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Come-Out Hedge

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:32 pm
by joe57777
If I were to hedge my DP bet and I wanted to lay box numbers all the way across to protect against Mr Evil (7) would I be better off laying them all 4($12) 5($12) 6($12) 8($12) 9($12) 10($12) this way if the 7 hits I would win $42 ($48-$6 in vig fees) minus $2 for my Yo 11 for a final profit of $40. Or should I not include the 6 or the 8 in my lay bets which would look like this 4($12) 5($12) 9($12) 10($12) so a 7 rolled would return $24 ($28-4 in vig fees) minus $2 Yo 11 for a final profit of $22. If the 11 hits I would win $30 with my $2 Yo 11 but lose my DP bet. Either way if one of those lay numbers hit I would still get my DP safely placed but lose $12 plus my $2 Yo 11 for a $14 loss. Is this bet worth the loss to get a chance at a small win depending on the amount of my DP bet? Also is there a hedge I can do to "soften the blow" while trying to get my DP safely in place?

Re: Come-Out Hedge

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:44 am
by Golfer
Most places require $20 lay on the 4 and 10. At lower levels the vig is a larger % of the win and that hurts too.

Play naked DP until the table tells you you need to hedge by showing a lot of 11's or 7's. If that happens at that table at that time, either hedge accordingly or walk.

Hedge when needed.

Good Luck

Re: Come-Out Hedge

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:14 pm
by joe57777
Thanks Golfer I like that strategy. My head is SPINNING with all of these hedge ideas and theories. I think I am just going to go for it on the come-out. Maybe I may wait till I see a come-out 7 before I put down my $30 DP bet..... I did run across this post that I want to see if it gives anyone an idea for another come-out hedge strategy. I know I am just about done with the "come-out hedge" as I said here. But here below is one more idea from another player from another forum:

my question, I am a don't better and i realize that if i can get past the come out roll i now have the advantage over the casino, but there is the problem getting past that first roll. Here is what i want to try lets say i make a $25 dont pass bet, and i lay the 4 for $51 just in case a 7 rolls and ill get a hard 4 for $8 to cover part of the 4 just in case it comes 2-2 then i can hop the 3-1 for 4. once a point is established i can remove everything except that $4 hop bet that i lost so basically it cost me like $4 for insurance to get past that first roll, does this sound like it can work?

The thing he forgot to do is to add a $2 Yo in there. But I do not like this strategy the way it sits because he is already $4 down plus $2 Yo makes $6. If the shooter makes his point he loses $25 DP plus $6 from the come-out insurance totals -$31. This would not work for my place bet hedge after the come-out. Does anybody get any ideas from this?

Re: Come-Out Hedge

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:26 pm
by realtime

As in life, their ain't no such thing as a free lunch at the craps table............unless you earn/pay dearly for a comp! (as pointed out so correctly by golfer)

Re: Come-Out Hedge

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:58 pm
by Golfer
I have earned severla $100+ lunches and $200 dinners.


Re: Come-Out Hedge

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:49 pm
by joe57777
That's great Golfer. Very nice on the freebies! However, I am looking to get fat with money instead of with food! lol