How Do YOU Handle the Pass Line Bet?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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How Do YOU Handle the Pass Line Bet?

Post by heavy » Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:40 pm

The Pass Line bet is, IMHO, one of the most underutilized and mis-used bets on the layout. Those of us who are hardcore Place bettors tend to shy away from it because it's a contract bet. We only bet it when it's our turn to shoot. Others only bet it because it's the price of admission to the carnival side show games, like the All Tall Small bet or the Fire Bet. I want to know what YOU think the best way to handle the the Pass Line bet is on the Come Out. Let's assume a $10 game. Talk about what happens when the Pass Line Wins on the Come Out. What if a Craps number shows? Did you Hedge? What if an Eleven shows? Did you have a Yo, Horn, or World bet? Did you hop the sevens on the Come Out? If the Seven rolls - do you "stack it - don't rack it?" What if you establish a point then make it? Do you continue with the same $10 Pass Line bet on the next hand or do you increase the size of that Pass Line bet? All legitimate approaches to the line - and all different tactics that DI's may want to take depending on their ability to influence the outcome of the roll. Sooooo, talk to me. How do you play the Pass Line and why?
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

wild child
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Re: How Do YOU Handle the Pass Line Bet?

Post by wild child » Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:27 pm

About 50% of the time

is on the OTHER END of the LayOut,

I elect to PLACE BET THE P/L number in the BOX NUMBER AREA
the other 50% when the shooter is on my side of THE Stick Persona

I may feel more comfortable risking TABLE Minimum on THE PASS LINE

I am somewhat comfortable
Risking Some $ Value on THE ODDS after Point Line is established.

My turn to TOSS the dice
Rules of THE GAME dictate I MUST establish a Wager on The P/L
having Box Number Wagers
My Mode of Operation
has me making serial Come BET Wagers ( Usually with single ODDS)
on those Box NUMBERS, I actually manage to establish

The SLEEPER BOX NUMBERS may be TAKEN DOWN after X number of rolls

Perhaps JUST ME

somewhat limited intelligencia
fretting over PLACE BET/WAGERS
when I am Driving The Dice Toss Train

just me saying
w c

House of Orange
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Re: How Do YOU Handle the Pass Line Bet?

Post by House of Orange » Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:24 pm

Pass line bet is another D’ALEMBERT opportunity. Up $10 on a loss, down $10 on a win. Multiple wins happen when you play GWAG and don’t waste valuable time and resources on ATS. So when inevitably those wins happen add $5 to line bets after each 7/11. I try to manipulate 6’s showing up more than 1’s, negating the need for an expensive ace deuce hedge. When I play stupid I just have a $5 craps check per $35 line bet.

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Big O
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Re: How Do YOU Handle the Pass Line Bet?

Post by Big O » Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:46 am

Depends on which way the winds blowing. Not really but my whole betting strategy seems to be influx so it is hard for me to pin it down. I have evolved to not playing the pass line often unless i am tossing or it is required for bonus bet(which i am playing less frequently on other shooters). Usually 10 sometimes 15 to cover ATS protected by a horn or world depending on session and how i feel about my GWAG game. On occasion DP and employ OHCM at different levels.
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Re: How Do YOU Handle the Pass Line Bet?

Post by Cap-n_Lou » Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:25 pm

It really matters to me what the odds limits are. At a 10x or higher casino, I bet the minimum and risk more money on the odds. I will “stack and not rack” the second come-out 7, or any yo. At a traditional 3-4-5x place it really depends on how things tend to be going. I’ll bet more to get a larger odds bet if I am rolling (well) or if the shooter has gotten hot. If not, I’ll stick to box numbers or go dark.

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Re: How Do YOU Handle the Pass Line Bet?

Post by Tgold » Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:46 pm

Hi Heavy et al

*Majority of time, though like many Im always tweaking/trying other approaches though basically it resembles the following or something closse. I have a few heavy press approaches though I typically come back to something like the following.

My Approach(Most sessions):
I typically make PL the same value as Plc bet(s). If I intend to do a total of three wagers then 30PL, 30plc/30plc. If only one Plc bet then 60PL/ 60plc. Its actually simple/straight forward though I will touch on a couple of my thoughts/logic as to why I may press or not, may pull everything down /quit session at >=win goal...etc.

I predetermine if im willing to parlay or press PL 3x or 4x prior to first toss.
The main decision I make at this stage(regardless if 3x or 4x) is

A)have I hit my minimum session win goal(>2.0 U , so 2x my initial outlay which would be 120=so 2.0 u >=240. If my initial outlay was 30x3=90, then my 2.0 U win goal >= 180).

B)If I hit my win goal of >=$240 for $60/60 wagers, AND I have enough over that I can continue at my base U. I do same assessment at 2nd goal of 20% of buyin, which is often hit just after the 2.0U win goal, then next goal is 50%BI, 100% BI. I never go back below once a win goal is obtained. Each Goal is viewed as (>=), as I don't like to ever leave a win streak.

C) If I can continue as indicated from B, then I will go on and hope to reach press levels 5th,6,7,8....etc.

When I make it to that predetermined stage(3x or 4x) I then make a decision based partly on what my plc bets have produced, how many rolls so far, where am I re:Buyin.

So we will use the example of $60=BaseUnit= 1.0= 2 wagers= $120 initial risk.
The following is really simple though I find it easier to do a base U as multiple of 30.

My press regime: 1.0, +1.0, +.5, +.33, +.25, +.20, +.166, +.1428, +.125 and reminder this is additive press amount is a function of my base unit and not what the wagers current size (so simply 1.0 and each additive is a f(x) of the BaseU.)

So in my above fractions w/ $60baseU=60+60+30+20+15+12+10....etc. So this 1.0+1.0+1/2+1/3+1/4,+1/5,+1/6,+1/7...etc looks like the following:

My wager size changes: 60(1st hit),120(2ndhit),150(3rdHt), 170(4th ht), 185(5th),...etc to 7out

If BaseU =30: 30+30+15+10...etc: 30,60,75,85...etc

Pros: As we can see most of "my" money is risked at beginning:wager 1. Wager2 is simply my win from hit 1 added to my BaseU. . When I finally lose the wager(7out) Im only losing that very last press amount which is just a small fraction of the current wager size. Actually if the wager has made it past 3rd level even that last press is not from my rack as it actually has been generated from the early /higher press fraction that started compounding between 1stHit--2ndH--3rdHit.

Cons: As you can see you need to get that second hit and occasionally get to at least 3x level.
Its difficult/tempting to start pressing-parlaying..etc if Ive receive several wins say 5/6th level and maybe each of the Plc bets have received 3-4 hits. But these 5th-6th-7th hits simply do NOT occur very often. Three hits---all the time(usually something like 768611...etc). Like many of you I not only review my own sessions I review hundreds of other live session data. Bottom line: I don't how many wins I will receive, however, I do know I seldom get 8 PL winners and I see more 1 winners than 2 winners than 3 winners...etc.

*I seldom ever hit 8th level, I very frequently hit level 3x and sometimes 4x. IMO we get 3 pl winners more often than most players perceive.

**It often seems as though the casino has some voodoo doll w/magic wand above the table swatting my wagers away as it seems extremely difficult to go from 4th winner to 5th, at least for me (so main reason for making the key decisions at 3x or 4 x press level.

***When making my decision at the 3x or 4x level(as shown in B above), That decision doesn't necessarily mean I leave current winning streak. It means I don't continue with the current/ next press and will regress to a lower level so that IF 7 shows my net to rack has met that particular goal level. Most of the time though if I hit my win goal at say level 3 or 4 Im able to continue on because remember my presses are getting smaller /smaller because its size is relative to that initial baseU, yet my wager is getting larger.

****Sometimes I actually run the same press regime on the one or two inside wagers.
*****Doesn't always win, however, the losing session are usually low too. It doesn't really need a huge hand to hit win goal. Many of the better wins are actually on moderate 8-12 hands and I was just fortunate to get 2-3 CO wins and hit a couple points.

Questions? clarification needed?

Continued Success To All,
All the best,

House of Orange
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Re: How Do YOU Handle the Pass Line Bet?

Post by House of Orange » Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:33 am

War gaming, possibly with WinCraps, would be helpful.

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