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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:16 am
by wudged
still awaiting a point to be established...

1. Current bets - None. Total action - $0
2. Total left in rack - $500
3. Total bankroll - $500
4. Net win/loss - $0
5. Explanation of strategy - bypassing the come out roll

1. Current Bets - None. Total action - $0
2. Total left in rack - $500
3. Total bankroll - $500
4. Net win/loss - $0
5. Explanation of strategy - bypassing the come out roll

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:46 am
by John1
My intentions are to “chart” four vertical columns of numbers.
Column one is for tracking P&DP where as a 7 and eleven on the CO is marked in the P column and is understood as pass. This column is referred to here as “one” is divided by a gray line.
Column two: “Divided Also” is maintained indicating bets made on both P&D respectfully.
Column three: This Column keeps track of my Lay bets when my DP wagers are at risk of the almighty 7 on the CO roll. This column also has a shaded gray line.
Column Four: Maintains wagers placed upon the six or eight. One single column.

My rack of course is divided in “Two” the front closest to the action is my bank and the one closest to me is my lock up. I look for a 10% to 15% profit per session then empty my vault to my pocket under normal conditions. My loss tolerance is held at 20 to 30% excluding lay bets.

Wagers: Our wagers are comprised of nine steps when real money set down upon the P&DP lines.
Step 1.
Begin with 1U DP after a point is made.
Win Restart.
Lose go to 2U Martingale
Win Restart
Lose go to 3U
Win Bet 3U Again…. Looking Now for two wins in a row Win Restart
Lose go to 5U

Win Bet 5U Again…. Looking for two wins in a row Win Restart
Lose go to 8U

Win Bet 8U Again…. Looking for two wins in a row Win Restart
Lose go to 8U

Win 8U Now we’ll Parlay our winnings, Win Restart
Lose Bet 11

Win 11U Now we’ll Parlay our winnings, Win Restart
Lose Bet 15
Last Bet
Win 15U Now we’ll Parlay our winnings, Win Restart

General Rules: Lay bets are made (Assuming units are $10) on either four or 10 prior to CO whenever a DP wager is made. Lay bets are removed once point is established.

PL bets when made will be naked and are parlayed if won. No odds on are to taken parlayed bets prior to a decision.

Sixes or eights will start at 1U for generally 2 rolls. Loses will be increased utilizing Grand Martingale.

When PL is played.
A PL bet begins only when a new shooter has rolled a winner that being a 7 or 11 or has made point.
Single odds on PL point numbers only after shooter passes. Repeat…No odds taken when bets have been parlayed and a decision is being awaited.

Should winning shooter roll craps i.e. 2,3,12 replace bet without taking odds.

Each PL successive winning wager will be incrementally increased by 50% i.e. 10,15, 22,33 etc.

1. Current Bets - None. Total action - $10
2. Total left in rack - $439
3. Total bankroll - $500
4. Net win/loss - L - $10
Next wagers will be Lay 10 for $$40 Vig $1
DP $20

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:37 am
by Roller123
Still waiting for a point to be established

1. Current bet $0
2. Total left in rack $500
3. Total bankroll $500
4. Net win/loss $0


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:54 pm
by heavy
Bumping this page up to the top of the recent post list.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:50 pm
by amish dude
$10 on dp $10 field $24 place 6 $1 on any seven
rack $455

I think im understand this more
Your more then welcome to say AD you cant do that or should not do that and why
for the less informed like me

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:52 pm
by heavy
Okay, guys. Let's get this thing going early tonight. I still haven't had dinner. Roll #2. Dice are out. Shooter has 'em. He shoots. He Scores! Seven! Pay the line. Take the Don'ts.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:05 pm
by Aztek
7 wins 43 after hop bet comes down
15 dollar world spins

Rack 438

Bets 127

100 lay 10
5 hop hard 10
15 world

Winnings +65

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:33 pm
by acpa
parlay the win

Bets $20 on the pass line,
$490 in rack,total wins to date $10
total losses -0-

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:09 pm
by DeadCat
Heavy wrote:Okay, guys. Let's get this thing going early tonight. I still haven't had dinner. Roll #2. Dice are out. Shooter has 'em. He shoots. He Scores! Seven! Pay the line. Take the Don'ts.
Not all the Don'ts. My 6 Lay bets were all Working (check it) soo...

No 4 pays $40
No 5 pays $50
No 6 pays $50
No 8 pays $50
No 9 pays $50
No 10 pays$40

Total Win +$280

The Parlayed $70 Field win ($140) Falls.

Now the 6 Lay bets come down +$430.

Current net worth: +$710

I wanted to take a chance early and jump start things. Normally, I would be OK with being up by 42% and would even consider leaving the table. Well, normally I wouldn't risk the whole buy-in on
an unknown shooter so this is clearly just for fun. No point in being too cautious with imaginary monies.

Now that I am ahead, I'd like to stay there and not give it back. No need to set up a regression or make risky bets now.

I'll put up the next bet before 7 PM.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:36 am
by Roller123
Still waiting for a point to be established

1. Current bet $0
2. Total left in rack $500
3. Total bankroll $500
4. Net win/loss $0


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:41 am
by realtime

Are you sure your $80 no 4 and 10 bets pay you back $80 EACH?

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:51 am
by realtime
Through rolls: 11-7

1. Current bets: $20
2. Total left in rack: $480
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: $500
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: 0
5. Brief explanation

Come out roll $10 doey/don't bet. ($10 on PL and $10 on DP)

Second roll after point is established $105 Iron Cross ($25 5, $30 6, $30 8, $20 field)

Collect on three individual rolls

Take down Iron Cross bets

If point is 6 or 8, take single odds.

If point is 5,9,4, or 10 lay single odds

Play until a decision is made.

Run "system" only once per shooter.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:17 am
by wudged
DeadCat wrote: No 6 pays $52 (that's a round off because I mistakenly Lay $60, not $70)
No 8 pays $52 (same as the 6)
$60 lay is correct on 6/8 for $50. You are thinking place bet 7:6, not true odds of 6:5 (5:6 for lay)

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:52 am
by heavy
Hey, some interesting (and in some cases gutsy) plays so far and we're only on roll 3. Keep those late bets coming guys.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:53 am
by DeadCat
Realtime, wudged thanks for paying attention. Corrections have been made.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:47 am
by amish dude
oh well lose 10 on DP 10 on field 24 on place bet win 4 on any 7

new bet 20 on dp 10 on field 5 on any 7
after the point buy the 6 at 24

what better way to live and learn! this is FUN, i can see what other people are doing and why some what.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:54 am
by heavy
Okay, I'm going to start jumping in with a comment or two from time to time. Amish Dude - $44 action and you tossed out a $5 Any Seven. You're betting $5 to win $4 on the Any Seven? You might want to check the payout on that. Pays $5 FOR $1. A $5 bet will pay $25, right? But they keep the $5 so you made $20. Check my math, guys. I've been having a senior moment for the last couple of weeks and can't remember squat - especially since I never m ake this bet. Meanwhile, a $3 Hop Sevens bet will pay $16-1. Not every casino will book a sevens hop - a lot of them will just put it on the Any Seven. Make sure they're putting it where you want it. Personally, the only time I'd bet the Any Seven would be as a part of my World Bet OR a Buffalo (hardways hop with $1 red).

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:40 pm
by amish dude
SEE we are ALL learning together. but I only bety a doolar on any 7 not 5 as heavy stated
money won $4
original bet $10 on dp $10 field $24 place 6 $1 on any seven
rack $455 SEE
next roll $10 on DP $10 field
buy 6 for $14 for true odds
which now leaves me 421 in the rack if my math is correct !?

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:13 pm
by wudged
Buying the 6 or 8 requires a bet divisible by $5 as it pays 6:5. Like the 4/10, it probably also requires a minimum bet of $20.

Having said that, it is never a good move to buy the 6 or 8, as it carries an edge of 4.76% (vig paid up front) or 2.27% (vig paid on win only) versus the 1.52% of placing the number.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:15 pm
by Aztek
For those of you who want to keep the system simple download wincraps and run a game with your bets and save it after every roll. Helps with keeping the dollars straight.