Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Believe it or not, craps is not the only game in the casino. Savvy players have a back-up plan for when their craps game is off. If Heavy isn't winning at Craps you're likely to find him playing Baccarat, Blackjack, or even Roulette. If the table games aren't working out he may even take a cigar break in the high limit slot area for a little hit-and-run action. But just like craps - you have to plan your play and play your plan. If you have a question on slots, video poker, carnival games or any table games other than craps, this is the place to post. Let's hear about the games you play when you're not playing craps! What's your game? What's your strategy? How's that working out for you? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Mad Professor

Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by Mad Professor » Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:13 pm

Funniest line I ever heard a player say when wearing one of those things...he looks at the guy smoking...then starts to look really really closely at the smoker's shirt until the smoker gives the oxygen-guy a "WTF!?" look.

The oxygen-player then says, totally deadpan, "Oh sorry, I was trying to determine whether your shirt was cotton or synthetic, because when this oxygen reaches an open flame, those polyester shirts go up much faster than plain cotton does! The last guy's shirt looked just like yours, and his lit up like the 4th of July...took three security guards to put him out...the poor guy was still smoldering when the paramedics wheeled him away!"

:lol: :lol: The smoker was so scared, he couldn't put his butt out fast enough. :lol: :lol:


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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by Americraps » Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:43 am

Hi Little Joe,
I am on a mini trip right now playing a lot of craps. I'm using some new grips that have proven themselves to be worthy at home. Most of today I was shooting with the two finger front grip from SR using my ring finger and thumb on the front and back seem. The ring finger grip ( I call it the Ringy Dingy) is a little uncomfortable at first, but after about 400 shots is totally comfortable and does a good job avoiding the double pitch. The thumb and ring finger line up better on my hand than the thumb and middle finger.
I played 21 one time at this place and they are cutting about 1 3/4 decks out of a 6 deck shoe, so this place sucks for 21, although you would enjoy their shuffle. I lost 6 big bets playing these bad conditions. Should have known better. I am winning at craps, though. In the last week, I have won more at craps than 21, so I'm real excited about that.
Coming home tomorrow to the land of better blackjack but worse craps. Oh well, can't expect them to have great games at everything. Glad you are doing well too, I'm looking forward to hooking up when you are back in these parts. $5Bill says hi, so far he hasn't gone on tilt, and we've been putting in some long hours at the table.
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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by wolfbyte#2 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:18 am

AMERICRAPS & all Carbon-Based 25-Watt-Producing ....Kindred Units....

I have found a good, honest, Online Casino to play craps and BJ.

Twice now I have opened my front door to get their Checks, drawn off their holding Co., in Southern Fla.

and delivered by our local UPS.

You can play online for a min. of $1.00. That makes the 32-step neg.

progression found in the Silverthorne Neural betting System quit usable.

It goes ..........

A ......1,2,3,5,8,13, 21, 35
B...... 2,.3.5.8,13,21,35,50

A completed game is a game with 20 base-units of wins.

I like the $3.00 a completed game is a win of + 60.00.

Anyway, the Casino is the old... BO DOG CASINO.COM. They are an Indian

Casino in Canada and they have found a loophole in the US ...' NO US

ONLINE CASINO GAMING allowed.... laws.

Their online RNG is the same one for both the ...PlAY-FOR-FUN Mode and the Play For Real Money Mode !!!!

MY last buy-in was for + $115.00 and the UPS check was cut for + $ 501.00.

They have 100 % sign up online and play their RNG in " Practice Mode " until

you can beat it.....then switch to real $$$$.

Thoughts ?


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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by SHOOTITALL » Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:43 am

Appreciate that WB. I have a poker site I have used for several years (plus several that got wacked and I never got my money back) but I have not found one site I was comfortable playing anything but poker. Just me, I am paranoid about playing online games. Even with poker I am paranoid because of collusion, cheating and such. I will give it a couple of hundred try. I am familiar with Bodog as a sports betting site of which I have two. Yea, I got money scattered all over hell and back with online site. sia
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.

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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by wolfbyte#2 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:55 pm

YO Carbon-Based ELECTRICAL-Expelling ( 25 Watts ) Kindred Units....

I just found my 3rd set of car keys ! My new Standard Poodle pup likes my Human oil I

leave on my my swipes my keys....bummer !

I arrived our local Indian Casino at 4;45PM on Tuesday. I played BJ for 3 hrs. straight to

get the free April gift ....a Ford blue blanket.

I could not get anything going and I found myself down - $250.00. to the $25.00 min. BJ table. I was able to recover all my lost loot and left the Casino with

a + $15.00 profit.

I also had two large med. well done Steaks with scrimp & garlic spuds as a


Well.....a win is a a win......right ?

No Casino today...............practicing for the Harraha's junket flight in 10 days.


Buy The Four
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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by Buy The Four » Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:57 pm

Hey Wolfbyte

Welcome back, long time no see. What is your neural progression for blackjack? If I am even saying that correctly?

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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by wolfbyte#2 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:13 pm


You are correct.

I use the standard Neural $10.00 ( A ) GAME PROGRESSION =

10,16,26,40,65,105, 150 & 200.


I was able to win .....+ $ 6,920.00....last week @ our local Indian Casino !


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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by wudged » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:11 am

So who's more superstitious - craps players or blackjack players?

I had a $20 direct bet the other day and went to see how the craps tables looked. 2 open but each had 10+ players at them. I didn't even really have room to just throw the coupon on the line, let alone a chance to shoot.

I looked over at the blackjack tables and saw 2 empty, 1 with 1 player, and a fourth with third base open. They were all hand shuffle, so I didn't want to force a shuffle for just one hand, and also didn't want to disturb the guy who was playing by himself.

I checked the discard rack on the last table and it was empty, with one hand currently being dealt. After the cards were mucked, I dropped my coupon on the third base circle and was promptly told by the guy next to me (shortstop?) that he was playing both spots.. Okaaaay.. There was another spot in the middle of the table open so I dropped it there instead.

Shortstop says "oh, you're only playing one hand. how much? $20? here's a quarter, get lost" and hands me a green chip. I must've looked at him like he had 3 heads because he follows up with "I just don't want to mess up the order of the cards." The shoe was 1 hand deep! It's not like there was a huge plus count or he had gotten lucky for the rest of the shoe! And really, what does it matter if he is planning on playing 2 hands later in the shoe anyway!?

Anyway, I started to walk away and the lady next to me told me to wait and then she put my coupon under her bet. I said "I thought he was buying my coupon from me" "He was but I'll let you play it on my hand so the cards stay in the same order" "Sure, thanks" She draws a blackjack, nice!

I threw a nickel to the dealer and left with $50 from a $20 direct bet coupon.


Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by Craps75 » Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:38 am

Superstition certainly runs deep in the BJ camp as well.

BJ was the game that first got me into the casino to play. It was the only game that I knew anything about. I bought in with $20 that very first time, and the next thing I knew I had $140. I knew nothing of money management or any strategy for play and lost it all back in short order.

Next morning I set down and bought in for $20 again. Few minutes later I was up to $130. To borrow a quote from Heavy, I took the money and ran!! How great I felt that day walking out with $100 in my pocket!! As we where leaving I heard a lot of yelling and shouting from across the casino. I had to go check it out. It of course was coming from a craps table. I looked at a rail full of purple chips and wondered what had just happened. I said then I was going to learn about craps before I came back to the casino.

Next trip I bought in for $100 at the BJ table and promptly lost $50. I then went to the craps table with the $50 and turned it into $450. Needless to say I was hooked.

I hardly ever set down at a BJ table these days. I do still enjoy a few hands from time to time.

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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by Jeff40 » Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:01 pm

Sometimes, I play bj. How many of you count cards or just play. I just play. I seem to do better at the end of the deck. Last week I was at the casino and got two 6 six against a dealers 3. I split them, first one got a four and I doubled. The second one got a four and I doubled. Ended up with 2 shittie cards. Would have wow. The lady next to me had two 2's. She spilt them, got a 10 and decied to hit. taking away the dealers bust card. leaving both of us losers. I hate bj I think the dealer ended up with 19. Any of you play bj +3? I've seen a guy playing it and he hit it like 3 times in a roll. If your first 2 cards and dealer card make a poker hand you wim 9-1. I think he had 25 on it.


Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by rcsshankar » Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:59 pm

Jeff40 wrote:Sometimes, I play bj. How many of you count cards or just play. I just play. I seem to do better at the end of the deck. Last week I was at the casino and got two 6 six against a dealers 3. I split them, first one got a four and I doubled. The second one got a four and I doubled. Ended up with 2 shittie cards. Would have wow. The lady next to me had two 2's. She spilt them, got a 10 and decied to hit. taking away the dealers bust card. leaving both of us losers. I hate bj I think the dealer ended up with 19. Any of you play bj +3? I've seen a guy playing it and he hit it like 3 times in a roll. If your first 2 cards and dealer card make a poker hand you wim 9-1. I think he had 25 on it.
I don't think the book advices you to split two 6-s, even if the dealer's open card is a 5 or 6 (leave alone 3).
I am always skeptical of the dealer's 2 and 3. I don't know how they alone manage a 21, with an open 2 or 3.

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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by Jeff40 » Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:40 pm

What about ace tracking? Does it work?

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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by wudged » Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:20 pm

During a shuffle recently I was able to see an Ace while the dealer was taking small packs from the split decks to shuffle into the resulting shoe. I had the cut card and put it right in front of where I thought that Ace ended up. I had a large bet out in the hopes that I would get the Ace, and lo and behold, a 10 was burned and then Ace of spades came to me! Followed by a 5 and a dealer 10-up/Ace-in-the-hole black jack :(

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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by Americraps » Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:50 pm

You were correct in betting more. Even if you don't pull a natural you are still at an advantage if 1 of your cards is an ace.
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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by wudged » Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:06 pm

Yea, I had already researched this previously because there's a casino that regularly sends me a "free ace" coupon with a $100 max bet.

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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by Jeff40 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:35 pm

I have a question for you guys. Whats your view on automatic card shufflers. The isle of capi by me, now uses them. I wach one person play them and get cream. I play it once and won over 90 percent of my hands. It seem to me that the machine wasnt shuffleing the cards to much, Seem to be getting the same card over and over. Probley all in my head. I like it, I made a couple of hundred.

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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by Bankerdude80 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:58 pm

The death-knell of Blackjack began a while ago with these new 6/5 payouts. This article goes on to explain that Las Vegas BJ revenue is now less than 25% of house revenue. At one time it was more than 50% of revenue. Gee, I wonder why? ... 55842.html
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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by heavy » Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:52 pm

The death-knell of Blackjack began a while ago with these new 6/5 payouts. This article goes on to explain that Las Vegas BJ revenue is now less than 25% of house revenue. At one time it was more than 50% of revenue. Gee, I wonder why?
Yeah, I've addressed this type of observation in many casino manager discussion groups (ain't skeered) over the last couple of years. 6/5 payouts on blackjack. Double the Field and holding an extra buck on the prop bets in craps. The installation of electronic "carnival" games instead of traditional table games. The triple tier players card that forces you to play slots if you want to get a decent comp. The elimination of table (discretionary) comps. The elimination of boxmen at craps. The reduction in the number of pit critters watching the games and settling disputes. The slow walk on doing hotel room updates. Dirty carpets in high in properties. Fewer security people. Reduced food quality. The absence of a smile from any casino employee. The casinos desire to suck you in and shuck you of your bankroll as quickly as possible so they can make room at the slots or table for the next mark. It goes on and on, and it's all a symptom of the bean counters running the casino instead of people who came up through the ranks and actually know things like how to do a soft count, how to calculate casino hold, how to treat a customer like the guy who is paying the bills instead of a pain in the ass - even through many of them ARE pains in the ass. ALL of this goofy craps started when Gary Loveman (what was he, a Harvard Business School professor I think) was hired as President of Caesars Entertainment to replace Phil Satre. Within a couple of years Loveman was knocking down $150 Million in bonuses a year - and every other casino president decided to emulate his program. Yeah, there was an economic meltdown that stymied growth in Vegas for a few years. But that was because the bean counters didn't believe in the bubble - even when everyone saw it coming.

Sooooooo, if you have a complaint about crappy games, lousy dealers, dirty hotel rooms, and that lovely 48 hour virus you brought home from Vegas (hello, food inspectors) just put your thoughts on a penny post card and send them to Gary Loveman, CEO, Caesar's Entertainment, Las Vegas, Nevada. I'm sure he will appreciate your input.
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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by Blackcloud » Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:59 pm

;) UNHH!!That be waste of time ! Him only interested in his own bonus, which he pays the board of directors to get :roll:

UNHH!!Almost forgot-where MM find penny postcard :shock:

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Re: Blackjack - The game most craps players love to hate

Post by gargoil » Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:35 pm

I had a casino gaming manager from both the Cromwell and the Grand give me his direct number for free rooms and food comps. I plan on taking advantage of that. Ceaser properties have gone down the drain. I am just trying to milk them as much as I can until something else comes in.
Practice doesn't make perfect.... Practice reduces the imperfection.
Practice doesn't make perfect.... It just makes you better.

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