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Only small bets

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:08 am
by vegasfan2010
This is one of the "Lost Posts"

I seem to do okay when I play and I just bet the min. I sometimes go on long rolls with little or no pressing. Others at the table make much more money on my rolls. I usually just play the inside numbers or just the 6 & 8.

After I feel comfortable with my throw, after two or three turns with the dice, I plan to start with larger bets inside. If I get paid, I reduce back to min. I then try to press and take some profit along the way. This plan rarely works. I tend to seven out quickly with the larger bets at risk. My larger bet is five to six times the min bet.

I wonder, is this just the variation of the game or is it something mental or physical that I do?

Anybody else have a similar issue?

Re: Only small bets

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:07 am
by hotshooter
Been there and done that! I think it is mental. You get to get comfortable financially and mentally with tossing while having larger bets out there.

Re: Only small bets

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:15 am
by wild child

Could it be fatigue :?:

Perhaps Dice Tosser elbow or a change in dynamics

Have you tried taking a break to refresh prior to escalating your $ amount wagers :?:


Re: Only small bets

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:21 am
by vegasfan2010
Thank you both for your replies.
I have felt fatigue a few times but not so early in a session.
I do take breaks when I feel I need it.
I also quit if I feel things will not improve.
A small profit is okay with me.

Re: Only small bets

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:24 am
by Knick111
greetings vagasfan2010.

let me see if this post gets thru to you, because the other one i posted to you dissapear.
how much is your your buy in?
how many units of your buy in are you playing on yourself, when you are the shooter.
are you playing with scare money, the reason being, that when you play with scare money- we tend to under bet.
I don't have that problem.

how about it heavy and members, can you help vegasfan2010 out. JAIME. F.S.P.R. u.s.a.

Re: Only small bets

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:43 pm
by Lkwd
VegasFan 2010

I go thru the same thing if my sessions are taking a downward spiral. Sometimes the off sessions last a day, or a week or it seems forever. I always go back to the simple method like you are doing. For me its like the professional baseball player who is in the summer slump. His coaches go back and check his technique, which for us begins with the grip, and if its all lined up correctly, you just need to play throught it. I find that for me it is always mechanics. Eight times out of ten its the grip, the other times its too much energy, release to high, etc, etc, etc.

My first process is to get the grip/toss in check. After the mechanics appear ok then the betting portion begins.

I would rather have 2,3 or 4 sessions earning $7 on $6 place bets so that 'mentally' I am able to get back to my betting comfort zone and it does come back.

Keep it up for as long as needed. Time is on our side.


Re: Only small bets

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:03 pm
by vegasfan2010
Thanks Jaime and Lkwd

Yes, I should check my grip more often.

I buy-in $200 to $300 on a five dollar table.
I start with min bets on the 6 & 8 and single odds on min passline bet.

Re: Only small bets

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:09 pm
by heavy
The correct play is to have a "right-sized" bet based on your long run advantage over the game - and those specific bets. Of course, you're going to endure some short-run volatility and the fact that you are buying in for $200 - $300 (something I do from time to time as well) you feel the impact of that negative volatility more than some folks with larger bankrolls. That, in turn, creates added pressure to perform and plays with the crap between your ears. Frankly, on a $5 table I'd rather see you start with a $12 six and eight, take one hit, then regress to s $6 six and eight. You'll have a $2 profit on the place action locked up after one hit. You can always press up and out (conservatively) on subsequent hits. Don't be afraid to take a second regression at pre-planned points.

Re: Only small bets

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:11 pm
by vegasfan2010
Thanks Heavy.
I start with a small bankroll so that I can frequent the casino more often.
Maybe you are correct. I do risk a high percentage of my by-in when I use my larger bet.
I will try for the next while to keep the larger bet at $12. Thanks.

Re: Only small bets

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:30 am
by Blackcloud
;) UNHH!!If your big bets predominately lose, then continue to nibble at the cheese instead of digging a large hole. UNHH!!That be common sense 8-)

Re: Only small bets

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:34 am
by vegasfan2010
I am changing my game plan. I will not go up over two units for the next while. I will see how this works.
Yes, I will just nibble. Thanks Blackcloud.

$nakeeye$, I think you are right. I thought a major part of the problem was in my head. Thanks.
My lower wagers should help that.