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44 Inside pressing the 6 and 8

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:52 pm
by $5Bill
Here is a play that I tried on Americrap's table a couple of weeks ago. It worked out great using my V-2 set. I came out a about ahead +$250 after 2 and a half hours of practice.

Start with $44 inside

Take 3 hits on any number so your bets are paid for ($42). Then on the 4th hit press the 6 or 8, $6 and rack the rest of it. For example, If the 5 hits press up the 6, $6. If the 9 hits press up the 8, $6.

If the 6 or 8 hit, then press up that number that hit $6 and rack the rest. In other words, once your inside bets are paid for you are always pressing up the 6 or the 8, $6 and racking the rest of your win . Keep doing this until the seven comes.
