Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

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Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by dicey » Mon May 16, 2016 2:01 pm

A few weeks ago in Vegas I was thrilled to find the All Tall Small bet at Harrahs on the strip. I hear more Caesar properties are doing this.

Has anyone been to Harrahs Metropolis to see if they are switching as well (previously had fire bet)?

Or have you been to any individual Harrahs that may have switched over to ATS?

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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by London Shooter » Mon May 16, 2016 2:43 pm

I know Harrahs in Biloxi has gone from fire to ATS.

I like the ATS. Perhaps too much......... :) Whereas, I would rarely if ever play the firebet


Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by dicey » Mon May 16, 2016 3:27 pm

London Shooter wrote:I know Harrahs in Biloxi has gone from fire to ATS.

I like the ATS. Perhaps too much......... :) Whereas, I would rarely if ever play the firebet
My sentiments exactly!

I was betting 1-3-1 on the ATS at Tropicana Evansville last November. Finally hit the ALL thanks to another shooter.

So in Vegas I was 1 number away from hitting it myself (yo) at Golden Nugget and again a few days later at NYNY (needed Ace-Deuce).

Harrahs Biloxi switching gives me great hope that they all are switching. I don't mind the fire bet but ATS is soooo much better and achievable.

I've been staying clear of Harrahs Met because they had firebet and not ATS, even though I love it there being non smoking. Tropicana almost killed me in November with that smoke mostly because I already had a bad cough. I don't care about the smoke but I sure don't prefer it.

Anyway, thanks London Shooter!


Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by luxlogs » Mon May 16, 2016 6:49 pm

ATS slows the game down to a crawl. I wish they would do away with all these Carny Bets.

Baseman 1

Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by Baseman 1 » Mon May 16, 2016 8:28 pm

I was at Metropolis 6 - 8 weeks ago . Still had the fire bet. I don't like playing there. Tables have thick foam under a very slick lay out. I'm also a fan of the ats. I think you win more often with it versus the fire bet.

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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by flextimeLV » Mon May 16, 2016 8:32 pm

At the HARRAHMET two weeks ago and it was fire bet. At Horseshoe Southern Indiana this past weekend and also fire bet.

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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by flextimeLV » Mon May 16, 2016 8:32 pm

At the HARRAHMET two weeks ago and it was fire bet. At Horseshoe Southern Indiana this past weekend and also fire bet.

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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by tonybugs » Mon May 16, 2016 9:22 pm

Harrahs Atlantic City has both. So it cost me $20 plus a passline bet to throw dice!



Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by luxlogs » Mon May 16, 2016 11:52 pm

tonybugs wrote:Harrahs Atlantic City has both. So it cost me $20 plus a passline bet to throw dice!

Like I said, Carny Bets! Just ask John Scarne, Oh Sorry I think he's dead.


Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by mssthis1 » Tue May 17, 2016 7:21 am

Here's an experiment for you to try. The next time you're playing, instead of making the fire bet or ATS on random shooters put that money in a separate spot in your chip rails. When the dice come to you, you'll use those extra $ to bet on your favorite number. If you typically bet 1/1/1 on the ATS on a full table you'll have around $30.00 more to bet on yourself with no increase in bankroll requirements.

If you put that money on say the six and it hits, you could even take it down like an ATS bet. The only difference is you now have $65.00 instead of the $35.00 for hitting the tall or small.

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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by heavy » Tue May 17, 2016 8:10 am

Good thinkkmg. And I agree with lux logs on all carnival game side bets at craps. They just kill all momentum in the game and slow it to a snails pace. I'd like to see them all done away with.
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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by 220Inside » Tue May 17, 2016 8:11 am

I never bet ATS or fire on other shooters unless I know them.


Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by dicey » Tue May 17, 2016 10:11 am

I feel the hop bets, hi - like, world bets, and hard ways slow the game the most since they are there for every single roll. The fire and ATS, while most certainly are carny and sucker bets, I dont have a problem with since they may take only an extra 10-15 seconds to put out there, on the come out, and then done. Now paying them out yes that takes much longer but that's only when it's the 'All', really.

I saw several tables at different locales in Vegas where no one was even playing any of the ATS. this always gives me pause because I like seeing which numbers have been hit. With the stickman keeping track as the bets are hit it's nice to have a 'record' of what was hit and how that shooter is doing.

I like the idea of setting those bets to the side. I've recently cut back on what I bet on the ATS. In fact I've hit the small and tall a handful of times so I invest it all on the All when I shoot now. For other players I might put a $1 on the all unless I know them to be a good shooter. Since I only get to shoot and play craps live maybe once a year if lucky, I'm all in (sort of). Last November I did not bet on the shooter *before* the shooter that hit the all. Had I repeated that I would have been SICK to my stomach.

Thanks for the reports on Harrahs met and the others. Sounds like it's still firebet for now :(

Mssthis1 are we able to take down ATS bets? It higher once they were set they're locked in?


Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by mssthis1 » Tue May 17, 2016 12:17 pm

dicey wrote:
Mssthis1 are we able to take down ATS bets? It higher once they were set they're locked in?
I don't know the answer to that one. I haven't seen anyone attempt to take an ATS bet down and the times that I break my own rules and make an ATS bet, I always leave it there to the bitter end.

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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by 220Inside » Tue May 17, 2016 4:10 pm

I believe any ATS bets need to stay up and they cannot be pressed or regressed once they're made.

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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps:)

Post by London Shooter » Tue May 17, 2016 4:37 pm

There is a good table somewhere that calculates the %age chance of you winning the bet depending on which numbers have already hit which is worth a read for those who like odds and percentage type analysis.

I like it as a cheap way to stay in the game for some promise of a big odds payout, but here we can play it without even having a passline bet up which can be uncommon in the States.

Anecdotally it has provided me with one of my largest single session wins when it hit 9 times in the course of about 5 hours at the table (7 times I was on) - and that was either small or tall - the all never hit.

Equally I have played the same length of session probably more than once and never seen it hit at all in 5 hours. Then again, I can play in vegas and go 5 days without seeing the Firebet hit.

It's a sucker bet long term for sure, but sucks less than many bets on the layout. I'm Sticking with it for my main guilty pleasure at the table :)

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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by Cap-n_Lou » Tue May 17, 2016 6:21 pm

Last time I was in Vegas the dice got passed to an obnoxious and very intoxicated woman. I figured I'd sit that one out and hoped it would be over soon. She rolled em all and won $175 but only hit the 5,6,8, and 9 a total of 5 times. Miserable roll. But man was I bummed I didn't bet the make-em-all!

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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by Riggs » Wed May 18, 2016 11:09 am

Harrah's Reno has the ATS now.


Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by mssthis1 » Wed May 18, 2016 11:56 am

Riggs wrote:Harrah's Reno has the ATS now.
If the day shift pit critter who looks to be 120 or so years old is still working there short roll the dice a couple times just for me.

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Re: Caesar's Properties (Metropolis???) Switching to All Tall Small Bonus Craps

Post by Riggs » Wed May 18, 2016 12:28 pm

LOL. We went over one night last week and tried to get in - one game open that was totally jammed. So couldn't play.

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