How Long until Edge is considered real?

Believe it or not, craps is not the only game in the casino. Savvy players have a back-up plan for when their craps game is off. If Heavy isn't winning at Craps you're likely to find him playing Baccarat, Blackjack, or even Roulette. If the table games aren't working out he may even take a cigar break in the high limit slot area for a little hit-and-run action. But just like craps - you have to plan your play and play your plan. If you have a question on slots, video poker, carnival games or any table games other than craps, this is the place to post. Let's hear about the games you play when you're not playing craps! What's your game? What's your strategy? How's that working out for you? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Nicky Lightning
Posts: 32
Joined: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:08 pm

How Long until Edge is considered real?

Post by Nicky Lightning » Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:49 pm

I know most people on this forum are focused on trying to gain an edge at Craps, but my question is for roulette and maybe the same answer applies to any gambling activity. I've been testing my own variation of Heavy's Xploitation Roulette for the past couple of days on live dealer roulette games. I have played a total of 10.5 hours with placing 116 bets, betting 5 numbers at a time and winning 25 times and losing 91. The total profit is 320 units and I'm running at a %55.17 edge. Now I know this is a very small sample size, but I don't know how many bets until I can feel confident this is legit or just good variance. I will post the stats below and thanks for any replies.

Unit Value: 1
Total Bets: 116
Wins: 25
Numbers covered: 5

Losses: 91
$ per win: 31
$ per loss: 5
Winnings: 775
Losings: 455
Total Bets:116

Profit (units): 320
Profit (dollars): $320.00
Edge (%) 55.17%

The stats above are from an edge calculator that I have in exel that was set up for roulette.

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Re: How Long until Edge is considered real?

Post by heavy » Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:28 am

I'd look at a LOT more, Nick. Those numbers are exceptionally strong, even for Xploitation, which I feel is quite a strong play. I'd want to look at least 10 to 12 times that number of decisions, probably spread over more than just a single wheel in a single casino. What you may be seeing is a biased wheel or a dealer with a strong signature that Xpolitation is picking up - which is exactly one of the things it's supposed to do. But it that's the case and you take it to another casino expecting similar results you might be quickly brought back to earth. In any case, congrats on a great showing. Keep us posted.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

Nicky Lightning
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Re: How Long until Edge is considered real?

Post by Nicky Lightning » Wed Jan 15, 2020 6:49 am

Thanks for the reply Heavy, I’m currently playing online and it’s on a European wheel. I have played through 18 different dealers but yeah 10 to 12 times shouldn’t take me more than few weeks to get too then I’ll repost the results.

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Re: How Long until Edge is considered real?

Post by Knick111 » Wed Jan 15, 2020 11:03 am

Greetings Nicky Lightning,

When you say, I'm currently playing on line, are you playing for fun or playing for
real money?


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Re: How Long until Edge is considered real?

Post by r_ventura_23 » Wed Jan 15, 2020 6:39 pm

I believe you can only play live with real money.

Playing the European style wheel really helps out with the vig.

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