FB Makes My Head Hurt!

The forum name says it all. You're new to the game of craps and don't have a clue where to begin. Pass Line. Don't Pass. Come. Don't Come. Hardways. Big Six. Big Eight. The Horn. Good Grief! Sounds like back when you were trying to make a decision about what to do in the back seat on that first car date. Well never fear! There are a few folks around here who have spent enough time at the tables to be able to answer just about any question you may have. So step right up and get a clue!

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Big O
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FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by Big O » Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:28 pm

I wasnt sure where to put this post but since it had the words "dont have a clue" in the heading i thought it was appropriate.

I want to say first off i dont consider myself and expert in any category of the different facets of the game of craps. I have gained an immense amount of knowledge from this forum and its members and from playing along side of many of you for 4 years now. It was just luck that this forum is where i first started to get information on the game. Then meeting Heavy by coincidence just a few months after i started my journey into the game of craps. I think these two things gave me kind of a sheltered learning experience. Which i am thankful for. This forum and its members is the only place i got information about the game for a long time.

Recently, as Heavy and Howard got Facebook pages and some buddies introduced me to some craps page groups i have encountered some people and ideas towards craps that MAKE MY HEAD HURT! Hopefully none of my early questions made Heavy, Irish, and others here that have been playing the game for years heads hurt. If i did yall were nice about it.

I'll just give one example. I could list dozens. There was a guy that continually called his dice set the Hardway set. It was not the hardway set. After several weeks people tried to explain to no avail. Finally one day i went into a lengthy explanation and even referred the guy to HEavys page and charts that detailed the different sets. I tried to do it nicely and explain that he could call his set whatever he wished but if he wanted people to understand what he was talking about he should use the correct terminology. He just went on to explain why he thought it should be called a hardway set. To this day he calls it a hardway set but sometimes he goes to the trouble of saying most people dont call this a hardway set but i do when he is talking about casino trips.

I realize everyone has to start and learn somewhere, but some of the things on FB are truly exasperating.
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Re: FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by 220Inside » Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:48 pm

I take the FB groups with a grain of salt. It truly is a world without filters and the complete gamut of people. I try to tread lightly. I completely understand the reasons the Heavy and Howard have a presence there and I'm really glad that it does seem to have the desired effect for them. They're both really generous with offering sage advice and wisdom of the game for free in the hopes that their openness will draw more paying customers through their doors. I'm also happy to lend the occasional comment in an attempt to be helpful and help further their causes, but the FB groups largely fall into the entertainment category for me. I tried dipping my toes into the water a little deeper and quickly realized that there are a lot of people out there who just don't want to be helped so I've back off a fair amount in that regard. I save most of my serious posting about craps for these boards which are a lot more of a known quantity (and quality) of a community of people who really want to learn the game and help others along the way.

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Re: FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by Bankerdude80 » Tue Apr 16, 2019 7:12 am

I agree. There are people who live in FB and other forms of social media. It's an extension of who they are. Post the wrong question or comment and you destroy their "world". I've only scratched the surface of FB and social media and I really don't want to go any further. Who has the time to devote to all these incessant posts? It makes my head spin. It serves its purpose, but c'mon people there's a real world out there that deserves to be explored. Back away from the keyboard!
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Re: FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by r_ventura_23 » Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:13 am

I flat out refuse to ever join Facebook!

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Re: FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by heavy » Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:30 am

Yeah, the guy this week who came up with a great mutant V-3 set to avoid double pitching into the seven. Rolling one die off axis to begin with and setting the dice with sixes and eights showing all the way around. Congratulations, dumb ass. That's Irishsetter's mutant V-2 set. Nice set, but not in the V-3 family. It's kind of fun for me because it reminds me a lot of the "good old days" back in the late 90's and early 00's when we really WERE discovering some of this stuff for the first time and it was all new to everyone. You have to sort of back off a little bit and look at it through those eyes. None of us was born knowing all of this stuff. But you're right. It's funny.

Yesterday a guy posted about how to get a quick $20 dinner comp at bubble craps by making a $61 bet. So how did he get that "comp." He bet that money on the Iron Cross. $18 six and eight. $15 five and Field. Play a few hits until you're $20 ahead then cash it all out and take your $20 win to the buffet. Sigh. So first roll of the dice - seven out. Your buffet now costs you $61 plus whatever you pay for it. But hey, to THAT guy this was a play so brilliant he thought he had to share it with everyone in his group.

At the end of the day, though, it's hard for me to complain about the FaceBook group. Yeah, it's a different group of people. Then again - our Biloxi class was the largest class we've had in that market to date. We had players there from Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and all over the South and Southwest. Roughly a third of the students in that class came to us from Facebook. Add to that - most of the Facebook players who have attended the seminars or made a purchase from APC (DVD or dice) have ended up joining the forum here as well. So welcome aboard, guys and gals.

There are no (okay, damn few) stupid questions. Just stupid answers.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

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Re: FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by Moe Bettor » Tue Apr 16, 2019 12:34 pm

Have to laugh at the old iron cross "discovery" thing. The way people play it is stupid. First of all boyz and girlz you want a large return fast, right? So here's how to do it right. $170 covering the 5, 6, and 8. Got it? Good. Now a $25 chip on the field. A hit on the 5, 6, 0r 8 gives you a fast $70. Minus the $25..You just made a whopping $45 bucks!! But here's the real trick. Don't do it until the 5th roll. You certainly don't want to get hit with a PSO or a PPSO. Third roll is high on the 7s. 4th roll..a seven will show because it didn't show on the third roll. It was waiting. 5th roll is it. How many gambler's fallacys can you count here? The iron cross exists in the land of broken dreams. I know. I used to use it when I was learning many years ago.

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Re: FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by London Shooter » Tue Apr 16, 2019 1:43 pm

It may well change, but at the moment H's FB is flying. I'll probably get fed up or back of like 22i says given time, but I tell you what, i's got a lot more activity going on with relation to craps right now than this site has. I'm talking quantity, not necessarily quality. As for otherFB groups and craps websites - I simply don't touch them.

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Re: FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by 220Inside » Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:02 pm

I'll take the quality here over the quantity any time. I read every one of Heavy's posts on his board and toss them a like (which we all should do for the FB bean counters and algorithms) but then scan over the rest and occasionally jump in if I have something (hopefully) constructive to add.

The other big issue I have with the FB groups is that they're very much in the moment and it's difficult, if not impossible, to go back and dig up specific pearls of wisdom. The boards here on the other hand are organized and easy to navigate around.

But, again, the boards are serving their purpose for Heavy and that's to draw more customers to his classes, merchandise and the boards here. And I'm very happy about that, as it benefits us all to a large degree as well.

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Re: FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by wild child » Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:55 pm

Could we say that F B and to some degree Twitter
are this Century's


of a past century's fads .......

.c b radio .....
cyber-land chat-rooms ?

At some date .....future........... some new THING may pop up
replace the by then.......... antiquated stuff ......

The take away is ...........

it is all essentially social momentum / human dynamics
the occasional change ...turns to ......the GENERAL GOOD

especially if larger numbers of casino patrons migrate away from the machines
active numbers of players swell to such size .... that casinos move the furniture around

opening a greater number of the TABLE GAME(s)

we so much enjoy.........

contributing to A LARGER TABLE GAME Community

just me saying

w c

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Re: FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by olddogcrapper » Tue Apr 16, 2019 6:52 pm

Big O wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:28 pm I wasnt sure where to put this post but since it had the words "dont have a clue" in the heading i thought it was appropriate.

I want to say first off i dont consider myself and expert in any category of the different facets of the game of craps. I have gained an immense amount of knowledge from this forum and its members and from playing along side of many of you for 4 years now. It was just luck that this forum is where i first started to get information on the game. Then meeting Heavy by coincidence just a few months after i started my journey into the game of craps. I think these two things gave me kind of a sheltered learning experience. Which i am thankful for. This forum and its members is the only place i got information about the game for a long time.

Recently, as Heavy and Howard got Facebook pages and some buddies introduced me to some craps page groups i have encountered some people and ideas towards craps that MAKE MY HEAD HURT! Hopefully none of my early questions made Heavy, Irish, and others here that have been playing the game for years heads hurt. If i did yall were nice about it.

I'll just give one example. I could list dozens. There was a guy that continually called his dice set the Hardway set. It was not the hardway set. After several weeks people tried to explain to no avail. Finally one day i went into a lengthy explanation and even referred the guy to HEavys page and charts that detailed the different sets. I tried to do it nicely and explain that he could call his set whatever he wished but if he wanted people to understand what he was talking about he should use the correct terminology. He just went on to explain why he thought it should be called a hardway set. To this day he calls it a hardway set but sometimes he goes to the trouble of saying most people dont call this a hardway set but i do when he is talking about casino trips.

I realize everyone has to start and learn somewhere, but some of the things on FB are truly exasperating.
Maybe he called it "his" hardway set because he hits a lot of hardways with it? lol

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Re: FB Makes My Head Hurt!

Post by Big O » Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:59 am

I completely understand the reasons the Heavy and Howard have a presence there and I'm really glad that it does seem to have the desired effect for them.
I agree, i probably should have a larger social media presence for my business as well. Especially when i see how successful it has been for Heavy, Howard and other friends that have had tremendous response to their pages.
It may well change, but at the moment H's FB is flying.
yes, there is a tremendous thirst for the knowledge that Heavy has generously put out there for free.
But, again, the boards are serving their purpose for Heavy and that's to draw more customers to his classes, merchandise and the boards here. And I'm very happy about that, as it benefits us all to a large degree as well.
Absolutely, the more knowledgeable craps players out there the better for all of us all the way around.
None of us was born knowing all of this stuff.
There are no (okay, damn few) stupid questions.
Yes, we are all born ignorant, staying that way is usually a choice.
Maybe he called it "his" hardway set because he hits a lot of hardways with it? lol
He said it was harder to throw a 7 with his set thus a Hardway set.

its not so bad, hold your nose and dive in, Ha. But like 22 said i am careful where and how i comment. If you have ever tossed a bucket of water on a roaring campfire the steam and embers can come flying back with force so be warned.
"if it was easy anyone could do it"

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