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7 or 11 you win on a come out roll
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:00 pm
by amish dude
every alumni should o that! on a pass line wager after a point is made what happens if the shooter throws a 2,3 or 12?
Re: 7 or 11 you win on a come out roll
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:12 pm
by amish dude
it's part of nutzAd way to play 1 unit on the pass line make a point 4 make a 1 unit field bet use the straight 6 set and throw until the cows come home if dice are tumbling together/rotating together the only thing that will show up is 12,10,2,4 all field numbers if they are 1/2 turn off axis 4 ways to make a 7= 6-1,1-6 n 5-2,2-5 in order to make the 7 that way 1 die has to make a 1/2 turn more or less from the straight 6 axis