Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alone?

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Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alone?

Post by dork » Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:00 am

This one's a long read. I appreciate ya'lls taking the time to read it and reply. If you just wanna 'cut to the chase', read only the last paragraph.

I've lost big on two occasions this year. Last year I had one big losing excursion, and I'd clump all three incidents into the same "polar opposite" from my big-win days. When I've won big, my "discipline" has pulled me off the table almost immediately after the hand, if not immediately after.

To define winning and losing big--greater or equal to 150% of my buy-in. (I buy in with the idea that I'm paying for half the chips I'm willing to 'use'--$500-700. [Last week, I conceded that I had to play on the $10 table more often because the $5 table is almost always full, so I upped my loss limit to $4-500.] I'll go back into my wallet and rebuy for whatever it takes to cover the last number of a possible "ALL" ATS payoff with a lay bet, up to 50% of the value of the potential payoff. I hope that makes sense as I've written it.) This new loss limit only magnifies how badly out of control my losses actually were, since they happened before I raised my loss limit.

Last year, I had a personal family occurrence that put me in a depression. I didn't realize it until I left the table down $1500. I re-bought twice for $500 each time and lost it all. Maybe I had $50 or $100 left in my wallet when I got off the table, I don't remember. I do remember explicitly, thinking, "I'd rather stay here and play than take the chance of going home and having to listen to my sister on the phone." I had intended the casino trip just as a way to take a break from "life", but I didn't realize I was in that depression until I'd paid to leave the table.

This year, I had 2 big losses (for me). The first was $1600, the second, a week later, was $1300. In both cases, the situation I faced was the same...

I go to the casinos in the late afternoons only because I feel I should accompany my wife on the hour's drive when she wants to go play slots. Mainly because the return trip always occurs after dark, it's just safer that I go. I guess the best description of our play is, she's there for the entertainment. She's the one with the job, and this is her release. I'm there to make money; I'm retired.

I hate playing with so many other shooters though; and usually, when we arrive, the $5 tables are full, leaving (sometimes) only the $10 table. If I make the 6th shooter on the $10 table, I might stay. 7th and I'm either playing slots or grinding out $5 hands at a card table. There, my goal is to limit my loss to $100 for an hour's exposure. I HATE both games. I don't even watch the slots 1/3 of the time. Cards are b-o-r-i-n-g, and 7-stud is more luck than talent w/ some drama (I'm not discounting the position and leverage features of the game, but); with that attitude, there ain't much left for me to do at the casino ifn it ain't craps.

Last month when I had both losing sessions, I was at the $10 table. (Our agreed regimen is that when she's had enough, she's to come find me at the crap table or call if I'm not there. [Sure, she says, "when you've had enough, come find me" but when I've had my wins real early and wanna go home, she's almost never willing to leave yet, so de facto--usually she makes the decision to leave, not me.]) On these two occasions, I lost my limit very early; within the first 30 minutes. Rather than grind time by playing slots or cards I thought, "hell, we can afford it and if I gotta be here, I might as well play the game I like if I have to wait; I ain't going to the car this soon" and re-bought until a single moment of clarity (read that, 'monetary loss--I'm tapped') and enough time had passed that I got off the table. Only then was it not 'too hot and humid' to go out and read in the car (my usual pastime exercise when I have to wait; it's not hard to do at all when I've won big). By then, I was pretty much flat-assed broke. On one of those 3 occasions--the last time--I still had $600, so I dunno, I didn't totally succumb to the funk.

Do these mental/psychological challenges ever happen to ya'll, and how do you cope with it?

Say you're don't have a room for overnight... What do you do when you're not alone and you've agreed to meet at X hour, but you've won big--do you play the time away or quit? What if you've lost big early and have at least another 90 minutes until your appointed time?

Thanks, Guys!

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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by rhythm roller » Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:54 am

OK, this may sound silly but it sounds like from your description that it might be cheaper to get a room than to continue playing Craps when you have either won big or lost big. Do you get any room comps? Maybe you could use them for "emergency" situations and only use the room for the few hours needed and not overnight. Most casinos aren't 100% booked so you should be able to get something at the last minute. Just a thought and one possibility.
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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by freak » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:48 am

I hear you dork. Our casino trips are often a set block of time. I like to play several sessions within that time frame. If we win big right away I want to keep playing. If I hit loss limits right away I WANT to keep playing. Usually I can obey the limits and stop. The hardest time is that last few hours. If I lose on Friday night I can crash and try again tomorrow. But what if I'm more or less even for two days of play and then that last session goes bad? With tow hours until the "bus" leaves for the 5 hour drive home I'm down significantly. I get in that depressed/determined mental state and it's really hard to walk away even though I know that logically I should. I want to keep playing and use all the allotted time to make that long drive worth while. I want to will the table to turn so that I'll start having fun and maybe win some of it back.

I don't have an answer, I just know how it feels. I've tried a really small play, like a $12 eight and try to get it to grow up and out. I've tried a really aggressive across play working on the CO with a large hop 7 bet (basically a break even play but I get to move a lot of chips around). I've tried another session of my same strategy. I've tried laying across. A few times I've gotten a quick win. I don't think I've ever gotten a HUGE win on the way out the door that recovered all the previous losses. It seems no matter how much I understand that it is illogical to keep playing under bad circumstances, that last CHANCE to play until we HAVE to leave keeps me at the tables. I'm searching for an answer to that too. Maybe someone will have some advise for us that will help me find that answer. I'm pretty sure the answer is already inside of me, I just haven't figured out how to connect with it yet.
I wanna see the dust...

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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by Sal Vegas » Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:44 pm

I second Freak's response. If it's not looking good, I play minimal PL bets until I can get a chance to roll. If I am up and won big, and it's still early, I'm out (right Heavy?!) then just kill time at a cafe or play penny slots (for a penny!). You will save big by just not playing. But if you just HAVE to... Play that PL or dark side game till it's time to head home. Your losses are fairly big in my budget, take care to lock away a win or control theses losses.
I also find that if my mind is elsewhere, there is no reason for me to be at the table. IMHO. I am there to make $, so I want total concentration and positive vibes.
Hope your runs get better!


Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by luxlogs » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:32 pm

After a big loss I blow off steam by tossing a M-80 in the hotel pool from my balcony.

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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by heavy » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:14 pm

Memorize this phrase: When it ain't fun it's time to run. That's really all you need to know.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by HornHighJoe » Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:03 pm

Sorry to hear about last years personal issue.

Without going into detail, I also go through lets say "depression" periods. This will obviously effect my attitude which in turn will effect my tosses and worse, my discipline.

What I (sometimes) do, is cut my loss limit in half, but still buy in with my regular amount. If I lose that amount, then I'd walk away. I may either 1) go to the VIP area or any spots away from the gaming floor (and noise) and regather my thoughts. 2) talk with other players away from the table, to get my mind off craps. In your case, take a break and sit with your wife and keep her company. 3) Stretch my legs a bit and go out for a little walk.

I do believe positive thoughts -> positive attitude -> positive results. Incurring early losses plus with any personal issue you are dealing with just leads to a downward spiral. I find for myself, just having the discipline to walk away after even a small loss empowers me and helps keep my confidence level high.

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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by London Shooter » Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:31 pm

What about going upstairs to that sports bar dork to relax and catch a match? Maybe that's just not your scene though and/or maybe it doesn't work for the times you are playing, but at least it would get you off the main casino floor and away from the table game temptation.


Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by RaulJr » Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:51 pm

One strong asset that I do have is my discipline in the casino. Whether I am with or without my fiance it never changes. Before craps I played a lot of poker. There were times that I walked in there and something just didn't feel right so I wouldn't buy-in. I would make countless trips into the poker room ,blackjack tables etc. during the night and if it didn't feel right...I still would not play. I would look at everything and everyone from the dealers attitudes to all the players in each table. It had to feel right... There were many times I made the 1 hour drive to the casino and spent hours in there and not gamble 1 penny. Instead I would drink brewskies and look at the chicas. I think it may be harder for others to do this but I think it has saved me a lot of money Lol. As much as I love to play in the casino....I think I just love the environment of the casino a little more sometimes.

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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by dork » Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:42 pm

Heavy wrote:Memorize this phrase: When it ain't fun it's time to run. That's really all you need to know.
That may be the most succinct and accurate reply to the challenge that faces me in those situations. Amazingly enough, even until I read it, it never occurred to me to process the thought consciously--when it ain't fun, stop trying to force it. Duh.

To All ya'll who've posted, thanks very much for your replies! Stoic, you've got a good piece of advice too, about getting off the table and just watching my wife play. It would be comical to watch her play for pennies with a $500 or bigger hole in my wallet, but at my loss limit, that'd be the exactly best time to just that.

The sports bar idea is a good idea for me, too. I'd just grab a drink and reconsider about sorryin' on. Ya'll might not believe this... I follow sports so little, I didn't know the A's had that 20-game winning streak until I saw the movie "Moneyball". But I get the point.

Thanks again!

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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by ComeOut7 » Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:27 pm

Dork....Sorry about your situation also....But we all have issues, mine with family, and craps is the one thing that seems to overcome about anything. Next time your luck is down try this...

Bet on the Dark Side on come out....Then On Don't Come....And after each number is layed immediately cover by placing that number or buying it if it's the 4 and 10. Let it continue until the 7 comes out.

This will slow your losses dramatically and keep you busy. Then when the hot roller shows up you will be in pretty good shape to make back some money. If it's a normal up and down table this will pay

off....Yes it's a grind but your losses will slow and your wins have a chance on a poor luck night.......If you get to four numbers covered on both sides before the 7 then place or buy the POINT AND STOP!!
then sit back and smile...You can only make money or break even....Good Luck

wild child
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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by wild child » Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:17 pm

When you are ready to exit the casino,mall or whatever
and others are not ready to give it up could be uncomfortable and boring.....
Win or lose,you are at the point of wanting to GO .
However you feel conflicted and just can not hit the road.

.In the interest of domestic tranquility ,you are on standby watch
While you wait it out,you could choose to take your mind someplace other than THE CASINO....
.At that point your mind will feel better making the Jail Break and your body is resting.
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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by mycoalsmith » Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:46 pm

dork wrote: I hate playing with so many other shooters though; and usually, when we arrive, the $5 tables are full, leaving (sometimes) only the $10 table. If I make the 6th shooter on the $10 table, I might stay.
If you don't like the $10.00 tables, you can make them a $5.00 table. Determine if you are going to play the Pass Line or the Don't, put $15.00 on your bet and $10.00 on the opposite. The only way to lose more than $5.00 is if the 12 shows on the Come out, and you could always hop the 12 on the Come Out as a hedge.

Just a thought.

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Re: Pissed & depressed... your strategy when you're not alon

Post by dork » Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:23 am


It's not the $10 Pass Line/Don't Pass stakes that I dislike, it's the requirement of $10-minimum place bets that beats me up.

Assume the CO point is an inside number... I prefer to place $90 inside w/$5 PL and $30 odds. My goal is to roll two paying hits and regress; for example--two paying hits on the 6 & 8 (as an exampled minimum) and I'll regress to $26/27 Across; sometimes I'll even reduce the PL odds to $10. On the $5 table, I'll be up ~$32 at this point even if I 7-out.

With the $10 table, because the place bet minimums are doubled, after two paying hits on the 6 & 8, I've just barely made enough to pay for a minimum Across bet w/ $10 PL odds . A loss here would net me only ~$7--so statistically, the odds favor my survival much better on the $5 table.

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