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Who can advise me on Crapless Craps?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 4:39 am
by London Shooter
Crapless craps is not a game I have played before, but no doubt I will be lured in during March.

So what is the deal with this game? The Wizard Of Odds paints a picture ( ... plesscraps) but I have to say the picture doesn't look pretty on first viewing:
"Overall the house edge on the pass bet in crapless craps is 373/6930 = 5.382%."
To those who know and play this version of the game, how do you go about your betting? Are buy bets the way to go if you want to find the lowest vig wagers?

Also I was interested in another comment from the Wizard's site where he states:
"One reader claims they only charge the commission on wins in Mississippi but I'll list it both ways." - this is where he talks about odds on buying the 2,3, 11 and 12.
Does anybody know if the above is true - would be useful to find out with Biloxi coming up?

Re: Who can advise me on Crapless Craps?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:40 am
by London Shooter
Well, I went on a bit of a search since posting, and sure enough found a thread from about a year ago asking for the same adivce.

MP posted up a link to an article heavy wrote a while back - should have known there had to be something on here already :lol: So, for those of you who want to have a read: ... age&pid=12

Re: Who can advise me on Crapless Craps?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:49 am
by heavy
Good job of snooping that one out. I was heading the same direction. There's also a thread on site here where betting strategies were discussed a bit:

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1713&hilit=never+ev ... s+crapless

As I recall, when you're in Biloxi you'll likely find most of the games offer "automatic buy" bets on the extreme outside numbers for as little as $10, which beats the heck out of the place-to-buy strategy I talk about in that article you referenced. It can be a fun game if you steer clear of come bets and only bet the Pass line when you are the shooter. Set for the extreme outside numbers and toss a few elevens and twelves. Life is good.