Best way to bet the 7?

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Best way to bet the 7?

Post by Enthusiast » Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:27 pm

I bet mostly the Field and 5,6,8.

However, is there a "best/better" way to cover/bet the 7 when there are a ton of short rolls and lots of Don't Passes that show up? Or, even to cover the DP bets (while not getting burned if a string of Passes kick in)?

Think Iron Cross betting, but when the ugly seven is rearing its head, what can one do to cover the issue of short rolls ending in 7 (i.e. DPs)?

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by 220Inside » Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:56 pm

But what if I don't want to think Iron Cross betting (ugh!)? :mrgreen:

Have you checked out the Wrong Way Craps forum? Plenty of dark side strategy discussion there.

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by heavy » Wed Jun 24, 2020 1:58 am

I'm with 22inside. The Iron Cross strategy is awful at its best. Combing some sort of sevens hop hedge strategy would only make it worse.
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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by Big O » Wed Jun 24, 2020 11:58 am

Not much better advise than from Heavy and 22. I played around with the iron cross when I first started playing 5 years ago. I don’t want anything to do with the field even though I go in streaks tossing X6s it will suck you in them suck you dry.
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Moe Bettor
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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by Moe Bettor » Wed Jun 24, 2020 1:33 pm

Agree with Heavy, but if you are a terrific DI with a limitless bankroll and are a master at seven's a wild and crazy one shot deal. One shot. $270 covers 5,6 and 8 and $50 on the field. shot and down and never play it again. Use the win to place the 5 and 9 for $25 each.

House of Orange
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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by House of Orange » Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:43 pm

thnick wrote:
Wed Jun 24, 2020 1:33 pm
One shot. $270 covers 5,6 and 8 and $50 on the field. shot and down and never play it again. Use the win to place the 5 and 9 for $25 each.
Splain please! $90@# plus $50 field?

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by Moe Bettor » Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:57 pm

You got it. $90 on each of 5, 6, 8=$270 and $50 field. 6 and 8 hit $105-50 losing field bet=$55. 5 hits for $90 you get $126-50=$76. Field hits for $50 you get $50. 6 and 8 are placed for $24 each if you want..or $18 and keep the residue..or $10 on 5 or 9. I prefer 5 and 9 for $25 each as I throw those often. You have also pulled everything down, of course from yr. horrible IC bet.

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by House of Orange » Wed Jun 24, 2020 5:45 pm

That $90 five pays $5 more in Biloxi, just sayin. Super ouch on a PSO!

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by Moe Bettor » Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:59 pm

Oh yes. Work it on the come out and then forget it. And it helps also if you live close to the casino because you'll be going home early often.

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by r_ventura_23 » Wed Jun 24, 2020 7:59 pm

There are two systems that I am a winning player with. One is the John Patrick system and one is rhe Iron Cross. Now....I agree that it is not a great system but I have grinded out some great wins using it with the progression I came up with. But IT is a grind. One or two hits and down on each shooter. And stings on a long roll.

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by SHOOTITALL » Wed Jun 24, 2020 9:03 pm

From MPs Playbook: A different look:
Iron Cross w/ Silver Streaks

Using a $5 base bet we place $5 on the Field and Place the 5.
We also Place $6 each on the 6 & 8.
We lay the 4 for $51. If the 7 shows, you have a profit of $3.
As each number hits we keep all the Field, 5, 6 & 8 bets in action.
This method variation should not work, but it does.
Played with a "short" bankroll of $365 ($1 for every day of the year), it can provide hours of action with a very high degree of success
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by Moe Bettor » Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:08 am

So you are switching the bad number from 7 to 4 which makes sense. It's a higher loss if you throw a 4, but it is a harder to throw number. Interesting idea. One of the problems is the pay off. You're putting all that money out and in the end of it all you're basically winning $2 at
a clip..or maybe$3 or $5. I think what you'd want with this way of playing is a higher payout from the common numbers..Like say a $20 5 and $24 6 and 8 with a $10 field. So you have $78 at risk and a $160 no 4 makes $238. A hit on 5, 6, 8 will net you $18 each time..or $10.

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by Moe Bettor » Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:35 am

Ok SIA. You got me with this one. I immediately ran down to my table and damn. This thing is pretty cool. I upped the bets to provide with more
on each roll and I added one additional move. After three hits like this, I pull everything down except the no 4. Then I go for my seven which I spent much time practicing. This is even better. I hate myself for liking this.

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by r_ventura_23 » Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:57 am

When I am at a computer I will post how I used this.

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by SHOOTITALL » Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:50 am

Thnick: As mentioned, it's not my system but for better or worse, I collect systems as a hobby within a hobby. It is interesting to watch this board seeing folks rediscover systems that are older than the pyramids. Which brings up a quirk of human nature.
When you see a new game, no matter what the game is, your mind immediately goes to figuring out ways to either beat it or win it or scam it. Human nature.
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.

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Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by Tgold » Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:34 am

Good thread Enthusiast. Thx for thoughts/wagering regime on IC.

Personally I'm not in favor of IC type regimes mainly due to the low ROI as I feel other more productive returns for the large amount required coupled with my dislike re:hedging. However, I play with a man on a nearly daily basis that always plays the IC similar to what was mentioned by Thnick above on (Wed Jun 24, 2020 1:33 pm ): "...$270 covers 5,6 and 8 and $50 on the field. shot and down and never play it again..."

The player I mentioned presses(parlay+) on the first three hits onto the hit# and pulls the residual part of the IC down and collects to end. He also does a 7-tier, 7-stage slow negpro to deal with the losses when he gets clipped. (e.g., 1111111,2222222,.....7777777): If he wins four of seven at any level he drops one or two levels (even if not net+ yet) depending on penetration into buyin and if >= win goal has been hit. He is net pos last two years and is winning so far in 2020 and claims it will be his best year. I convinced him to go to the 1-7negpro above(everything else was his design). So far he hasn't convinced me to do his IC--I don't like the clipping aspect and trying to recoup that amount with small wins...etc. Just my opinion /no recommendation as I do NOT play the IC as indicated above.

Enthusiast above:
However, is there a "best/better" way to cover/bet the 7 when there are a ton of short rolls and lots of Don't Passes that show up?

Good question--One method I like is to Lay the 6 OR 8(never both).One method I find favor with: "Always" parlay first hit/ regress to original unit to end."
(e.g., 42,78,42 to end) I typically choose the 6or 8 by selecting the other after one is hit. I may track and select the laggard. It wont really matter over many events, however, I make most of my decisions on the variance I can expect to see across (70-75 decisions), which is my typical session length.

Quote of the day(by SHOOTITALL above):
When you see a new game, no matter what the game is, your mind immediately goes to figuring out ways to either beat it or win it or scam it. Human nature. :D

Good thread/comments everyone.

Continued Success,Tgold
All the best,


Re: Best way to bet the 7?

Post by DanF » Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:44 am

Don't do it. Across + horn is better.

64 across 4 horn is 68$, pays every number and 2-12 are paid 30:1...that equals triple field of 10, plus you only lose 4$ a turn if it isn't a horn number, thus get paid more on your across wins.

96 across 8 horn is uber powerful, compared to iron cross.

Still wouldn't play either tho

For the main question tho, best way to play the 7 is lay the five or nine. With a parallel sixes set.

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