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Re: MP Please: betting Strat for ATS & 1 Hit ISR

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:46 pm
by VegasDiceController
Strip Casino Dumps over 100k

I played at my watering hole last night after work. Just missed 1.5 hr roll as it ended right before i got there. Table dumped over $100,000 according to the Box Man and i watched people cash out at cage where they were taking Stacks of wrapped 10k bundles with them. They did not change the dice till 3 hrs later after i got there. Dude needed a 6 for the 6th point and could not get it after setting the 6th as point... No one took the sure payout by laying 6th number and placing HW to offset Lay bet. Dude 7 out before hitting 6 so they paid 5 numbers. The thing i hear is players were betting the 4 and pressing the F out of it and got it to max bet fairly quickly. Then take $10k each payout, plus i hear they had HW up the Arse bets and Hops like crazy. Im sure the roll was long due to fact that each payout after each roll once these got built up was a long time in between rolls.

Most of people left with winnings... but i did see some come back and PB $500 and $1000 a number and a $4000 PB on a 4 to watch a few PSO's happen. Idiots!!! I was cautious of this and played same table in hopes it would remain HOT after. I did have a 4 early on in session disappear for 42 rolls before re appearing... My first roll went PSo, a P6/7out... damn ... 2nd went H8,5,10,5,6,6,3,5,5,6,2,4,H10,H8 6,11,6, 3,9 7out. (20) hand roll. Did not do my traditional PP here is tables were $25 and had PSO on first roll. So i entered knowing what just happened with table dump and the Balancing effect coming into play. Hindsight, I let table actions trump my skill set. Bad Play by VDC. I should not of changed a thing. Just start PP at $160 across and maybe rack first bet to payoff $150+ would of made this a free roll.

For those about to ask, what would 15 roll PP have achieved in this roll starting at $25 bets and $160 across bc this was a $25 table all week. This would of collected $1650 after 17 roll as i would have added two extra rolls for the 3 and 2... and 1 for the 3, so it would of been PP to after the KILL 9 number of 15 box numbers thrown...then i probably would have reduced down to $320 across and gone another 15 box numbers and lost that to the 7out. So would of netted $1615-320 for a net of $1295 for a 20 roll hand. And I really didn't smack the hell out of the 4 and 10 that I'm capable of... the 6 was the HOT one with the 5 and lost out on 3 payouts do to 8,6,and 9 CO rolls of which i usually only work the 4 and 10.

They had a shift change... New dealers... my first roll i make a $10 FB and $5 for boys. Rolled went like this...7, 7, 6, 5, 4, 5, h4, h4, 10, 9, 7 out... I went $160 across ... worked the 4/10 on come out $10 red and threw 2 sevens on non CO set...ouch... break even basically... Set the 6 then 5, press to 60...then the 4 press to $75, then the 5 drop $6 press to 150, then the H4, (usually press to 225, but chose $150... collect 75 in rack... Hop H4 next roll $5, and next roll H4, collect $145 on Hop and Parlay all day. I screwed up by not having all day up before first H4. Dice get pushed to me... I say didn't get paid on 4 yet $150 on it, dealer says i paid you. I said i never dropped vig nor did i press and where is the $300 in chips in my rack. I had 3 black chips in rack but was there before roll started... so we argued for a moment, then i said well this is a roll killer... tell you what, keep the $300 and obviously you need it to offset what was dropped earlier. Dealers were discussing NFL and what to play this weekend and if they should tease Cowboys from -7 to -1 etc... so they were NOT into their Job. All the tokes i do and this is what i i let it go and kept rolling, knowing bad energy is hovering around this table. Next roll 10, press to 75. Im thinking if i can just defuse this black cloud. Next roll 9, press to $60...utto the KILL 9 just showed...But forgot to turn bets off for 1 roll. Too focused on my shot and forgot a TS rule on Major Kill #... Bam, next roll a 7out. I told Box to look at the tape. I picked up my chips in discussed that theses guys missed a $300 payout and created the Black cloud above the table...

The box comes back and say only two 4's rolled. First went to $75 after first 4. Then to $150 after 2nd. I looked at him and said, you are talking to a guy who records rolls. I threw 3 fours.. first one easy, then the whale on the hook hopped the next roll with H4 Hop with black chip, i followed with a 2 way Hop H4 and i missed with a 4-1 five rolled... then threw btw h4's after that... you guys looking at wrong part of tape...The Supervisor had to go on a Break, lol so he said they would look into it deeper... I told them it sounded like they needed the $300 more than me, so you might as well Keep the money... Ill take my business elsewhere... he said he didn't want to lose me as a customer... I said I'm just tired of helping your dealers with payouts on do side and helping with big charges on don't side... your dealers make mistakes everyday. Constantly. I correct them when they pay me to much or pay me when I have across bets that are OFF for a roll, giving the money back... this is ridiculous... a Strip property that makes this many mistakes...Then i left as wife blowing up phone and was waiting for me to bring home dinner...

Im thinking of writing and email with time stamp today as I called in Indian food right before my roll so i know approximately when it happened.

Re: MP Please: betting Strat for ATS & 1 Hit ISR

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:05 am
by Mad Professor
VegasDiceController wrote:Below is final 1000 roll data of Point Cycle Set.

Probability is in RED:
My Total Rolls for that number in Blue

Below is Point Cycle roll data of 1000 rolls
2: 1-1: (38) 38 (27.78) +10.2
3: 1-2: (26) 2-1 (36) 62 (55.56) +6.4
4: 1-3 (16). 3-1 (35) 2-2 (30) 81 (83.33) -2.3
5: 1-4 (32) 4-1 (34) 2-3 (25) and 3-2 (34) 125 (111.11) +13.9
6: 1-5 (29) 5-1 (25) 2-4 (25) 4-2 (31) 3-3 (31) 141 (138.89) +5.1
7: 1-6 (12) 6-1 (27) 2-5 (17) 5-2 (25) 3-4 (26) 4-3 (9) 116 (166.67) +50.7
8: 2-6 (23) 6-2 (36) 3-5 (29) 5-3 (29) 4-4 (25) 142 (138.89) +3.1
9: 3-6 (23) 6-3 (30) 4-5 (38) 5-4 (30) 121 (111.11) +9.9
10: 4-6 (24) 6-4 (34) 5-5 (35) 93 (83.33) +9.7
11: 5-6 (30) 6-5 (32) 62 (55.56) +6.4
12: 6-6 (19) 19 (27.78) +0
SRR for these 1000 Rolls was 8.62


I finally had a chance to run your full 1000-roll point-cycle tosses through the ole DiceTool-Plus to see what they yield.

You will find the results HERE.


Re: MP Please: betting Strat for ATS & 1 Hit ISR

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:07 am
by VegasDiceController
Ok MP, been ill what seems to be about a month with flu Bug and back injury. A lot better now and tonight was up to start next 1000 rolls. Did 150 tonight. Will try to do 3 groups of 50 each night tip 1000 met using a 2V set from SR1 position of full legal sized table roll data.

First 75 went great, as i had a span where no sevens for 36 rolls and in that span hit 11 sixes, where the hard 6 came on the 8th six. The hard way 6/8 progression would of paid of huge in this sequence, where on the 8th hit hard 6 would of had $120 on the place bet and $75 on the hard 6 when it hit for an $1010 off a $12 start. I think i did the math right. Late and off to bed. Ill double check tomorrow, but it close.

Below is final 150 of 1000 roll data of Point Cycle Set using 2v set, what I use most frequent.

Probability is in RED:
My Total Rolls for that number in Blue

Below is Point Cycle roll data of 150 of 1000 rolls
2: 1-1: (3) 3 ( 4) -1
3: 1-2: (3) 2-1 (5) 8 ( 8) +0
4: 1-3 (4). 3-1 (6) 2-2 (1) 11 (12) -1
5: 1-4 (7) 4-1 (5) 2-3 (5) and 3-2 (4) 21 (16) +5
6: 1-5 (4) 5-1 (7) 2-4 (6) 4-2 (6) 3-3 (2) 25 (20) +5
7: 1-6 (3) 6-1 (1) 2-5 (4) 5-2 (2) 3-4 (3) 4-3 (5) 18 (24) -6
8: 6-2 (2) 2-6 (3) 5-3 (5) 3-5 (1) 4-4 (1) 12 (20) -8
9: 6-3 (8) 3-6 (7) 5-4 (3) 4-5 (6) 24 (16) +8
10: 6-4 (5) 4-6 (2) 5-5 (5) 12 (12) +0
11: 6-5 (5) 5-6 (5) 10 (8) +2
12: 6-6 (6) 6 (4) +2
SRR for these 150 of 1000 Rolls was 8.33

Re: MP Please: betting Strat for ATS & 1 Hit ISR

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:10 am
by Mad Professor
VegasDiceController wrote:Ok MP, been ill what seems to be about a month with flu Bug and back injury. A lot better now and tonight was up to start next 1000 rolls. Did 150 tonight. Will try to do 3 groups of 50 each night tip 1000 met using a 2V set from SR1 position of full legal sized table roll data.

First 75 went great, as i had a span where no sevens for 36 rolls and in that span hit 11 sixes, where the hard 6 came on the 8th six. The hard way 6/8 progression would of paid of huge in this sequence, where on the 8th hit hard 6 would of had $120 on the place bet and $75 on the hard 6 when it hit for an $1010 off a $12 start. I think i did the math right. Late and off to bed. Ill double check tomorrow, but it close.

Below is final 150 of 1000 roll data of Point Cycle Set using 2v set, what I use most frequent.

Probability is in RED:
My Total Rolls for that number in Blue

Below is Point Cycle roll data of 150 of 1000 rolls
2: 1-1: (3) 3 ( 4) -1
3: 1-2: (3) 2-1 (5) 8 ( 8) +0
4: 1-3 (4). 3-1 (6) 2-2 (1) 11 (12) -1
5: 1-4 (7) 4-1 (5) 2-3 (5) and 3-2 (4) 21 (16) +5
6: 1-5 (4) 5-1 (7) 2-4 (6) 4-2 (6) 3-3 (2) 25 (20) +5
7: 1-6 (3) 6-1 (1) 2-5 (4) 5-2 (2) 3-4 (3) 4-3 (5) 18 (24) -6
8: 6-2 (2) 2-6 (3) 5-3 (5) 3-5 (1) 4-4 (1) 12 (20) -8
9: 6-3 (8) 3-6 (7) 5-4 (3) 4-5 (6) 24 (16) +8
10: 6-4 (5) 4-6 (2) 5-5 (5) 12 (12) +0
11: 6-5 (5) 5-6 (5) 10 (8) +2
12: 6-6 (6) 6 (4) +2
SRR for these 150 of 1000 Rolls was 8.33

I ran your above-noted roll-stats through my Veg-a-Matic; the results are HERE.


Re: MP Please: betting Strat for ATS & 1 Hit ISR

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 12:33 am
by VegasDiceController
MP, Here are next 150 rolls towards the 1000 rolls using 2V Set from SR1 on a 12 ft Table.

Below is next group of 150 of 300 below towards the 1000 roll data of Point Cycle Set using 2v set, what I use most frequent when on the tables

Probability is in RED:
My Total Rolls for that number in Blue

Below is Point Cycle roll data of 300 of 1000 rolls

Below is Point Cycle roll data of 150 of 1000 rolls
2: 1-1: (4) [4] (8.3) -4.3
3: 1-2: (6) 2-1 (9) [15] (16.6) -1.6
4: 1-3 (7). 3-1 (12) 2-2 (6) [25] (25) +0
5: 1-4 (19) 4-1 (9) 2-3 (8) and 3-2 (9) [45] (33.3) +11.7
6: 1-5 (11) 5-1 (14) 2-4 (13) 4-2 (7) 3-3 (5) [50] (41.7) +8.3
7: 1-6 (5) 6-1 (3) 2-5 (7) 5-2 (8) 3-4 (6) 4-3 (7) [36] (50) =14
8: 6-2 (6) 2-6 (4) 5-3 (9) 3-5 (10) 4-4 (4) [33] (41.7) -8.3
9: 6-3 (16) 3-6 (13) 5-4 (6) 4-5 (10) [45] (33.3) +11.7
10: 6-4 (9) 4-6 (4) 5-5 (8) [21] (25) -4
11: 6-5 (7) 5-6 (12) [19] (16.6) +2.4
12: 6-6 (7) [7] (8.3) -1.3
SRR for these 300 of 1000 Rolls was 8.33 using the 2V set during Point Cycle from SR1

Re: MP Please: betting Strat for ATS & 1 Hit ISR

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:27 am
by VegasDiceController
Had some PM and emails to post Weekly "VDC-Real World Vegas" type info from session played here at APC in its own thread My time is limited as it is, so I am thinking this one over and not sure which way ill lean. If i do it, it would consist of how I shot, table conditions, table energy, table reading and what worked, [ --busted references-- ] after the end of each session. I'll show units Won or Lost for each on the report.

example of this: In last nights practice session, it just seemed i killed the 6 and 9 from prior 150 rolls. In this senario, had this been live and 'My Roll', maybe i would dig deeper into why I feel the 6/8 Progression I use has a huge advantage vs the basic PB 6/8 $12 ea mode. Showing written example of the P&L using both collect/press/collect/press etc, vs my 6/8 progression with PB/HW combo, ... [ --busted references-- ]

MODERATOR: This post has had portions busted due to continuous references to unapproved merchandizing and/or materials

Re: MP Please: betting Strat for ATS & 1 Hit ISR

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:34 pm
by VegasDiceController
MP, Below is next group of 150 of 450 below towards the 1000 roll data of Point Cycle Set using 2V set from a 12 ft table from SR1.

Probability is in RED:
My Total Rolls for that number in Blue

Below is Point Cycle roll data of 450 of 1000 roll goal
2: 1-1: (7) [7] (12.5) -5.5
3: 1-2: (8) 2-1 (13) [21] (25) -4
4: 1-3 (9). 3-1 (15) 2-2 (13) [37] (37.5) +0
5: 1-4 (23) 4-1 (9) 2-3 (12) and 3-2 (15) [59] (50) +9
6: 1-5 (15) 5-1 (16) 2-4 (18) 4-2 (12) 3-3 (10) [71] (62.5) +9.5
7: 1-6 (6) 6-1 (8) 2-5 (9) 5-2 (12) 3-4 (8) 4-3 (13) [56] (75) +19
8: 6-2 (10) 2-6 (11) 5-3 (15) 3-5 (15) 4-4 (7) [58] (62.5) -4.5
9: 6-3 (26) 3-6 (20) 5-4 (9) 4-5 (14) [69] (50) +19
10: 6-4 (11) 4-6 (9) 5-5 (11) [31] (37.5) -6.5
11: 6-5 (9) 5-6 (15) [24] (25) -1
12: 6-6 (13) [13] (12.5) +1/2
SRR for these 450 of 1000 Rolls was 8.33 using the 2V set during Point Cycle from SR1

Some Notes during this group of 150. Nines were definitely the most dominate during this 150. The eights made up ground this grouping, but are still behind overall because of the first 300. SRR still holding at 8.333.

Re: MP Please: betting Strat for ATS & 1 Hit ISR

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:32 am
by Mad Professor
VegasDiceController wrote:MP, Below is next group of 150 of 450 below towards the 1000 roll data of Point Cycle Set using 2V set from a 12 ft table from SR1.

Probability is in RED:
My Total Rolls for that number in Blue

Below is Point Cycle roll data of 450 of 1000 roll goal
2: 1-1: (7) [7] (12.5) -5.5
3: 1-2: (8) 2-1 (13) [21] (25) -4
4: 1-3 (9). 3-1 (15) 2-2 (13) [37] (37.5) +0
5: 1-4 (23) 4-1 (9) 2-3 (12) and 3-2 (15) [59] (50) +9
6: 1-5 (15) 5-1 (16) 2-4 (18) 4-2 (12) 3-3 (10) [71] (62.5) +9.5
7: 1-6 (6) 6-1 (8) 2-5 (9) 5-2 (12) 3-4 (8) 4-3 (13) [56] (75) +19
8: 6-2 (10) 2-6 (11) 5-3 (15) 3-5 (15) 4-4 (7) [58] (62.5) -4.5
9: 6-3 (26) 3-6 (20) 5-4 (9) 4-5 (14) [69] (50) +19
10: 6-4 (11) 4-6 (9) 5-5 (11) [31] (37.5) -6.5
11: 6-5 (9) 5-6 (15) [24] (25) -1
12: 6-6 (13) [13] (12.5) +1/2
SRR for these 450 of 1000 Rolls was 8.33 using the 2V set during Point Cycle from SR1

Some Notes during this group of 150. Nines were definitely the most dominate during this 150. The eights made up ground this grouping, but are still behind overall because of the first 300. SRR still holding at 8.333.


I finally had a chance to run your roll-stats through the MP-grinder. You will find the chart-heavy results HERE.


Re: MP Please: betting Strat for ATS & 1 Hit ISR

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:18 pm
by VegasDiceController
Thx MP, Below is next group of 150 of 600 below towards the 1000 roll data of Point Cycle Set using 2V set from a 12 ft table from SR1, was hoping to get to them before you had done next batch.

Probability is in RED:
My Total Rolls for that number in Blue

Below is Point Cycle roll data of 450 of 1000 roll goal
2: 1-1: (16) [16] (16.7) -.7
3: 1-2: (14) 2-1 (14) [28] (33.3) -5.3
4: 1-3 (12). 3-1 (18) 2-2 (18) [48] (50) -2
5: 1-4 (27) 4-1 (13) 2-3 (18) and 3-2 (20) [78] (66.6) +11.4
6: 1-5 (18) 5-1 (20) 2-4 (23) 4-2 (15) 3-3 (13) [89] (83.3) +5.7
7: 1-6 (8) 6-1 (13) 2-5 (14) 5-2 (12) 3-4 (9) 4-3 (19) [75] (100) -25
8: 6-2 (14) 2-6 (15) 5-3 (19) 3-5 (22) 4-4 (12) [82] (83.3) -1.3
9: 6-3 (28) 3-6 (24) 5-4 (16) 4-5 (16) [84] (66.6) +17.4
10: 6-4 (15) 4-6 (13) 5-5 (17) [45] (50) -5
11: 6-5 (12) 5-6 (21) [33] (33.3) -.3
12: 6-6 (18) [18] (16.7) +1.3
SRR for these 600 of 1000 Rolls was 8.00 using the 2V set during Point Cycle from SR1

Some Notes during this group of 150. 5's,8's and 10's seem to dominate above the norm during this group of 150. The eights made up ground this group and are now only down -1.3 from probability, but are still behind overall because of the first 300. SRR still holding but dropped down to 8.0. Had a slew of 7 sevens in 26 rolls. But rebounded over next 24 as I had only one in that group of 50.