Have you thought about this??

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Have you thought about this??

Post by Operator » Sun Aug 01, 2021 6:57 pm

Ive never thought about this until recently .Everybody i know just puts out 555 on the ats ive even put 5 25 5 .We all know the ats takes a while too come around.I would like too think some of you have a regression to pay for it or some other way.
I pay for hardways by betting 30 on the 6&8 it replaces the hardway at 5 dollars each Next time it hits go to 60 and so forth.The ats is another story Some times it takes 4 or 5 trips to hit all of it.Yesterday i was hitting only the small every ten different hands The 7 came up on the come out as all you guys know this happens all the time.
My question is is their a smarter way to make this bet by adding it into a combo regression progression deal. Every body makes this bet now so should we not look at ways to keep it up other then just replaceing it.Now why am i asking this question to you guys.
My thinking is this we waste money on horn bets worlds hard ways yet only the ats will give us something to make a change think about this 4400 dollars aint bad it can buy a cheap zero turn put 50 straight up all you just bought a skagg zero turn. See a nice reward for your trouble.
I swear this guy at my casino hits it every saturday that i go once a month with 50 50 50 yes i have seen him burn threw 4000 in 30 mins guys got balls not afraid to loss and money young to boot.
Ive been working on regressions they worked a little im going to try progressions and down after key hits to see if that works.Sorry for not posting more guys work and things you know.

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Re: Have you thought about this??

Post by heavy » Sun Aug 01, 2021 9:11 pm

I routinely play $10 - 5 - $10 on myself and other known shooters and $5 - $5 - $5 on unknown shooters. But I have friends who play $25-$25-$25 on every shooter with nothing more than a table minimum Pass Line bet with no odds. They look at the ATS the same way they look at playing a slot machine. As a long shot bet that they're trying to "jackpot" on. I've seen them do very well on it - and blow through five to ten grand a day on it. I guess it all depends on what your objective is and how deep your pockets are. It sort of goes against my dice influencer instincts, though.
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Re: Have you thought about this??

Post by grinder2017 » Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:35 pm

The question I have is anyone tracking their win/loss ratio on the ATS? It has a very high house edge so for that reason I rarely bet it. I will generally toss one in a three day trip but not sure that would cover the bet. It does seem like a lot of folks on this forum do play it.

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Re: Have you thought about this??

Post by 220Inside » Tue Aug 03, 2021 2:49 pm

The new Bone Tracker that Nate and I are working on has ATS tracking built into it. It doesn't translate it into any sort of win/loss calculations, but identifies frequency of Small, Tall and All hits.

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Re: Have you thought about this??

Post by Parson » Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:16 pm

22Inside wrote:
Tue Aug 03, 2021 2:49 pm
The new Bone Tracker that Nate and I are working on has ATS tracking built into it. It doesn't translate it into any sort of win/loss calculations, but identifies frequency of Small, Tall and All hits.
That will be quite handy …. No which side to place a heavier bet!
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Re: Have you thought about this??

Post by wild child » Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:51 pm

Parson wrote:
Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:16 pm
22Inside wrote:
Tue Aug 03, 2021 2:49 pm
The new Bone Tracker that Nate and I are working on has ATS tracking built into it. It doesn't translate it into any sort of win/loss calculations but identifies the frequency of Small, Tall, and All hits.
That will be quite handy …. No which side to place a heavier bet!
The ALL shows less often then

the small or THE TALL

Would there show MORE FREQUENT & in greater $ USD amounts TAKE HOME Casino Chips
in electing to by-pass the less frequently hit ALL
by wagering DOUBLE or TRIPLE or more LARGE on ONLY THE small & THETALL
to lock up MO MONEY?

just me pondering
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Re: Have you thought about this??

Post by 220Inside » Thu Aug 05, 2021 1:04 pm

Yes, it would help in identifying scenarios just like that. Help point out if there is a bias in your toss results to one side of the ATS or the other so you can adjust your betting to take advantage of that and overweight the one side the data is telling you to bet more on (and conversely which side to underweight).

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Re: Have you thought about this??

Post by skasower » Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:51 pm

I agree with Wild CHild's suggestion. That flexibility of separating and mix and matching total bets would be valuable. By the way, I am impressed with the artistic side of Mr. WC
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Re: Have you thought about this??

Post by Operator » Fri Aug 06, 2021 8:36 pm

Thanks guys a good response . Im kind of leaning on the all on this one kind of like heavy says the jackpot. My thinking goes like this to get a reasonable win it has to be a back to back hard 6 or 8 ( I see way more small or talls then this) or a straight up 20 dollar horn parlay then same bet you need to hit that 4 times there again its like finding hens teeth kind of rare.
I believe you would have to use regression systems to stay in the game long enough for it to hit yet when it does hit you have won some thing.Yes i hate regression yes i know it sucks on a long hand to regress but yet i think there may be merit in such a chase.
Time will tell on the slots issue i see people maybe 3 or 4 on a sat night or friday night hit around 2500 but nothing over that ever so i kind of see the all as the only big hit that is within reach at the casinos now. Casinos have went wayyy down hill in the past few years wayy down.
Thanks guys your post are wonderful as always.

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