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Just when you know everything.....

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:44 pm
by tonybugs
Been with site for a couple of months now, and read every post. Wonderful site, educated members, a lot of helpful info. So I go down to Harrahs with my buddy in AC Tuesday night for dinner and craps. Over dinner, I try sharing the info to my buddy about not dropping a ton of money on these knuckleheads until they "prove" themselves, but he tells me he plays the same way all the time and does a lot of his betting on " gut feelings". Ok, I tried to help at least. Off to the table we go. He does a $10 pass, with $20 odds, a $10 Hard 6, and a $10 hard 8. Every other roll he would press the the hard ways another $5 or $10. On 1 shooter he had the Hard 8 up to $90 without hitting the Hard 8! If the soft 6 or 8 came out, he didn't put it back up, instead pressing the other hardway. Meanwhile, I'm not betting until a shooter made a point, betting only 1 number, maybe a come bet here or there. Well the outcome you ask- I won $145 after 3 hours, not bad, I made a lot of it myself by making 4 points one roll, and 3 points on 2 other rolls. My buddy, walked away with a profit of $800! I guess sometimes when you know less about something you don't know that your doing anything wrong!

Re: Just when you know everything.....

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:30 pm
by CrapsForever
For what it's worth...

I've lost more money on the 6&8 than any other bet in my entire life. Today, I was down $600 betting the inside (5,6,8,9) on a $25 table over a putrid 2 hour period. Guy in front of me is setting for the 12's but not betting them. I bet the Hi-Lo for 4 consecutive rolls on his toss starting at the $5 level, he threw 3 12's in those 4 rolls and 5 12's overall in 8 total rolls before 7ing out (The Math guys can have fun figuring out the probability of that); he never bet the 12's and was betting $240 inside and he lost the entire $240. I took care of him with a few Greens after his hand.

On my hand; I mimicked his Dice set and toss and decided to forget the "Math" about "good" bets I keep throwing my money away on. Using his Dice Set, I Buy the 4 & 10 for $50 each, bet the Hard 4 & Hard 10 for $20 each, and bet the Hi-Lo-Yo starting with $5 each on every toss; my next 7 tosses are H10,12,11,12,H10,H10,12.....I had a "funny" feeling after the last 12 I threw; I brought all my bets down and hopped the 7's....7-out line away!


Checking my notebook; this is very similar to the play I used on my last trip a few weeks ago for my Four Digit profit trip. I went 12 for 12 on my last trip bringing down my bets on my hands and hopping 7's when I had a "funny" feeling (My Intuition was on FIRE!!!!!!)

Seems like I'm always down betting the 6&8 before I remember that I only make money on Hardways, Horns & Hop 7's...

See you at the tables in a couple of hours...


Re: Just when you know everything.....

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:09 pm
by heavy
Pardon me while I consult my crystal ball . . .

Yep. I see a big negative swing in your future.

Well, maybe not. If you are SETTING for the horn trash and HITTING the horn trash - by all means be my guest. Lord knows I've done enough of that through the years. But on the day you discover it is NOT working for you - get off that pony before she bucks you. I've been down that path as well.

Re: Just when you know everything.....

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:14 am
by tonybugs
What is the set for the horn?

Re: Just when you know everything.....

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:16 pm
by HornHighJoe
to set for the horn you can basically put the 3/4 on the sides of the dice and not on the front/bottom/back/top sides. Just as long as you stay on axis. If you can hit those primes than 6/5 5/6 set should be fine.

Re: Just when you know everything.....

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:37 pm
by gargoil
I am always set on horn. Oh wait you're talking craps.. Nevermind :lol: :twisted: