Keeping Score

Setting and influencing the dice roll is just part of the picture. To beat the dice you have to know how to bet the dice. Whether you call it a "system," a "strategy," or just a way to play - this is the place to discuss it.

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wild child
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Keeping Score

Post by wild child » Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:35 am

Keeping score helps in knowing performance in sports like bowling,baseball,beach volley ball and CRAPS..

Now as we know CRAPS PLAY is the WORLD MOST BEST SPORT ;)

Charting aka: "clocking" is a nifty way to track table and individual performance.

We have at times discussed "The fine art of charting" as applies to the art,science & skill of Dice Influencing. Also "some peoples children " chart to monitor SIGNATURE NUMBERS or PREDOMINATE NUMBERS showing on individual shooters performance and craps table numbers showing on a specific visit to the tables.........

This may have importance in selecting which NUMBERS TO BEST PLACE WAGER $$$ on a specific roll of the dice.

There are many methods and formats or forms employed for table charting/clocking........

A practical and uncomplicated way is to align chips in the rail to indicate numbers as rolled.


I may could afford to purchase a store bought craps chart form. Being into D I Y since infancy,my inclination is to work things out and get by with "home made" when possible.....

When I actively chart,I may be able to count on my fingers about all the rolls between SEVENS on many days. Even at that,by the time the dice pass around the table,I may dis-rember accurately my as well as other players performance........

Enter the use of graph paper or an index card lined off to mimic graph paper.

Across the top of a 5" X 8" card I can indicate ALL the table positions STRAIGHT OUR RIGHT, HOOK RIGHT,STICK RIGHT___STICK PERSON___ STICK LEFT,HOOK LEFT, STRAIGHT OUT LEFT

Gives me enough room to account for CRAPS TABLES of varying lengths .
I can TRACK VERTICALLY each shooter as to number of tosses and SPECIFIC NUMBERS TOSSED

On the reverse side of my handy dandy 5" X 8" index card :

I can draw a representation of the CRAPS PROBABILITY by number.*

* This information MAY come in HANDILY is SELECTING which SPECIFIC NUMBER upon I may desire to PLACE a $WAGER$ either FOR or AGAINST........ Iron clad ,warrantied /guarantied results :?: NOT ON YOUR TINTYPE........The HOWEVER FACTOR I have something better than GUESSING,WISHING,and WHATEVER.

Just Me Saying


Mad Professor

Re: Keeping Score

Post by Mad Professor » Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:33 pm

This post is being moved.
Last edited by Mad Professor on Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Keeping Score

Post by SHOOTITALL » Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:53 pm

MP: Maybe just me but I have never seen that chart before, where was it hiding? Really like it.
Your craps plan? The dice gods laughed.

Mad Professor

Re: Keeping Score

Post by Mad Professor » Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:09 pm

This post is being moved.
Last edited by Mad Professor on Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Keeping Score

Post by acpa » Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:35 pm

I'd like to see it.


wild child
Posts: 1524
Joined: Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:29 pm

Re: Keeping Score

Post by wild child » Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:02 pm

The M P

Your chart is a terrific adjunct to my earlier post.....

The one B O W C & I use did not spell it out that way and may be bettered by incorporating your chart.

If we establish a " schematic representation" of the Craps Table as we the PLAYERS see it
we could turn our 5" X 8" card so the 5inch is VERTICAL (TOP to BOTTOM )

STRAIGHT OUT (RIGHT 1,2,3 4), HOOK ( right) ,STICK (right) S-R 1,2,3,4,5, 6..REVERSE order for STICK LEFT
I LEAVE a space to represent the STICK POSITION then continue across to the left hand side of MY CARD and have a little room in the margins for clip notes.

We see and identify the table positions "differently" than do THE BOX & DEALERS

--- --- --- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- ------ ----- ---- ---
Most representations of the DICE NUMBER PROBABILITY CHART have it diagrammed LEFT TO RIGHT
indicating that in 36 rolls of the dice the PROBABILITY of the SEVEN SHOWING is 6 times in 36 rolls

THE SIX and EIGHT have a probability of showing 5 times each in 36 rolls of the dice

The 5 & NINE have a PROBABILITY of showing four times each in 36 rolls of the dice

The 4 & 10 have a probability of showing three times each in 36 ROLLS of THE DICE

The 3 & Yo have a probability of showing two each times in 36 rolls of the dice

The NUMBER 2 and NUMBER TWELVE have a probability of showing once each in 36 rolls of the dice

If you turn the FREQUENTLY DEMONSTRATED HORIZONTAL PROBABILITY CHART so the REPRESENTATION is VERTICAL ,you will have before you a PYRAMIDAL REPRESENTATION or a probability chart sort of kind-a shaped like a PYRAMID or TRIANGLE if you would prefer.

By indicating a MARK OF SOME SORT(like the #7 ) in it's slot and doing the same each or the other numbers able to show on any toss of two dice,we are able to represent the FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE of specific numbers.....

The value to the Advantage Player /Dice Influence r is to form a Visual Aid to better form a picture of the occurrence at the CRAPS TABLE for the short time we are there.

Shoot It All .... In those long ago years ,before I ever became curious about DICE TOSSING let alone DICE INFLUENCING ,I played mental gymnastics with these formulas..
( a carry over from my 43 year career as a Registered Respiratory Therapist) :roll:

About five years ago, Bride of Wild Child translated my "mental gymnastics" to hard copy form..
For us this is very effective... I even considered releasing it in my as yet unpublished MEMOIRS of Wil D. Child As Told By W. C . :roll:

Just Me Saying


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Re: Keeping Score

Post by WOLFBYTE » Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:25 pm


Nice chart.....TKS !

I have modified the START/STOP betting triggers of my..." 3 +Capping Gaming System " and I think

your 6/8 Place bettting chart hooked into M. Silverthorne's ' Neural Gaming Progression ' and using a 3x base-betting

progression for recovery of lost progression betting lines.... could OVERCOME the losses you posted that are likely

to occur after the 5th or 6th straight hit on your chart.


I would start by placing the 6 and 8 for +$24.00 each AFTER a pt. is made and stay at that betting level until a 7-out shows......

I would then wait until a point is made and bet +$48.00 each as place bets on the 6 and 8......

When the $ 48.00 place-betted 6's and 8's fall..............

I wait for another point to be made and, again, place-bet the 6 and 8 for +$96.00 each.......

When the +$96.00 bets fall to the seven..... I bet +$192.00 each, as the place bets, AFTER a pt. is made............

This is as deep into the progression as I would go.

Anytime a line is won regress one it .....regress two levels 2 out of the last 3

progression levels....regress two the starting base

place-betting progression level of + $24.00 each & bang it over and over until these bets get knocked-off by

the seven....then... up one level.

This scheme is loosely following the Neural's 194 page manual.

I will run the above through the 35,000 real, recorded, RR's from the GN and Four Queens

as found in Zumma's Craps System Testing Book.

It seems like this might work because by place-betting the 6 and 8 together... the bet has math legs ?

Thoughts ?

aka: W7


Re: Keeping Score

Post by slayyyyerfan » Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:37 pm

I think I missed something? Where did the chart go?

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Re: Keeping Score

Post by heavy » Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:54 pm

It appears that MP has moved that post - but did not post a link to it's new location. Perhaps we can convince him to update here.
"Get in, get up, and get gone."
- Heavy

Mad Professor

Re: Keeping Score

Post by Mad Professor » Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:53 pm

Hi SlayyyerFan,

In order not to hijack this thread, I moved that chart-related stuff over onto my N-S-R-T page. The first two of that seven-part series have been posted.



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