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Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:05 am
by Aztek
Bankroll 559
Winnings 59
In rack 413
On table 146

Place six paid 14 dollars and racked
Hop is down and not replaced

Lay 10 is still up for 100
44 inside still plays

Thoughts - so far so good. One more inside hit and the lay comes down as well as the 5 and 9. This will leave a paid for 6 and 8 with profit from the hand in the rack. Of course there is an 8% chance for epic fail if a 10 rolls...But protecting the inside bets from an early 7 is the goal here.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:42 pm
by realtime
I sent a PM to a fellow participant. The message seems to remain in the "outbox". Has this message been actually "sent" or do I need to do something further?

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:53 pm
by heavy
No, it just keeps a copy in your "outbox" until you decide to delete it. I think the maximum number of PM's you can keep in your box is 25.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:14 pm
by DeadCat
Heavy wrote:No, it just keeps a copy in your "outbox" until you decide to delete it. I think the maximum number of PM's you can keep in your box is 25.
You can add overflow boxes too.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:39 pm
by heavy
Yeah, but I don't want 300 plus guys with overflowing PM boxes. I may have reduced the max number you can save to 10, I don't recall. I know I got tagged by my host company over all of the spam-bot registrations we got on the old site. I never bothered to delete them - I just never activated them. But after you have a couple of hundred thousand of those things in your data base it starts taking up more space than I want to pay for.

Now, if we're through hijacking this thread - GET THOSE LATE BETS IN EARLY.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:16 pm
by amish dude
$10 on DP is still up $10 field

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:56 pm
by heavy
Dice are out for roll five. The short fat guy straight out is fidgeting around, counting his chips. Looks like he wants to place a bet but he's holding off for some reason. Shooter has 'em. He sets the dice, picks them up and gently lofts them down the table. The call is . . . SIX easy. That six came 5-1.

Let's get those updates.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:28 pm
by Aztek
Bankroll 563
Winnings 63
In rack 539
On table 24 (place 6 and 8 12 each)

I messed up something last turn from the saved game and redid it...

Place six paid 14 dollars lay, 5 and 9 came down

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:37 pm
by realtime
Through 11-7-9-6-6

Win $35 on place 6
Lose $20 field
Net win $15

$105 I/C still up

1. Current bets: $125
2. Total left in rack: $390
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: $515
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: $15
5. Brief explanation

Come out roll $10 doey/don't bet. ($10 on PL and $10 on DP)

Second roll after point is established $105 Iron Cross ($25 5, $30 6, $30 8, $20 field)

Collect on three individual rolls

Take down Iron Cross bets

If point is 6 or 8, take single odds.

If point is 5,9,4, or 10 lay single odds

Play until a decision is made.

Run "system" only once per shooter.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:10 pm
by DeadCat
Another 6, thank you shooter.

Place 6 pays $14.
Hard 6 falls minus $3

Hmm..what to do? I'd like to be earning a little more on these hits but pressing immediatly after a regression kind of goes against the point of doing the regression. Another 6 or an 8 and I think it will be "up a unit" on every hit. The HW bets will get just a few more chances, but I don't really want them to get too large in relation to the Place bets. A $6 to $1 ratio (easy to hard) is good enough.

Back up on the Hard 6: -$3
Rack the rest: + $11

In The Rail: $728
At Risk: $30


What does the house say about going to 2 rolls a day, one morning, one evening, at least for the weekend?

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:41 pm
by acpa
With two sixes being rolled, I'll add a $12 place six, so I now have $20 on the line
$12 on the six
$478 in my rack,
gross and net winnings are $10


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:47 am
by wudged
easy six pays $14 for $12 place 6. bring me down to $12 each 6&8 inside

1. Current bets - $12 6, $12 8. Total action - $24
2. Total left in rack - $511
3. Total bankroll - $535
4. Net win/loss - $35
5. Explanation of strategy - $66 inside for one hit, regress to $44 inside for 1 hit, then place 6/8 for $12 each

easy six pays $21 for $18 place 6. press place 6 one unit
1. Current Bets - $24 6, $12 8. Total action - $36
2. Total left in rack - $499
3. Total bankroll - $535
4. Net win/loss - $35
5. Explanation of strategy - placing 6 and 8 for $12 each. will press the number that hits $6 each time

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:43 am
by Roller123
The six pays $70 less the $30 Field net $40.
Same bet.

1. Current bet $60 6 and $60 8 and $30 Field
2. Total left in rack $430
3. Total bankroll $580
4. Net win/loss $80


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:24 pm
by Buy The Four
easy six pays 70. Lost hard six. Same bet on six and replace hard six for 10. Rack $60

1. Current bets: 150 buy 4 and 10/ 60 on 6 & 8/ 10 on all the hardways
2. Total left in rack: 120
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: 560
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: To be determined
5. Brief explanation of your strategy: Going heavy on 4 & 10...and placing the even numbers. Replenish the hardways if the number rolls soft. Will press 4 & 10 only when rolled...6 & 8 full press only if rolled hard. Hardway will look like 10...25...50...150 when hit. Bets working one roll after point is established. Bets will also be off when indicators are present. (off when 11 is thrown, off when string of crap numbers are thrown)

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:14 am
by heavy
Yeah, the more the merrier. Hey, the short fat guy straight out finally made a $5 Come bet. I guess the shooter is qualified at last. Dice are out. Shooter has 'em. He rolls - EIGHT easy. That eight came six-two. Updates?

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:32 am
by DeadCat
Somebody kindly remind the "short, fat guy" that this is a $10 game, hurry before Rick hands us all "how to play craps" cards.

I guess I checked in at just the right time.

Easy 8. That'll work. +$14

This is the 3rd 6 or 8. I've regressed, same bet, now a little pressure.

Up a unit ($6) on the 8, up to $18.00.

I'm not Place betting enough to keep re-betting the HW from small Place bet wins.
Take a dollar off the Hard 6 and put it on the Hard 8. Take $1 from the win and add it to the Hard 8.

Leave $2 on the Hard 6. Now $2 each.

Place 6: $12
Place 8: $18
Hard 6: $02
Hard 8: $02

$34 On the table
$735 In the rack (+$7)
$769 total bank (+$11).


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:35 am
by realtime
Through 11-7-9-6-6-8

Win $35 on place 8
Lose $20 field
Net win $15

$105 I/C still up for one more roll

1. Current bets: $125
2. Total left in rack: $405
3. Total bankroll - rack plus action: $530
4. Net win/loss as of current roll: $30
5. Brief explanation

Come out roll $10 doey/don't bet. ($10 on PL and $10 on DP)

Second roll after point is established $105 Iron Cross ($25 5, $30 6, $30 8, $20 field)

Collect on three individual rolls

Take down Iron Cross bets

If point is 6 or 8, take single odds.

If point is 5,9,4, or 10 lay single odds

Play until a decision is made.

Run "system" only once per shooter.

Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:45 am
by acpa
no effect.

$488 in the rack
$20 on the line
$12 on place six
winnings $10 to date
losses zero to date


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:01 am
by Roller123
$70 win on the 8 less $30 loss on the Field net win $40.

1. Current bet $0 everything down
2. Total left in rack $620
3. Total bankroll $620
4. Net win/loss $120

I'll wait until the next shooter to bet again.


Re: Craps Betting Strategy Game - New Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:54 am
by Aztek
Bankroll 577
Winnings 77
In rack 553
On table 24 (place 6 and 8 12 each)

Place 8 paid 14 dollars and racked