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Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:14 pm
by Buy The Four
My friend sent me the ebook on this system. It's pretty fun to play and worked out pretty well for me. I started at Ballys and went to Venetian and came back full circle.

Are you tracking your plays and progressing after 10 games or just playing the strategy as is?

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:04 pm
by Buy The Four
I started with $3 at Stateline, then $3 at Jean. I won every session lol and moved up to $25 when I walked the strip. Then next day I did $50 and just stick with $50 as my base.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:43 pm
by Buy The Four
Haha exactly. It's a fun way to play with good results. I had pretty good success at the bubble craps machine too. Plus no one knows you are betting the dont lol.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:42 pm
by wild child
The DO NOT PLAY PLAN is mature among a number of old time HARD CORE DARK SIDE players...
Works best in a joint with many tables in action( THE BIG HOUSE in New Orleans) or
in casino markets with several joints close enough so you can bounce in and out in several
with little travel time...........

On a "TYPICAL CRAPS TABLE" the DO NOT game has a high percentage WIN RATE after the
"TYPICAL SHOOTER" has made his/her first P/L.....If you consider by that time A LARGE %
of the "TYPICAL SHOOTERS" are near the end of their string after the first P/L repeat.....

just eyeball a typical book of tosses and you may conclude that few complete a SECOND Pass Line point.

Typically about one in six shooters actually repeat a 2nd Pass Line Point and actually hold the dice
for a shot at a 3Rd PASS LINE POINT........

The EXCEPTIONS prove the premiss IN My Opinion.......

Just Me Saying


Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:55 pm
by Buy The Four
I was in Laughlin during the Fourth and played at the Colorado Belle. They were using casino sized white dice. These dice looked like monopoly dice LOL. I told the lady that this is a dont betters paradise!

I played 25 on the dont and no one made a point for 13 passes! It was terribly cold. Guy next to me is going 34 across with a dollar on all the hardways...busted out within minutes. He walks by me and calls me a dick/asshole for ruining the game. I chuckle and say, "I didn't touch the dice once, you were betting on yourself and the other players."

I think everyone should know when to play the dont or at least get off a cold table.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:35 am
by Dylanfreake
I have noticed in Tunica that there are a lot more Dont players than there were a few years ago. Also no one has "openly" said anything negative about my playing the Donts in quite a while. Maybe "The times they are a changin'"

Since I don`t shoot dice , I do not like really hot tables or even really cold tables. Cold tables empty and I have to leave the table because of no shooter. Choppy tables are the ones I like.

Doing the casino crawl, losing 4 bets or winning 5 bets , sounds interesting if you are in an environment with a lot of tables in walking distance.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:21 am
by Craps75
If you use a martingale system and double everytime you lost, and actually lost four in a row you would be down 15 units. It would then take 3 winning sessions at 5 wins a session to break even correct? Am I missing something here? Do you continue to double until you get a win even after you leave a table? Seems like you stand to lose far more than you win.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:30 am
by Buy The Four
Craps75 wrote:If you use a martingale system and double everytime you lost, and actually lost four in a row you would be down 15 units. It would then take 3 winning sessions at 5 wins a session to break even correct? Am I missing something here? Do you continue to double until you get a win even after you leave a table? Seems like you stand to lose far more than you win.
The progression is 1-2-4. Most you can lose is 7 units. You play till you win 5 units or lose your 4 unit bet.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:40 am
by wudged
Thanks for clarifying it's only a 3-step martingale, not 4 as originally posted. I was trying to figure out how a $3500 bankroll using $500 unit size was supposed to cover.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:54 pm
by offaxis
I like to play the don't when I am not shooting. I also play a martingale too. a little different, I start low $10 double and add $10 so up to $30, If I lose 3 x's on one player I stop. Next player $150. If a natural is shot, I do not bet on that player again( find if they shoot seven they do it a lot.). Any ways been having good luck with this approach. Always look for a cold table. I try to get L1 position or 2. So when it is my turn I bet the do and box number. Hopefully I will have a good number of tosses. This keeps the others from walking. last time at The Fox for 20min. Won $147. I left because I started shooting 7's. Most ever had to place 6 and change on the table. My husband said need underwear of steel for that one. I did win. Also find if I am betting the don't other players will walk who are standing next to me. "BAD Luck"

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:11 pm
by Craps75
Thanks for clarifying the unit bet size. I understand it now. I'm going to try this next week and see how it works for me.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:34 pm
by Craps75
For the ones that have used this strategy in live play, what do you do if you don't pass gets picked off on the come out roll? Do you double your bet on the same shooter or wait for the dice to pass?

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:04 pm
by heavy
I like to play a fibo instead of a full martingale. Play it and try to win two bets in a row, then regress. $10 - $10 - $20 - $30 - $50 - $80 - $130 - yeah, that's about as far as I'll push it. I'd RATHER play a fibo progression on the free odds on the DO side assuming a 100x odds game.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:45 pm
by Craps75
I tried this tonight for the first time in live play. Just got one session in so far and I won my five units and walked. The whole time I was at the table lots of numbers where rolling, but no one made a pass line point.

It was hard watching all those numbers roll and not have any money on the line. It felt good though when the seven showed and everyone was complaining and I was picking up my winnings. I got a couple of dirty looks, especially when I let a "yes" escape on a come out 3!!

I never lost a bet so I never went above my single wager. I'm heading out to try my second session in a few.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:02 am
by Craps75
I won four sessions with this method. I got pulled away from one table while I was down but I never really had a loss. Feels good to go to bed up even though it's not by a lot!! I'm exactly $109 up after playing.

Now to bed and then I'll try again tomorrow!!

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:14 am
by spiker
crraps 75,

just curious. did you watch the table at all to see if it was "cool"?. or did ou just jump in and try it. I too would like to try this method out. maybe tonight, just trying to get a little more insight since you've just gone and had success.


Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:44 am
by Craps75

The first time I tried it I watched the table for about 30 minutes. I noticed a lot of numbers where rolling but no one was making a pass line point. Players where fairly happy because the rolls where long enough to make them some money. After that first round of watching, I just looked for tables with grumpy people and little chips in the rack and on the felt. When I found that I jumped right in.

I have three casinos here to play and last night two of them had multiple tables going. I didn't always change casinos after a 5 unit win, but I changed tables.

The only time I ever had any trouble was when I didn't change tables and tried to continue on the same table I was at. I lost the next roll after winning five units and then left the table and won again on the next one.

I placed a four unit bet two times but I never lost it. It takes tremendous discipline to play this way. I did go right side on a DI that had a real good roll and lost money on him.

If a shooter knocked me off with a come out seven, I went back up on him. If he made the point I didn't place a bet until he made three points. If he made three points then I placed another don't come bet. Nobody made four points all night. I love the fire bet tables because you can see how many points the shooter has made.

It was a grind for sure and took a while but I made a profit and that's what it's all about!!

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:53 am
by spiker
awesome! thanks for the great details.

one question. you typed:

"If a shooter knocked me off with a come out seven, I went back up on him. If he made the point I didn't place a bet until he made three points. If he made three points then I placed another don't come bet. Nobody made four points all night. I love the fire bet tables because you can see how many points the shooter has made."

so when you got knocked off on the come out, you replaced your dp? and then made a dc after 3 points made if you lost the 2 unit bet? or did you alternate bets back and forth like someone suggested earlier in the thread? did you always go back on whatever lost the first one?

thanks again

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:13 am
by Craps75

I never played the dont come. If a shooter made his point I quit betting on him at all. If he made a third point I placed the dont pass again. If there was a DI at the table and he was shooting good I didn't go up on him at all. I did place a 6&8 on a couple of DI shooters.

I hope this helps you. If I wasn't clear enough let me know and I'll try again!!

Just finished a comped breakfast buffet. Going to hit the tables in a few and try again.

Re: The Craps Matrix Paradigm

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:47 am
by spiker
perfect. thanks for the info.......good luck!!
