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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 4:18 pm
by acpa
Drop $3 on the $21 win onthe six and make 6/8 $30 each

also hav $10 on 9 and pass line with double odds

win $131,losses zero.

in rack $533

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 4:23 pm
by realtime
Through 11-7-9P-6-6-8-8-9W-4P-9-6-10H-9-6-2-8-9-6

Still waiting for the next shooter.

1. Current bets: $0
2. Total left in rack: $530
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: $530
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: $30
5. Brief explanation

Come out roll $10 doey/don't bet. ($10 on PL and $10 on DP)

Second roll after point is established $105 Iron Cross ($25 5, $30 6, $30 8, $20 field)

Collect on three individual rolls

Take down Iron Cross bets

If point is 6 or 8, take single odds.

If point is 5,9,4, or 10 lay single odds

Play until a decision is made.

Run "system" only once per shooter.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:18 pm
by heavy
Whew. Iron clad discipline. Ahem. If I were standing back watching a game like this in the casino I would long ago have pushed my way in and tossed out $85 inside - no five. Or maybe $170 inside, then execute a quick regression after my first hit . . . then be pissed off because I regressed after the second hit. Well, here we go. I see the dice are out. Shooter has 'em. He sets, he rolls . . . TWO CRAPS. Aces in both places. Good in the Field - take the Come. Get those updates posted and tell us what you're doing next, guys.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 8:53 pm
by Roller123
1. Current bet $0
2. Total left in rack $620
3. Total bankroll $620
4. Net win/loss $120

I'll wait until the next shooter to bet again.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:35 pm
by acpa
no change in anything with the 2.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:51 pm
by DeadCat
2, Aces, No effect.

$18 Place 6
$12 Place 8
$01 Hard 6
$01 Hard 6

$32.00 On Table
$808.00 In Rack
$840 Total Bank

Unusual hand. That's the second 2, no 12's and no 5's. Only one 7 and it came at just the right time.

This hand is an outlier. That makes almost any rightside method a winner. It is one of the few hands that an Iron Cross would make good money on. I wonder how much longer it will continue. It is tempting to dive in but at this point that might be a little greedy. I'l keep some bets out there to the end but not enough to hurt me when the end comes.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:58 pm
by wudged
DC mentioned the no-no number. Turn me off!

Kidding. Still working.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:02 pm
by realtime
Through 11-7-9P-6-6-8-8-9W-4P-9-6-10H-9-6-2-8-9-6-2

Still waiting for the next shooter.

1. Current bets: $0
2. Total left in rack: $530
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: $530
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: $30
5. Brief explanation

Come out roll $10 doey/don't bet. ($10 on PL and $10 on DP)

Second roll after point is established $105 Iron Cross ($25 5, $30 6, $30 8, $20 field)

Collect on three individual rolls

Take down Iron Cross bets

If point is 6 or 8, take single odds.

If point is 5,9,4, or 10 lay single odds

Play until a decision is made.

Run "system" only once per shooter.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 7:41 pm
by DeadCat
Tempted to Lay the 5 for $150.....but not with my own money.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:15 pm
by heavy
Well, here we go - will we see a case of "see a horn - bet or horn" or the ugly number or . . . something that will make the players smile? Dice are out. Shooter has 'em. The roll . . . EIGHT EASY. That eight came 5-3.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:15 pm
by heavy
(make my six and eight look like $600 each.)

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:18 pm
by wudged
easy eight pays $49 for $42 place 8. press to $60

1. Current bets - $42 6, $60 8. Total action - $102
2. Total left in rack - $615
3. Total bankroll - $717
4. Net win/loss - $217
5. Explanation of strategy - $66 inside for one hit, regress to $44 inside for 1 hit, then place 6/8 for $12 each. use MP's passive aggressive from there forward

easy eight pays $35 for $30 place 8. press place 8 one unit
1. Current Bets - $42 6, $36 8. Total action - $78
2. Total left in rack - $660
3. Total bankroll - $738
4. Net win/loss - $238
5. Explanation of strategy - placing 6 and 8 for $12 each. will press the number that hits $6 each time

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 9:27 pm
by Roller123
1. Current bet $0
2. Total left in rack $620
3. Total bankroll $620
4. Net win/loss $120

I'll wait until the next shooter to bet again.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 9:31 pm
by DeadCat
8, Ocho, I'll take it.

+$14 Place 8
-$01 Hard 8

Make my Place 8 look like $18.00
Get rid of the remaining Hardway bet.

$18 Place 6
$18 Place 8

$36.00 On Table
$817.00 In Rack
$853.00 Total Bank

As good as this hand has been it is won't go on forever. It's just like this at the craps tables when some unknown catches a great hand. You want to get in on it but at the same time you know every toss brings you closer to the [one who's name shall not be spoken].

If we see more 6's and 8's I'll keep going up a unit, my favorite press because you take most of each win off the table but still keep increasing bet size. If the unlikely happens, and the hand continues, I'll prohaby add a Place 9 or a Field bet, depending on the numbers we are seeing. Still, I want to keep taking money ff the table, even if in smaller amounts as my early bets did all the heavy lifting.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 12:26 am
by acpa
Won $35 on the eight.

Xregress 6&8 to $12 each, still have $10 on the
9 and $10 pass line with double odds

total win $166
total losses zero

in rack $602

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:56 pm
by heavy
Some of you old timers may recall comments I made years ago about what appear to be "natural" breaks in a hand. The first break point I've observed is around roll 8 - 10. Second is 16 - 18. Third is around 23 - 35. Not trying to jinx anyone or anything. Just an observer commenting. I'm actually glad to see you guys pretty much sticking to your planned play. Personally, in the real world I'd have my six and eight up to around $120 - $150 each at this point. But hey, that's why they call it a craps shoot. There's something for everyone.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:29 pm
by realtime
Through 11-7-9P-6-6-8-8-9W-4P-9-6-10H-9-6-2-8-9-6-2-8

Still waiting for the next shooter.

1. Current bets: $0
2. Total left in rack: $530
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: $530
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: $30
5. Brief explanation

Come out roll $10 doey/don't bet. ($10 on PL and $10 on DP)

Second roll after point is established $105 Iron Cross ($25 5, $30 6, $30 8, $20 field)

Collect on three individual rolls

Take down Iron Cross bets

If point is 6 or 8, take single odds.

If point is 5,9,4, or 10 lay single odds

Play until a decision is made.

Run "system" only once per shooter.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:40 pm
by heavy
Dice are out once again. The same good shooter. He picks them up, lofts them gently down the table and they roll . . . EIGHT easy. That eight rolled 5-3. You know the drill.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:41 pm
by heavy
aside (eight goes to nine hundred) . . .

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:51 pm
by wudged
easy eight pays $70 for $60 place 8. press to $90

1. Current bets - $42 6, $90 8. Total action - $132
2. Total left in rack - $655
3. Total bankroll - $787
4. Net win/loss - $287
5. Explanation of strategy - $66 inside for one hit, regress to $44 inside for 1 hit, then place 6/8 for $12 each. use MP's passive aggressive from there forward

easy eight pays $42 for $36 place 8. press place 8 one unit
1. Current Bets - $42 6, $42 8. Total action - $84
2. Total left in rack - $696
3. Total bankroll - $780
4. Net win/loss - $280
5. Explanation of strategy - placing 6 and 8 for $12 each. will press the number that hits $6 each time