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Question Re: Grafstein's Dice Doctor

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:55 am
by London Shooter
Got Sam G's book delivered in the week and have been digesting.

In the section "Smart Use Of Naturals (7 or11)" he talks about parlaying passline bets on the come-out roll. This he describes as the "smartest bet on the crap table".

He gives an example of having a$£50 passline bet and is looking to match with a $50 odds bet once the point is established. But if there is a 7 or 11 on the come out then he uses that win to go to $100 passline and locks up the £50 that would have been used for odds (as long as this is part of a previous winning bet on that hand or shooter).

So with the $100 on the passline he then talks about what 4 things that can happen next: 1. Second Natural 2. Point is established and shooter makes the point. 3. Point established then a 7 out 4. Shooter rolls a crap number and passline bet is reduced to min level for that cycle.

It is the first scenario that confuses me a bit. If we have another 7 or 11 the passline is now $200 and he says "the parlay is complete". But then what happens? Does he lockup the extra $100 he just won, or does he let the $200 passline now ride? What does he do if the 7s or 11s continue - lockup profit each time or look to continue parlaying until a point is established?

My initial feeling on this is that the parlay is a one-off event and when complete the $100 is locked up and on any further 7s or 11s, $100 would again be locked up each time.

Perhaps those who have read the book and/or know his methods can assist?

Re: Question Re: Grafstein's Dice Doctor

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:25 am
by luxlogs
Play the Pass Line for four for one, only parley the 7 or 11 on the CO once.

Parley The Don't Pass on the CO til the cows come home or the shooter 7's out, this is the "Best Bet on the Craps Table" and I agree.

Sam is the only reason I am still in the game. Love/Hate his Stop/Triggers, can't tell you how many times I have looked up and said "Thanks Sam".

Re: Question Re: Grafstein's Dice Doctor

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:02 pm
by London Shooter
OK luxlogs, thanks for the update which confirms what I was suspecting i.e. a once only parlay.

I am enjoying the book. Took on board his come out parlay strategy, which I really like, with his 6/8 place strategy at a casino visit last Thursday. Bar one shooter who got a 6 point hand the table was cold as hell. My own throws were OKish but nothing to write home about. Bought in for £300 and after about 4 hours play was £75 down. Could have been a whole lot worse, but I was playing Sam's triggers in terms of qualifying shooters and going back to min bets, so dodged a whole bunch of 7 outs.

Some guy next to me was over from Warner Bros in Hollywood. Wouldn't want to know how much he was down but there was plenty of across and inside action going straight in the bin on the majority of shooters.

I stayed in the game a lot longer than I may have done on previous visits given similar table results. A losing night for me for sure, but at least I feel I was hanging around having fun for a good while and was always there should the elusive monster have appeared.

Re: Question Re: Grafstein's Dice Doctor

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:32 pm
by Dylanfreake
London Shooter , the more you reread the book the better you will get what Sam G is trying to relate.

Re: Question Re: Grafstein's Dice Doctor

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:17 pm
by luxlogs
Just ordered Kononenkos from Amazon for 15 bucks, Thanks for the tip ... Kononenkos

Re: Question Re: Grafstein's Dice Doctor

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:24 pm
by freak
We read the DD book this summer. Maybe I misunderstood, but when we used his play we parlayed the PL indefinitely. I remember someone went on a roll. After the first three points hit, our PL bet was up to $25. A seven rolled and we parlayed to $50. Then 11. L asked "Do I really parlay this to $100?" We locked up $25 and left $75 on the PL. Seven rolled again. We parlayed to $150 and promised to keep it all if another 7/11 rolled. A six rolled and fortunately was soon hit. That was a great win, but we have since learned it doesn't happen that frequently. Natural repeaters happen fairly regularly, but they don't often resolve with a PL winner. It sucks to parlay to $150 and set a point of 4. We have since gravitated away from the full parlay play. But when it does hit it feels really good. Especially when some frat boy is trying to explain the game to you and why it just doesn't make sense to have such a big passline bet. "You need to put up more in odds and keep a small PL. You see...odds will pay you better blah blah blah" True story - a kid was telling me this and I just nodded as my PL win went from $10 to $20 to $40 to $80 and he's just winning $10 on each natural.

Like a lot of plays now, we use it when it "feels" right. The better play is probably to always do the same thing. That gives a better chance for the statistical advantage to show up. Sometimes I think we were better off before we learned so many play options. We tend to chase and try to fit the play to the table. Just when it starts to work the table changes and the play fails. The more I play the more I understand the wisdom of deciding on the play and the limits before ever getting to the table. Smart but easier said than done.