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Quick in and out last night!

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:11 am
by DanF
Get in, looking to see the end of hockey game with a beer as casino is 5 mins away from work.

Come into the game after drinking it up. Don't really know how the game behave so I don't wanna invest much in it. Throw the stickman a 5$, 2$ hard 6 and 3$ hard 4.

Comes hard 6 on first throw. Parlay to 20.
Come for 10 that moves to nine with 16 odds. And come again,
Hard 6 back up, pocket 180, hard 4 parlay, easy excited by the hard I forgot to put odds on my come bet lol pocket 10$, nine comes out pocket the whole thing, down on hard four, put 6-8 min place and seven out. Leave 225$ up in 10 mins from a 200$ buyin, 30$ at risk for the most. G'nite!

Re: Quick in and out last night!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:58 pm
by heavy
What the hell. I'll take luck over skill anytime I can make a couple of hundred bucks in ten minutes. Thanks for posting!

Re: Quick in and out last night!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:45 pm
by heavy
I'm surprised your wife even notices.

ba-da-boom . . .

Re: Quick in and out last night!

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:13 am
by DanF
Always great to get a good win fast and not stick for hours!

(Was lucky but I knew the guy who was shooting very well lol)