by wolfbyte#2 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:18 am
AMERICRAPS & all Carbon-Based 25-Watt-Producing ....Kindred Units....
I have found a good, honest, Online Casino to play craps and BJ.
Twice now I have opened my front door to get their Checks, drawn off their holding Co., in Southern Fla.
and delivered by our local UPS.
You can play online for a min. of $1.00. That makes the 32-step neg.
progression found in the Silverthorne Neural betting System quit usable.
It goes ..........
A ......1,2,3,5,8,13, 21, 35
B...... 2,.3.5.8,13,21,35,50
A completed game is a game with 20 base-units of wins.
I like the $3.00 a completed game is a win of + 60.00.
Anyway, the Casino is the old... BO DOG CASINO.COM. They are an Indian
Casino in Canada and they have found a loophole in the US ...' NO US
ONLINE CASINO GAMING allowed.... laws.
Their online RNG is the same one for both the ...PlAY-FOR-FUN Mode and the Play For Real Money Mode !!!!
MY last buy-in was for + $115.00 and the UPS check was cut for + $ 501.00.
They have 100 % sign up online and play their RNG in " Practice Mode " until
you can beat it.....then switch to real $$$$.
Thoughts ?