Cheating seen on the table

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Cheating seen on the table

Post by acpa » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:49 pm

The thread about How to handle heat and your hand going in front of the stick reminds me of the only time I have seen real cheating at the table.

This was at Tunica and happened when Harrahs opened a new casino. It was opening day and all the craps tables were open and fairly full. I knew the pit people from other Tunica casino, but didn't know the crew at my end of the table.

I was out of position and not throwing but was in the hook almost straight out. Guy next to me was betting the field some. Dice went to him and he had a minimum bet on the past line and proceeded to throw and he reached out over Katherine layout.

I can remember thinking he was not betting the field on him self. However when a field bet showed up there were two greens in the field and he collected. I then paid attention and twice saw him keep his hand over the field until the dice stopped and if it was a field number drop 2 greens from under his hand.

As soon as he finished rolling he left.

I tried to find someone I knew and have them review the tape but it took me a few minutes and the guy was long gone.

Should I have done more/less? The $150 I saw him steal wasn't a significant amount.


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Re: Cheating seen on the table

Post by heavy » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:14 am

Casino security is not in my job description. Okay, it is if some rail bird is stealing another player's chips (especially if they're mine) but I tend to butt out when it comes to past posters. Odds are the house already has it spotted. If not - well, you don't want some Bozo waiting for you in the parking lot if he thinks you ID'd him.

I've told this story a lot of times through the years but we have some new folks on the board that probably haven't heard it before so I'll repeat it.

Years ago - way back before Katrina wiped out Biloxi/Gulfport - I was playing an early morning session at the Grand in Gulfport. There were two tables open. There were three or four players on the table I was on. There was one player on the other table. Suddenly the floor man circled the table and grabbed the player. Several security people jumped in and quickly handcuffed the guy. Then the Gulfport cops showed up and carted him away. As they were dragging the guy out the floor man came over to our table - laughing his ass off. When we asked what happened he told us the guy had pulled a dice switch on them. But the stickman had sent red dice out and the dice he switched into the game were green. The perils of being a dice cheat and being color blind, I suppose.
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Re: Cheating seen on the table

Post by Riggs » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:20 am



Re: Cheating seen on the table

Post by batipoker9 » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:53 am

Seriously? Green for red dice? That's incredible. The player must have known that the dealers and box were on to him as soon as they were switched. The dealers must have all looked at each other or something. He should have ran right then and there.

I'm pretty sure that if I saw somebody trying to cheat the casino, I wouldn't say anything. Like you said Heavy, he might be waiting for me in the parking lot.

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Re: Cheating seen on the table

Post by heavy » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:17 pm

I'll tell you - that dice switch really cracked the floor man up. He was laughing his butt off.

Now, if you want to know the truth about cheating at craps - here it is. You are MUCH more likely to fall victim to a rail bird (chip thief) than the house is to be cheated by a player. Let's say you have the dice and you are at stick left. You toss the dice and all of your focus is on the results. Meanwhile the player to your left is reaching in your rack and stealing a green chip. Or a black one. Or even a red one if that's all you have. That's why you should arrange your chips in your rack with $1 cheques "bookending" the rest of your chips. $1 chips - $5 chips - $25 chips - $100 chips - $25 chips - $5 chips - $1 chips. By the way - giving credit where credit is due - this is one of the few tricks I learned reading Scoblete's books. Seriously - one of the damn few things I learned. I've often wondered who he got the idea from.
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Re: Cheating seen on the table

Post by $5Bill » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:27 pm

This was the one and only time I caught a rail thief. A while back I was playing at SR3. This other guy that I knew was at straight out and he had to go to the bathroom. So he put 1 white chip in the rack to hold his spot. As soon as he was gone, this other guy moved right in his spot and without hesitation quickly slipped this guys white chip in his pocket. I caught it out of the corner of my eye and called him on it. "Hey, put that back," I yelled at him. All the dealers and box man were busy at that moment so I wasn't able to report it until a few minutes later. By this time the rail thief had put the chip back and then ran off.

After seeing that and from that moment on, I always take my chips with me and leave my players card in the rail. If I have to many chips, I'll have the box man cover my chips with a plastic cover.


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Re: Cheating seen on the table

Post by heavy » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:51 pm

I have a laminated card I put together to leave in the rail. It says: Gone to take a PISS. Keep your hands OFF my chips, my drinks and my woman. The "Piss" and "Off" are in someething like 72 point font and bright red, so from a distance that's all you can read. Every time I use it with a new crew on the table it ends up getting passed around for everyone to see. I suppose I should have the printer make up a thousand of them and laminate them. Be a fun promotionl item for folks attending the seminars, etc.
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- Heavy


Re: Cheating seen on the table

Post by batipoker9 » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:56 pm

Heavy wrote:That's why you should arrange your chips in your rack with $1 cheques "bookending" the rest of your chips. $1 chips - $5 chips - $25 chips - $100 chips - $25 chips - $5 chips - $1 chips. By the way - giving credit where credit is due - this is one of the few tricks I learned reading Scoblete's books. Seriously - one of the damn few things I learned. I've often wondered who he got the idea from.
I guess Scoblete must have stolen this idea from the casino, since this is how all of the bankrolls seem to be setup.

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Re: Cheating seen on the table

Post by heavy » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:02 pm

One thing for sure - when it comes to this game there are no original ideas. It's all been written about somewhere - by someone. We just keep reinventing it.
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Re: Cheating seen on the table

Post by SHOOTITALL » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:53 pm

I was playing in Marksville, La many moons ago and the table had 6-7 players. The player next to me put two greenies on the line, and lost. As soon as they were swept up, he put two greenies on the don't. I picked up my chips and went to another table. Do not even want to be in the same building with a cheat.
On the Red/Green dice, again Winkless wrote on that years ago, except the house did it and he said none of the players noticed. Think he said it was a sawdust joint that sweated the money. sia
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.


Re: Cheating seen on the table

Post by VegasDiceController » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:04 am

I had a rail thief take $500 in Black at Gold Nugget about 8 years ago...

was reaching in Come to get my winning 10 bet and when i reached in to grab chips i i turn went to put them in the back rack with others but presto, they were gone...and so was Houdini who took them... I played that day at Gold Nugg bc I thought it was a safer place to play opposed to 4Q or Binions...

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