When to jump in . . .
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:25 pm
Those of you who have attended one of the seminars or spent much time on one of my forums through the years no doubt recall one of my pet phrases - "Don't jump into the water with both feet." If you ever happen to be standing near the craps pit in Atlantic City when about a dozen of those tour buses arrive you know exactly what I mean. Suddenly forty or fifty players make a jail break run for the nearest table, crowding around and throwing their buy-ins on the layout regardless of whether the dice are out or not - calling all sorts of working action in the process - without giving any thought whatsoever of what the history of the table - or the shooter is. I know, some of you think charting is just a notch above dice voodoo. All I can tell you is that charting tables has saved me a lot of money though the years.
A lot of players take different approaches to protecting themselves from a cold (or hot if you are a don't player) table. One of the most common strategies is a follow the trend play. However, instead of betting the same as the last decision and risking a chance of getting whip-sawed, a lot of players like to bet the decision BEFORE the last decision. Let's say the last 12 decisions have looked like this:
P - D - P - P - D - D - D - P - D - P - P
Our "bet the same as the decision before last" player would watch the first to hands, then bet Pass Line on the third hand. And, he'd win. Now what you do from this point is up to you, but my choice is to continue to bet the CURRENT trend until I lose. Then I'd go back to the decision before the last decision for my next bet. So in the above example I would have two Pass decisions in a row. Then I would lose on the next decision because it went to the Don'ts. That would complete my first series. I would watch the next decision (the second D) then bet the decision before last - also a D. And I'd win that bet. I would continue to bet D, and lose the next bet. Then I'd watch the next decision before placing my next bet. I always want to be following the trend - not ducking the trend.
As long as we're (sort of) on the topic of charting - let me give you guys a very basic refresher on some things to look for. First off, before putting any major action in play (I don't care if you make small Pass or Don't Pass bets while charting, but refrain from doing much more than 2X odds until you get a read on what's happening) I want you to record a minimum of twelve rolls. I'll just make some numbers up here:
7 - 11 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 7 - 5 - 9 - 12 - 7 - 8 - 5
Okay, what the hell does that tell me? Well, it's sort of a mixed bag. In twelve tosses we've had three passes made. That sounds good. But the passes have all been on naturals. There have been no points set and made. However, the table is showing one clear dominant number - the five. What else? Well, the shooter tossed a couple of horn numbers. And one of them, the twelve, was a precursor to the seven. Guys, if you've hung around me much through the years then by now this should not be a surprise to you. Horn numbers are frequently precursors of the seven. Don't think so? Watch for it when we're in Biloxi next month. Do we have enough information to know whether or not we want to put any action on the table yet? Well, again it is a mixed bag. But I think there's something for just about everyone in there.
Now - it's your turn. I'd like some of you to jump in and tell me how you'd bet the next dozen or so tosses based on the numbers you see above. Once a few of you have chimed in I'll give you my thoughts.
A lot of players take different approaches to protecting themselves from a cold (or hot if you are a don't player) table. One of the most common strategies is a follow the trend play. However, instead of betting the same as the last decision and risking a chance of getting whip-sawed, a lot of players like to bet the decision BEFORE the last decision. Let's say the last 12 decisions have looked like this:
P - D - P - P - D - D - D - P - D - P - P
Our "bet the same as the decision before last" player would watch the first to hands, then bet Pass Line on the third hand. And, he'd win. Now what you do from this point is up to you, but my choice is to continue to bet the CURRENT trend until I lose. Then I'd go back to the decision before the last decision for my next bet. So in the above example I would have two Pass decisions in a row. Then I would lose on the next decision because it went to the Don'ts. That would complete my first series. I would watch the next decision (the second D) then bet the decision before last - also a D. And I'd win that bet. I would continue to bet D, and lose the next bet. Then I'd watch the next decision before placing my next bet. I always want to be following the trend - not ducking the trend.
As long as we're (sort of) on the topic of charting - let me give you guys a very basic refresher on some things to look for. First off, before putting any major action in play (I don't care if you make small Pass or Don't Pass bets while charting, but refrain from doing much more than 2X odds until you get a read on what's happening) I want you to record a minimum of twelve rolls. I'll just make some numbers up here:
7 - 11 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 7 - 5 - 9 - 12 - 7 - 8 - 5
Okay, what the hell does that tell me? Well, it's sort of a mixed bag. In twelve tosses we've had three passes made. That sounds good. But the passes have all been on naturals. There have been no points set and made. However, the table is showing one clear dominant number - the five. What else? Well, the shooter tossed a couple of horn numbers. And one of them, the twelve, was a precursor to the seven. Guys, if you've hung around me much through the years then by now this should not be a surprise to you. Horn numbers are frequently precursors of the seven. Don't think so? Watch for it when we're in Biloxi next month. Do we have enough information to know whether or not we want to put any action on the table yet? Well, again it is a mixed bag. But I think there's something for just about everyone in there.
Now - it's your turn. I'd like some of you to jump in and tell me how you'd bet the next dozen or so tosses based on the numbers you see above. Once a few of you have chimed in I'll give you my thoughts.