Craps Confession

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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Craps Confession

Post by luxlogs » Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:44 pm

Craps Confession

OK OK I admit it, I Paid For and took “The Strategy” 4 months ago. I drove out to Toledo and met with Lou and Gary in some Library and basically got the outline of The Strategy. It wasn't until after 3 weekly Skype sessions did I feel comfortable wagering Real Money. Believe me, I lost Thousands on Win Craps before I got a handle on it. It's not hard but it is tricky. It is also 180 degrees from the way I have always played Craps. “Math Be Dammed”. Wow never thought I would ever hear “ME” say that. I mean Math is the only true constant in the entire universe. Craps is Math, Did you know that a 7 dollar win on 22 inside is 3.14, Pi? Where do we turn when the Math fails us?  Well I always say if you want new ideas read an old book. In this case it's Alchemy. It's not the position of the planets and stars that matter in this case, it's the position of the Box #'s and 7's. There are many ways to turn lead into gold and Lou just found another one.

Up to this point Lou has withstood many barbs and arrows gracefully, a hell of a lot more than I would have endured let me tell you. But then I was never known for playing well with others.  So far only Howard has given an independent reporting of  his successes and failures and I commend him for it. As for me, I'm not going to give you my entire P/L Statement but I will tell you this.

9 wins in a row, then I got cocky, I mean after all I am an Axis Power Craps Grad playing the most powerful Craps System devised by Man. I mean really “Who Needs a Safety Net”? I can't lose, Right? Wrong.

So here I am back playing stakes dictated by my meager bankroll knocking down 50 to 100 a session. Is it a grind? Yes, Does it work? Yes, Is it for everybody? No, I couldn't see myself playing this way 25 years ago when I was much smarter and richer.  Besides back then I was way Too Cool to record dice rolls. I use different colors too, How Nerdy is that?

Truth be told the take would probably be more like $200 a session except for this sillyass who still thinks he can influence the outcome of the dice roll.

Now ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies. Like everybody else I signed a nondisclosure agreement but more importantly I gave Lou, who I consider a friend, my Word.

Almost forgot, Congrats to Howard on his winning streak.
Last edited by luxlogs on Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Craps Confession

Post by heavy » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:10 pm

It took a lot of balls to post that, LL. I hope nobody tries to kick you there. Seriously, guys. I know several forum members signed on for the Strategy and have been doing the Skype sessions, reviewing their in-casino results with Lou and getting his take on how he would have played the hands. And yes, the Strategy can be tricky. I'll tell you straight up that I don't play it. BUT I have incorporated some elements of it in my play. Does it help? Sure. Right up until I abandon ship and start improvising. Of course, it IS a grind and while I do tend to play grind strategies when I'm running with a short bankroll or have gotten in the tank early - I am also an action player. You live by the power press - you die by the power press.

Anyway, thanks for posting LL. I, for one, appreciate it.

"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy


Re: Craps Confession

Post by luxlogs » Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:27 pm

Thanks Heavy, it really means a lot. I was concerned about starting a $#!^Storm on your site. I really don't want to piss you off or cause you any grief. I just felt that Lou deserved more support than he was currently garnering. I also fully understand why "Strategy" players keep their mouths shut and I almost want to encourage them to keep it that way. It was just high time for someone to join Howard out there on the tightrope. Never met the Man personally but I think I'm in Good Company.

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Re: Craps Confession

Post by wild child » Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:14 pm

one of the Axis Power Craps board members
told a story on the "V.I.P Joke of the Day" thread
It went something like :

A barber is snipping a regular's hair and a 9 year old kid enters the shop.
The barber whispers to his customer.."Watch this " Then he says loud to the kid...." Would you prefer a this crumpled up dollar bill or this nice clean Quarter.......The kid smiles and says " I'd like that 25Cent piece"...the the lad
leaves the shop....The barber says "That is the worlds dumbest kid ever"
Hair cut finished,the customer pays up and leaves the shop.....
He sees the young lad and says:
" Why do you only take the Quarter instead of the Dollar Bill?"

The youth says"Mister, we have doing this for two years....The first time I
take that Dollar Bill. the game is over"
Many a truth is spoken in jest: Enough $aid" :?:



Re: Craps Confession

Post by luxlogs » Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:18 pm

3rd rule of Fight Club or The Human Race I wish to belong to.

Your Word is Your Bond.

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Re: Craps Confession

Post by Raider » Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:04 pm

If there was a book called "The Strategy of charting". I would buy it. Because of the "The Strategy" I have taken more of an interest in the subject. Given that a book can be self published for $2.25 at a 100 copies it would be a better way to market 'the strategy". Learning how to bet it....if I was going to give anyone $995.00 for anything craps related it would be the Heavy's class. At least I would know what I was buying. Hell I was going to buy the DVD and work book, (50 bucks) but they talked me out of it. Go ahead, keep your secrets. APX 40 people have paid for it, write a book that teaches some of it, could get you more sales.
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Re: Craps Confession

Post by Raider » Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:08 pm

IndieFilmGuy wrote:I know a few people that have either purchased or had access to "the strategy" or "the method". The art of the method is in the discipline required to use it and adhere to the rules. Often is the case of a breakdown in discipline that is the downfall of any structured play.

As for the whole "non-disclosure" thing. It is totally unenforceable and any court case would dismiss any action brought by the proprietors. However, if the intent of the payment of monies is to join 'The club', and that might be actually what is going on here, then you know it is like Fight club where rules are:
1. You don't talk about fight club;
2. See rule #1

As for Structured play goes, it is a very sound means to work a game. A structure game can be as simple or complex as you want to make it. Many say that dice tracking is useless, that it is all random, however given the structure of the dice and probabilities, the roll of the dice is not as random as they think - Computer generated dice rolls are more random than actual casino rolls.

Structured play often involved triggers to start your betting and triggers to end your betting, or to regress your bets. Typically only betting on the lowest house edge bets are allowed and typically a conservative pressing schedule is involved.

A bunch of good structured play is outline in the book The Dice Doctor by Sam Grafstein. You don't need to sign a ND either :) to read this.

which is something that can not be taught or sold, it must be learned. So why bother with “The Strategy” , it you know you have an issue with that part of the game, discipline. That is the weakness of “The Strategy” , IMO
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Re: Craps Confession

Post by London Shooter » Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:41 am

If a book was written, would that not piss off your current customer base massively?

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Re: Craps Confession

Post by Raider » Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:38 pm

obie1 wrote:Raider:

Read the book "The Dice Doctor" by Sam Grafstein.

IMO It's a good book and often quote some of his tenets... .

On the other hand, I don't agree with everything he said.

FYI: Strategy players adhere to a strict "Discipline" (please excuse me for not putting "Discipline" in gigantic bold letters, I don't have an inferiority complex and don't feel the need to write "big" for people to listen to what I have to say..., don't get me wrong, I still need some serious improvement and I'm working on it)

As far as your "The Strategy" book recommendation..., Thanks for the suggestion..., will give it serious consideration.

OBTW..., nice job "Brown Nosing".

obie1 your right, the big letters were a mistake, that's what i get for writing before I have had two cups of coffee. I' sorry.
I have read the dice doctors book, been doing a lot of reading the past few months, getting back into this game. If it wasn't for Heavy's stamp of approval, I would not have written a word on the subject. I only know him from the net, but like MP. through their writings they have my respect. You might not believe this, but so do you. If you didn't, I wouldn't waste my words. You got something between your ears that I know I can learn from, that might help me win the battle between my ears. Without that, all the rest is useless.

I wonder how many people buy books on craps. vs the 2k or so of us that get on these boards. let me know if you do, I would enjoy having a signed copy.

bold would have been better, LOL. Just bait the hook, don't give it all away.
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Re: Craps Confession

Post by kumar » Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:07 am

A book written would have limited value;changing the culture and approach to the game comes thru practice and discipline that is developed thru skype sessions.

My advice to players considering Strategy is go play with Lou,duplicate his bets on a scaled basis,then decide if it is for you.

Most strategy players do not like to post their results because its a private matter.However after every casino trip I report to other Strategy players what worked,what did not and the many mistakes I made.


Re: Craps Confession

Post by Pressit » Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:00 pm

Aside from "The Dice Doctor" by Sam Grafstein, old Sam also wrote "CRAPS...TO PLAY LIKE A PRO LEARN FROM A PRO". Both books cover much OF the same material, although "Dice Doctor" covers more but too the font is larger whereas "CRAPS" is maybe an 8 font. With that being said there is another book,"THE CRAPSMEN: THE EXPERT NEWSLETTER ON CRAPS" has a number of Sam's betting systems plus his opinions, and systems and opinions from other respected crap player back in the day. Both of Sam's books are cheap $10 or less, the CRAPSMEN can't remember what I paid for it back in the mid 90's but it wasn't cheap...maybe $60?


Re: Craps Confession

Post by luxlogs » Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:58 pm

Like I said, Class Act all the way.

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