Getting over the Hump

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by Crapslife » Sun Aug 14, 2016 9:29 pm

Should have mentioned, if I do the MP$204, I do regress down to $10 units and then power press from there. I will usually keep my odds at 5X

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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by Bankerdude80 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:37 pm

Thanks Crapslife and everyone else who responded. I am still war gaming my betting. I plan to try some things on my next trip.
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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by heavy » Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:05 pm

Crapslife - if you ever get on this side of the pond we'll have to get together - Vegas or wherever (okay, I ain't going to Atlantic City - I don't care who you are) and get in a few hands. It's unlikely I'll find myself in Australia, but what the hell. You never know.
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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by London Shooter » Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:09 pm

Crapsjourrney is the Aussie guy I think.

Begs the question - Aus to US is over the Pacific. Is that also a pond or should it be called the lake?

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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by Crapslife » Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:16 pm

Yep. Mistaken identity. I reside in the Midwest.

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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by Crapslife » Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:20 pm

To add to the prior conversation, if getting rolls and box number hits in the 7 - 10 range, I will bet $96 across and then take down each bet as it hits. If one number in particular gets a lot of hits, I will place the hot number with a $15 bet and press. Maybe removing a few of the other bets that have not hit

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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by heavy » Sat Aug 29, 2020 6:14 pm

What's your HUMP and why do you have trouble getting over it? Is it really a hump, or is it simply a discipline problem? Is it a hump or do you just not know how to manage your money? If it's either of the above, and I can pretty much guarantee you that it's one or the other or a combination of the two - how can you address it and do better? Your ideas just might help another player not make the same mistakes. Thoughts?
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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by 220Inside » Sun Aug 30, 2020 8:51 am

I find that when I'm shooting and I get on a run of a number and get it pressed up that it can get distracting. Normally, in between tosses, I try to stay focused on the point but when a number gets pressed up, I'll lose focus on the point and begin focusing on that stack of chips out there. When I find myself doing this, I'll try to take a second and refocus back on the point by staring at the puck and trying to clear my mind.

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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by Big O » Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:31 pm

I can sometimes see shooters lose intensity the minute that their hand has reached a certain point

i see this sometimes when guys hit one side of the ATS.
I try to stay focused on the point but when a number gets pressed up, I'll lose focus on the point and begin focusing on that stack of chips out there.
I think this affects me sometimes especially if i reach a plateau that i dont get to regularly.

Having one number left for the whole ATS can be a hump for me sometimes. Most of the time if i just like one number im tossing well and everything if fine. It depends on a multitude of circumstances, how the session/trip is going bankroll wise, how long the hand is, is the table getting crowded because of the length of the hand. I think sometimes it causes me to make extra effort to toss perfectly instead of continuing to stay in the groove and tossing naturally which allowed me to get to this point in the first place.
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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by heavy » Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:30 am

Interesting. I rarely pay attention to the ATS during a hand. Often, when I hit it it's a surprise. But when I do happen to look down and see I'm one number away and it's a box number I'll lay that SOB damn near every time just to guarantee some sort of a win. And typically that's my key to regress my bets as well, because it tells me the hand is getting long in the tooth.
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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by DanF » Tue Sep 01, 2020 6:22 pm

Bankerdude80 wrote:
Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:11 pm
My last few outings, although profitable overall, had a few hands which played out in the following way when I was shooting:

1) PL Bet
2) Establish Point
3) Make 2x PL odds bet
4) Place bet $44 even numbers
5) Hit and get paid on four or five place bets (no one box number dominant)
6) Seven-out

These types of rolls would culminate in tossing 7 to 10 times before the hand would end.

What change to the betting strategy would you incorporate in order to make hands like this profitable? Would you increase your bets and then employ a regression? Open to all ideas.

To me this is a text book regression situation.

It could also rebuild your confidence and lower your stress after a lil chip up and start up a big roll.

But take a few shots, don't commit to the plan if it fails.

Also think about 3 units flat dp+2dc if rolls tend short...45$ win is better then losing 80-200$, plus craps pay you on the box. As a secondary plan.

I have a small and big regression plan

88 inside.(20-24-24-20) Take 3 hits for 28 each. Regress to 18$ 6&8 and progress.

Or 10 units each on 3 numbers inside, 2 hits and regress to 44 inside. (60-60-50)

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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by DarthNater » Wed Sep 02, 2020 1:24 am

heavy wrote:
Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:30 am
Interesting. I rarely pay attention to the ATS during a hand. Often, when I hit it it's a surprise. But when I do happen to look down and see I'm one number away and it's a box number I'll lay that SOB damn near every time just to guarantee some sort of a win. And typically that's my key to regress my bets as well, because it tells me the hand is getting long in the tooth.
I'm just the opposite, I track that ATS, and condition myself to watch the ATS progression. So when it's close, I'm NOT surprised - I'm relaxed, ready, and hopefully have a sniper set. I use lammers in my practice to track the ATS progress. Its mental conditioning, just like knowing your press moves, know your sniper moves. I've had to train myself to switch sets, and the Coaster Chart has really revolutionized my mental strengthening to swap sets without losing SRR/BSR leverage. Its my observation that one of the two ATS sides fills pretty fast, so at 30 to 1 - that can be a quick $150 hit, then back to the box numbers.

Also, mentally I NEVER lay the remaining number(s) (yeah I know - c'mon you're Mr Darkside - lay that thing and make some cash); I know I should, but since I've now practiced some sniping, I want to take a couple of chances to hit it. Last month I needed two number(s) for the Tall and the guy next to me who had greens on each, actually said to me, between MY tosses, that "if you make the fourth number, I'm gonna lay the fifth one-I don't want to surprise you". I told him those are both easy numbers for me, so I'm not doing that, but you go ahead. I made that Tall four tosses later, never got close to the Small, oh well.

I don't want to hijack this thread, as BD has a good discussion going on; so I'll bring it back to focus ----- if your focus is shot - then yeah regress or turn 'em off; or try to get the focus back - I see BD do this, and Heavy, too; when they pause and toss in a prop bet - use the time it takes the stick to set up that bet to clear your head and make the best toss you got - that gets me over the hump, DN8R
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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by heavy » Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:24 am

My old pal Gunny, who is no longer with us, had a simple Get Back Bet. Typically he and I played either 20X odds or 100X odds games when we played together. If he'd get behind and needed a come-back you could count on Gunny to pick up $300 - $500 and stack it behind his Pass Line bet for Odds and just kick back and wait for a decision. It was uncanny how many times he won that bet.
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Re: Getting over the Hump

Post by Parson » Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:46 pm

heavy wrote:
Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:30 am
Interesting. I rarely pay attention to the ATS during a hand. Often, when I hit it it's a surprise. But when I do happen to look down and see I'm one number away and it's a box number I'll lay that SOB damn near every time just to guarantee some sort of a win. And typically that's my key to regress my bets as well, because it tells me the hand is getting long in the tooth.
Regress if laying a box number is an excellent idea ... always tells me that my pitch count is high, another reminder for me used to be $120 and hit on 6 or 8 ... i think we should all have some built in reminder to regress down a unit or two ... if the hand continues so be it, if not ... glad you regressed.
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