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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:55 pm
by heavy
Dice are out. Shooter has 'em. He rolls - TEN HARD.

Let's hear it, guys? Anybody home on the hardways?

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 10:19 pm
by DeadCat
No Change Here...

$24 Place 6
$18 Place 8
$03 Hard 6
$03 Hard 8

$48 On the Table
$750 In Rack
$798 Total Bank


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:08 am
by Roller123
1. Current bet $0
2. Total left in rack $620
3. Total bankroll $620
4. Net win/loss $120

I'll wait until the next shooter to bet again.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:29 am
by realtime
Through 11-7-9P-6-6-8-8-9W-4P-9-6-10H

Whew, it is hard to play the plan with all these repeaters! Discipline. discipline. Discipline.
This game is a marathon, not a sprint. And this game is starting to feel like an Ultra.

1. Current bets: $0
2. Total left in rack: $530
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: $530
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: $30
5. Brief explanation

Come out roll $10 doey/don't bet. ($10 on PL and $10 on DP)

Second roll after point is established $105 Iron Cross ($25 5, $30 6, $30 8, $20 field)

Collect on three individual rolls

Take down Iron Cross bets

If point is 6 or 8, take single odds.

If point is 5,9,4, or 10 lay single odds

Play until a decision is made.

Run "system" only once per shooter.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:21 pm
by heavy
Well, I know you guys are hot to get today's number so let's get it on. Dice are out. Shooter has 'em. They roll . . . NINE - mid-Field nine. Nine came 5 - 4. That was different. Report out and bet 'em up, guys. Next decision in 24 hours.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:57 pm
by DeadCat
Another 9. If this shooter is anything, it's consistent. I wish I had more to go on thant just his hand.

Just for fun, let's throw $10 in the Field and Hop the 5 for $2. Take the Hardawy bets down. That big Lay bet gave me a little cushion to be stupid like that.

$24 Place 6
$18 Place 8
$00 Hard 6
$00 Hard 8
$10 Field
$02 Hop 5

$54 On the Table

$744 In Rack

$798 Total Bank


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:50 pm
by acpa
collect 14

keep bets tha same

$10 pass with double odds
$34 place 6/8/9

I rack $506
wins $70
losses zero

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 7:40 am
by Roller123
1. Current bet $0
2. Total left in rack $620
3. Total bankroll $620
4. Net win/loss $120

I'll wait until the next shooter to bet again.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 4:20 pm
by realtime
Through 11-7-9P-6-6-8-8-9W-4P-9-6-10H-9

Whew, it is hard to play the plan with all these repeaters! Discipline. discipline. Discipline.
This game is a marathon, not a sprint. And this game is starting to feel like an Ultra.

1. Current bets: $0
2. Total left in rack: $530
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: $530
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: $30
5. Brief explanation

Come out roll $10 doey/don't bet. ($10 on PL and $10 on DP)

Second roll after point is established $105 Iron Cross ($25 5, $30 6, $30 8, $20 field)

Collect on three individual rolls

Take down Iron Cross bets

If point is 6 or 8, take single odds.

If point is 5,9,4, or 10 lay single odds

Play until a decision is made.

Run "system" only once per shooter.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 7:26 am
by realtime
Did the stickman find religion and refuse to work on the Sabbath??????????

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:24 am
by DeadCat
Hey guys, it looks like the house is busy somewhere else. I just grabbed a stack of black chips. +$2000.

Just kidding.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:37 am
by heavy
Stick change. We'll get the next roll in tonight. Provided, of course, I can get one of the half-dozen or so computers I have at home up and working . . .

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:16 pm
by heavy
Okay, this is ROLL 14. Dice are out. Shooter has 'em. The call is SIX EASY. That six came 4 - 2. Updates please!


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:26 pm
by wudged
easy six pays $21 for $18 place 6. press to $24

1. Current bets - $24 6, $30 8. Total action - $54
2. Total left in rack - $551
3. Total bankroll - $605
4. Net win/loss - $105
5. Explanation of strategy - $66 inside for one hit, regress to $44 inside for 1 hit, then place 6/8 for $12 each. use MP's passive aggressive from there forward

easy six pays $35 for $30 place 6. press place 6 one unit
1. Current Bets - $36 6, $24 8. Total action - $60
2. Total left in rack - $573
3. Total bankroll - $633
4. Net win/loss - $133
5. Explanation of strategy - placing 6 and 8 for $12 each. will press the number that hits $6 each time

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:00 pm
by DeadCat
OK. easy 6, best possible outcome given the scattering of bets made out of impatience.

Place 6 Pays + $28
Field Loses - $10
Hop Loses -$2
Net Change + $16.00

$24 Place 6
$18 Place 8

$042 On the Table
$772 In Rack
$814 Total Bank

I'll decide the next bet(s) before tomorrow's role. Right now there's these 20 black chips that somehow found their way into my pocket that need to find a new home.

EDITED TO ADD: No bet change, Same Bets on the 6 & 8


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 5:55 am
by Roller123
1. Current bet $0
2. Total left in rack $620
3. Total bankroll $620
4. Net win/loss $120

I'll wait until the next shooter to bet again.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 4:06 pm
by realtime
Through 11-7-9P-6-6-8-8-9W-4P-9-6-10H-9-6

Whew, it is hard to play the plan with all these repeaters! Discipline. discipline. Discipline.
This game is a marathon, not a sprint. And this game is starting to feel like an Ultra.

1. Current bets: $0
2. Total left in rack: $530
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: $530
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: $30
5. Brief explanation

Come out roll $10 doey/don't bet. ($10 on PL and $10 on DP)

Second roll after point is established $105 Iron Cross ($25 5, $30 6, $30 8, $20 field)

Collect on three individual rolls

Take down Iron Cross bets

If point is 6 or 8, take single odds.

If point is 5,9,4, or 10 lay single odds

Play until a decision is made.

Run "system" only once per shooter.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 8:24 pm
by heavy
Dice are out. Shooter has 'em. He sets - he throws . . . two craps - aces in both places! Update those bets and tell me where you're going from here? This should be interesting.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:15 am
by DeadCat
Aces. No effect here.

BETS: Make the 6 and 8 look like $12 each
Put $1 on the Hard 6 and Hard 8

$12 Place 6
$12 Place 8
$01 Hard 6
$01 Hard 8

$26 On the Table
$788 In Rack
$814 Total Bank

This hand is getting a little long in the tooth. We don't really know anything about this shooter or what the dice are doing. There's nothing to tell me that there's any advantage to making these bets. It's been a good run so far so I will leave those bets up there for the duration and maybe I'll press and regress them some more if the hand continues. This way, no matter what happens next, I have about a 65% (of buy-in) profit locked up but further growth isn't ruled out. That's OK in anybody's playbook.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 7:07 am
by heavy
I find it interesting that no one has turned their bets off. In the real world I would either turn them off or toss out one of my infamous "see a horn bet a horn" wagers OR do both. But play it like YOU would play it. Don't let me influence your decision. I'm just a stickman hawking bets.