regressed, then pressed to the next level. Sometimes I call this a Leapfrog Bet. Example $30 six and eight. One hit on either pays $35. Regress to $18 each and you have $1 at risk to win $21 with $36 action. Next hit pays $21 - same bet. Now you have a $20 profit off the table and you're good to go. Next his pays $21 - drop $3 on top of the payoff and press the six and eight up to $30 each. From this point on I'd decide IN ADVANCE how I wanted to handle press moves. These days I'm leaning toward pressing only the number that hits and I press every other hit. Back in the old days I tended to press in pairs and on every third hit. All of this plays to your tracking of rolls to see what you're throwing. With that said, if at any time you find yourself confused about press moves just say "Up a unit" whenever you get a hit and everything will take care of itself. Regarding secondary regressions - it is NEVER wrong to take money off the table. Whenever you hear that tiny voice in your head saying something like "man, you have a lot of money on the table," it's time to take it down.
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Re: Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Post by LeftyAJ » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:01 pm

DGCT wrote:. Why do you like that set?

Dave G-Ct
My plan going in was to bet $44 or $66 inside when shooting, in my practice sessions the 2V gave me better coverage of those 4 numbers than the 3V.

Heavy wrote: With that said, if at any time you find yourself confused about press moves just say "Up a unit" whenever you get a hit and everything will take care of itself. Regarding secondary regressions - it is NEVER wrong to take money off the table. Whenever you hear that tiny voice in your head saying something like "man, you have a lot of money on the table," it's time to take it down.
I think my biggest problem was saying "same bet" over and over rather than "up a unit" even when my rack was filling up. One positive thing I did do, once I got well ahead was to increase my passline odds to 2x or 3x on all my point numbers.


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Re: Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Post by SHOOTITALL » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:14 pm

B: As you mentioned, you are basically new to this. Greed has killed more DI's than Obamacare will. Be content with any win. The wouldof, shouldof stuff should never be a part of your thinking. Each session is a brand new ball game and should be approached as such. Suppose you make a nice score, color out and come back later. This is not a continuation of the first session, but brand new and should be approached that way. The profits made in the first session has no bearing on the second and should not be included in the buyin or gaming. Just stick to your loss limit and the profits will take care of themselves. sia
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Re: Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Post by heavy » Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:13 pm

The other thing I'll suggest is that you reward yourself out of the win. If you win $600 then plow $400 into bankroll building, give the bride $100 to keep the peace in the family and spend the other $100 on something for yourself. It helps keep all of this stuff in perspective.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Post by wild child » Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:20 pm


You did well and you are getting wisdom laced advice.

By maintaining the perspective of keeping your INITIAL WAGER AMOUNT , BUY IN, and DEDICATED BANK ROLL in RATIO you will be beyond the playing with scared money syndrome.

The early Initial Steep Reduction of money at risk was a wise move.
It serves you well to follow up with strategic money at risk reductions. You have not lost what is removed from the danger of the SEVEN OUT.

There is always another day to play some more.

The smart MONEY MANAGERS string at least EIGHT ( 8 ) WINNING SESSIONS back to back prior to
even considering INCREASING THE INITIAL BET and BUY IN out of their LARGER BANK ROLL........

Set backs and losing sessions are part of the job. Know they may occur on any casino adventure..
Winners know when to step away .
Replenishing your BUY IN is far less painful when there is a plentiful BANK ROLL to fund it.

If you stick with it,your Bank will allow for a larger BUY IN and
the resultant future LARGER STARTING BETS.

You are off to a good start.


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Re: Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Post by LeftyAJ » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:16 am

SHOOTITALL wrote:B: As you mentioned, you are basically new to this. Greed has killed more DI's than Obamacare will. Be content with any win. The wouldof, shouldof stuff should never be a part of your thinking. Each session is a brand new ball game and should be approached as such. Suppose you make a nice score, color out and come back later. This is not a continuation of the first session, but brand new and should be approached that way. The profits made in the first session has no bearing on the second and should not be included in the buyin or gaming. Just stick to your loss limit and the profits will take care of themselves. sia
Great point about each session being totally independent. I was “spent” after that roll and I knew it was time to bug out. Granted, if I were with friends who wanted to stay I most likely would of grabbed a bite to eat and then returned to the tables. Following your suggestion, any future “2nd session” buy-in’s will be identical to my first.

wild child wrote:bullies

You did well and you are getting wisdom laced advice.

By maintaining the perspective of keeping your INITIAL WAGER AMOUNT , BUY IN, and DEDICATED BANK ROLL in RATIO you will be beyond the playing with scared money syndrome.

The early Initial Steep Reduction of money at risk was a wise move.
It serves you well to follow up with strategic money at risk reductions. You have not lost what is removed from the danger of the SEVEN OUT.

There is always another day to play some more.

The smart MONEY MANAGERS string at least EIGHT ( 8 ) WINNING SESSIONS back to back prior to
even considering INCREASING THE INITIAL BET and BUY IN out of their LARGER BANK ROLL........

Set backs and losing sessions are part of the job. Know they may occur on any casino adventure..
Winners know when to step away .
Replenishing your BUY IN is far less painful when there is a plentiful BANK ROLL to fund it.

If you stick with it,your Bank will allow for a larger BUY IN and
the resultant future LARGER STARTING BETS.

You are off to a good start.

Yes, I realize that my $300 buy-in is rather small and as you’ve said I’ve attempted to keep my initial wagers and bet sizes all in proportion. My reasoning is this, I’ve done a ton of research and legwork attempting to learn the game of craps (outside of the casino). So where I currently am on the “craps learning curve” to me it makes no sense to plunk down large amounts of buy-in money when I’m still a “Single A” player. As my skill level progresses to the AA then AAA levels so will my buy-ins. My grand plan when I started this “craps experiment” was to do it in baby steps and I believe I’m staying on track. With the great advice I’m getting from this board it makes the process so much easier.

WC, As you said stringing multiple winning sessions together and padding up your overall bankroll is what it’s all about. Once I accomplish that and my skill and confidence levels increase accordingly I can move to the next size buy-in and bet levels. WC, as you, Heavy and Sia have said money management is a huge part of the game and I’m trying my best to get my arms around it. I'm a patient guy and I'm not trying to rush this. My goal is to make this a profitable venture.


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Re: Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Post by SHOOTITALL » Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:29 pm

One last point: The $300 buy-in is not "small". It is a comfort level. That buy-in is probably bigger than 85% of the players at the table. Most buy in for about a hundred, unless you are in a depressed area where they buy-in for $20-30 bucks or so. ABQ comes to mind as a trip report mentioned. I can assure you the box and TGM notices any buy-in over a hundred. They know you could be a serious player and with a streak will gouge hell out of them.
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.


Re: Newbie.......My First Long Roll

Post by Ugocat » Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:20 pm

Hello Newbie, congratulations on your nice roll. I have been trying to be a DI for about 12 years now. I will have nice periods of time where I think I am really having some influence on the dice, then go on a streak where nothing is working. During these times I question whether or not the good periods were just a matter of luck. This is where I am at right now. I to play at Parx, last time I went I had a table all to myself for about 45 min. I couldn't get anything going at all, but thinking I want to take advantage of having the table to myself I kept playing, and losing, and went through my loss limit. Yes I know. dumb. I have to stick to a loss limit no matter what. Any way Newbie I personally think the tables at Parx are very bouncy. I have a very soft toss and a few of my throws still bounce off their tables. Next time I go I'm thinking of not shooting or just throwing the dice with out trying to influence them. That where my confidence is right now. Not to be a downer, but just be careful of worrying about pressing your bets to soon. See if you can keep throwing with some good consistency first. If you would like to let me know next time you are going I wouldn't mind maybe meeting you there as I am always more interested in betting on someone who is at least trying to influence the dice. Thanks, and continued good luck. Ugocat

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