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What ever happened to the betting strategy DVD?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:32 am
by heavy
I've had several inquiries from folks wondering when the betting strategy (work in progress) video was going to be available. The short answer is - not for awhile yet. I have roughly three hours of video in the can. The editing task is somewhat daunting for me. I need to re-record the audio for pretty much the entire project. Then create somewhere between thirty and fifty graphics to insert between strategy clips. Then put the entire thing together in some sort of cohesive form. Odds are I'll have to shoot some additional video to fill in a few gaps. All very time consuming. What with the day job and other distractions - it's a slow process.

For what it's worth, I am considering pulling the trigger on the day job after the first of the year, which will free up more time to work on this project. Meanwhile, it is what it is.

Re: What ever happened to the betting strategy DVD?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:30 pm
by Blackcloud
;) UNHH!!Wait until you can draw full SS :roll: