Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by Cap-n_Lou » Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:50 pm

THIS is why I love this blog / forum. I have read and reread this thread three times and I am still not sure I understand what everyone is saying or trying to say. Thank you all.

House of Orange
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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by House of Orange » Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:20 am

Everyone in the know has been very nice about the characters that were selling this product. But the bottom line is "don't be a dick"

wild child
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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by wild child » Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:06 pm


Check your "Private Messages"

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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by Cap-n_Lou » Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:16 pm

London Shooter wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:00 pm All systems are nonsense at craps Enthusiast. It's an easy statement to make. Anybody can post up any system they want and me, Irish, Heavy and anybody who knows the house edge of all the various bets can tell you how much on average you are going to lose following said system. Of course, there are different levels of nonsense depending on what bets are incorporated into each system.
Hi London Shooter!

Just curious, since it’s a popular discussion topic back here: are the UK casinos closed down too?


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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by Tgold » Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:30 pm

Good Evening Irish
Always good to hear from you.

In response to your reply: SERIOUSLY?
Do you really think that is why I posted a response to your sarcastic pop shot at my post???
Tgold post to HOO
I agree, and the great thing is it can be calculated and its range can easily be estimated. Furthermore, one of the more important attribute of Variance is that It also has limits , just as randomicity does.


I assume this was in response to:

"I agree, and the great thing is it can be calculated and its range can easily be estimated. Furthermore, one of the more important attribute of Variance is that It also has limits , just as randomicity does."

Irish SA and snide remark:
You were kinder than I would have been. 1M Monkeys etc. etc. The great thing about the English language is that words can be strung together easily and the result be entirely meaningless.
You know as well as as I do it was because: "YOUR COMMENT WAS SARCASTIC", no other reason, nada, zero. That and that only. I wont even debate it.

If that truly is your concern then you need reread your comment and (very slow, super fast, R to L,whatever is needed). If you read it then conclude:

"Hmm I just cant figure out why Tgold would say that is sarcasm."--Then STOP, Do NOT read further do NOT pass the next sentence as we are not on the same wave length , and the next couple sentences will NOT make any sense to you at all. Lets pause.

GREAT--Im glad you made it down this far.

Im simply saying LESS IS MORE.


Less sarcasm is better. Simple. I didn't have to search the Inet to reach that conclusion. Its just good ol fashion common sense--nothing else.

Once again,Im not talking down to you. Im not scolding at you. This isn't about mine and your dislike for each other. Im simply saying WHY??What kind of response did you expect. How could your snide snipe at me(and my post) benefit the forum in any way, shape or form??? What was your objective? What goal did you hope obtain?

That's the point Im trying to make: It doesn't . It does NOT boost the open dialogue. It does NOT increase the balanced bk/forth , agreeing/disagreeing with civility amongst the members. Which fortunately this forum(unlike most) does have a great of balance of total strangers that seem to put forth extra effort to disagree with style. In other words we agree/disagree(and thats good). Sarcasm not so good.

This is the only forum Im a member, so im not an expert on forums. Who knows maybe there are many great forums out there. I doubt it. WHY?

If one visits most any forum for five minutes you will see quickly there are usually 3-4 drama queens that try to be center stage , naysayers to anyone that says they win most of the time, often trying to control the site and topics...etc. Seldom discuss actual play/strategy...etc. All they do is dribble negativity on all things not like them....etc. Some of our older members know which boards Im talking about.

Our Forum: Nope. We have a great forum and its partially due to the above. Not because of any one members contribution.

Sir Irish--What im eluding to is the forum isn't about you/I. We can continue our dislike for each other in he background/in silence, and in 365 days(If we both work really hard), we will dislike each other twice as much as today. I doubt the forum will miss our exchanges. Im sure our favorite moderator 21outside is firing off another warning as I type.

LESS IS MORE That's all Im saying. Im sure you and other members share my belief.

Once again I reiterate. Im trying the best I know how to reply respectfully to you/your comments.
I am NOT saying you are a habitual poster of sarcasm. nope
I am NOT saying you are a habitual thread killer.nope
I am NOT saying you speak sarcastically to your wife--nope
To your employer, employees, ? nope/nope
Neighbor? nope, kids grandkids --nope and nope


Again, Im very sure youre an alright guy and Im confident Ill find many of your posts interesting/beneficial .

Continued success to you/yours.
All the best,

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London Shooter
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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by London Shooter » Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:21 pm

Capn-Lou, yes all our casinos have been closed down for a week now along with pubs and restaurants and any shop/business deemed non essential.

Unlike what your King Canute claims, there's no way the UK is open for business come Easter. In my head I'm already expecting most of the summer to be a write off 😐

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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by Knick111 » Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:23 pm

Greetings L.S,

All trump is doing is, trying to stop the coronavirus 19, before the coronavirus stops us/ kill us all.


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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by Cap-n_Lou » Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:48 pm

London Shooter wrote: Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:21 pm Capn-Lou, yes all our casinos have been closed down for a week now along with pubs and restaurants and any shop/business deemed non essential.

Unlike what your King Canute claims, there's no way the UK is open for business come Easter. In my head I'm already expecting most of the summer to be a write off 😐
He does tend to talk without thinking. But he can’t order the individual states to open / lift restrictions anyway; it’s up to local governments and they are mostly taking this seriously. Those that aren’t now, will be soon. I am predicting that businesses will start to open in early summer on a rolling basis, depending on how things are going in that particular region.

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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by Tgold » Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:43 am

Hi Irish
Always good to hear from you.

Please re read my post to you on : (Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:30 pm) in response to your sarcastic post to one of my comments agreeing with another posters' post earlier in this thread.

All the best,

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London Shooter
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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by London Shooter » Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:11 pm

Well at least we can now state that being open for business by Easter was way off the mark. Surely April 30th is just fantasy also? USA seems to be wanting to deal with this problem in terms of weeks when the answer is almost certainly months of social distancing/isolation/casino closures and so on.

Buy The Four
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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by Buy The Four » Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:02 pm

I agree LS. Our school districts in CA just extended our on-line schooling to middle of May. Apparently Trump made a visit to the local hospital in Queens. It shook him up enough (or his advisors convinced him) to continue with our “stay-put” order in the US.

Our governor in CA might actually have saved tons of lives by having us “shelter in place” so soon. Unfortunately, we will never know or hear about it. I’m afraid the economic chaos that will continue to ensue from our shelter in place order may be “louder” than the good it did.

I don’t envy being the governor right now...

Hope all is well in the UK LS.

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London Shooter
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Re: Anyone heard of Trinity Method posted on koganinja site?

Post by London Shooter » Thu Apr 02, 2020 1:07 am

All is not well in the UK. We are 2 or 3 weeks behind Italy and Spain. Signs are their cases may be about peaking but it’s early for that debate just yet. Our lockdown measures seem to have had a great effect with the vast majority taking note. The big test will be what happens when absolute boredom sets in - we are only in week two now.

I am chalking up July 1st on the wall of my home prison cell as a possible release date. I think the reality is this thing goes on for easily that long with a very slow getting back to normal and perhaps further restrictions down the line of cases start to go up again.

I’ve got a room booked at ph in Vegas for Oct. hell knows what the airline industry is going to be like on the back end of this or what fares might be like also. Transatlantic travel has been so common and affordable for me in the last few years. I hope that industry gets back to normal as I love my casino trips over the pond 😄

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